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Ch1 Why isnt negotiation straightforward?

Negotiation two parties with differences to resolve and try to
reach an agreement by exploring options and offers.
What is Negotiation?
1) Its a process, a sequence of activities. It isnt a single event ,
choices are made along the way (Ch4, 5)
2) Two parties are needed for negotiation. (Ch9 constituencies, Ch10cultural differences)
3) There are differences. Expect some conflict and competition (Ch6)
4) Must need to resolve differences. The need to settle differences
drives the power and negotiation. (Ch2)
2 ways to reach agreement
1) Can explore possibilities and develop options that might resolve
issue. (Ch7) Creative aspect of negotiation
2) More commonly, exchange offers around and between positions,
compromise and be competitive. (Ch8)
Agreement is only part of outcome, its how its implemented. Not just the
notion of achieving one.
Negotiations are
1) Mix of competitiveness and cooperation
2) About an issue
3) Involves choice. Manage balance between cooperation and
4) Issue-process action forms the basis for a practical skill tip for
5) Is two sided
6) Parties differences may not become clear until well into a
7) Entering into a negotiation with a good understanding of the process
will help reduce the messiness, but negotiation will never be entirely
8) Its messy
DNA of negotiation
DNA Helix two parties inextricably linked, with competitiveness but
cooperated to reach agreement
Twists negotiation isnt straightforward
Links between strands key elements that gives structure reciprocity,
trust, power, information exchange, ethics and outcome

Reciprocity matching other partys actions

Trust behavioural ethics, try to cooperate in negotiation (built through
Power consequences for not negotiating, alternatives
Information about possible solutions and walk away alternatives
Outcome reaching an agreement

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