Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide For Partners: April 2012

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April 2012

Profile Badging
Step-by-Step Guide for Partners

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
How to Create an Account .............................................. 2
Quick Overview of Account Steps ......................... 2
Steps to create an account ..................................... 2
How to Badge your Account to your Company ID ........... 5
How to Align your Training Profiles to Account ....... 7
How to Access/View your PearsonVue Profile ............................ 11
Quick Overview of Pearson Vue Account Steps ..................... 11
Detailed Pearson Vue Account Step-by-Step .......................... 12
FAQs ............................................................................................... 15
Useful Links ..................................................................................... 15

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Proper profile alignment is crucial to ensure access to all of the benefits Oracle
PartnerNetwork (OPN) has to offer.
Included in this guide are several steps that individuals must take to be properly badged to
access the right tools, information, and allow their company to leverage their employees
assessments/certifications to become specialized. Being specialized enables a company to be
recognized by Oracle and preferred by customers.
This guide provides the End to End process for a New Users to access Oracle systems. Some
users may have completed steps to create their account but need to complete the badging
process by aligning accounts or sync there profile to their Testing Profile.
Please choose the steps which are appropriate for your Account. If have need
additional assistance please contact your: Oracle Partner Business Center

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create an Account

The OPN Portal provides access to a great deal of information, tools and training options. To access the
OPN Portal, you must create your account and align or badge yourself to your company.
Once you are properly badged, you may access all of the tools and resources to which your company has
access based on their Knowledge Zone membership, level and specialization. By creating and aligning
your account properly, you will also receive important OPN communications that pertain to you.

Quick Overview of Account Steps

Go to the Oracle PartnerNetwork Portal at and click Join Now

Click on Get Portal Access under Additional Resources

Follow Step 1 to create an account or login at the top of the page if you already have
an account (please use your company email)

Follow Step 2 to badge to your Company ID (note the type of registration you require and make
sure you have your Company ID* ready to enter)
* If you dont know your Company ID, please contact your local Oracle Partner Business Center

Steps to create an account

Step 1: Access OPN at You do not have to be logged in.
If you already have an account go to How to Badge your Account to your
Company ID

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Step 2: Click the Join Now tab.

Step 3: Click the Get Portal Access link.

Important Note: If your Company

already has a Company ID, please
choose either OPN Portal Partner or
Get Portal Access from this screen.
Following Step 1 on this screen will
create a new account for your
company and will delay the process.

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Step 4: Click Step 1 link to create personal account or sign in.

Step 5: Complete the form for your personal account or sign in if you already have an

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

How to Badge your Account to your Company ID

Step 1: Choose one of the two Register links


Register for access to OPN content only provides access to any OPN content available to
your company this is what most users need.

Register for access to OPN content and the ability to register deals and/or enroll in programs for
your company (PRM access) allows access to OPN content and additional tools such as OMM
and PRM individuals will need to be approved by their PRM Administrator before access is

Step 2: Enter your User ID and click Next.

Your User ID should be your company email address

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Step 3: Enter your Company Identifier and Time Zone; click Next.
Note: If you do not know your Company ID, please contact your local Oracle Partner Business Center.

Step 4: Click Finish to complete your registration.

Step 5: Registration Confirmation: After you complete your registration, you will receive a Registration
Confirmation page. Click OK to return to Oracle Partner Network

End Your registration is complete.

Note: It may take up to 24 hours after badging to access secured OPN content and access to other Oracle

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

How to Align your Training Profiles to Account

To earn full recognition as an Oracle Certified Implementation Specialist for your company, you need to
align your training to your account.
Step 1: Go to OPN Competency Center:
Go Profile Sync Landing Pad:
Step 2: Sign with your Account Username and Password

Step 3: Click the link to Align your training profile

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Step 4: Complete the Verification Form with information from your Pearson Vue profile
a. Oracle Testing ID
b. Full Name (First & Last )
c. Email Address
d. City
e. Click Submit
Note: If you dont remember the information within your Pearson Vue profile, see the section How to
Access/View your Pearson Vue Profile

Step 5: Validation Notifications: After you have submitted the Verification Form, the system will
systematically and dynamically validate the data and display the results.
Successful Validation Notifications
There are two places where youll see that your account has been successful aligned:
the Profile Sync Landing page and the OPN Competency Center Home page.

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Unsuccessful Validation Notifications

Users are given three attempts to align their profile. With each unsuccessful attempt additional
information / hints are provided to assist with the validation process. After the third unsuccessful attempt,
the Profile Sync is locked and the users account is referred to Oracle Certification Customer Service for
manual mapping.

Here are samples of the 3 Unsuccessful Validation Notifications

First Invalid Notification Review hints and complete the Validation Form again and click Submit. If the
system is able to validate your information you will see the successful validation notifications described

Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

If your second validation attempt is unsuccessful youll receive the second invalid attempt notification.
Review the hints and complete the Validation Form again and click Submit. If the system is able to
validate your information you will see the successful validation notifications described above.

If your third validation attempt is unsuccessful your account will be locked from aligning your profile and
referred to Oracle Certification Customer Support for additional assistance. Additional resources are
available on the Oracle University Training pages at:


Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

How to Access/View your PearsonVue Profile

Your Pearson Vue profile
A. Locating your Oracle Testing ID
B. Update your Pearson Vue account profile with your Company ID

Quick Overview of Pearson Vue Account Steps

Go to
Select My Account
Sign In
Select Update Profile
Select Additional Information
Select Oracle Certification Program
Enter your current Company ID used during the badging process of your account


Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Detailed Pearson Vue Account Step-by-Step

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on My Account.

Step 3: Sign in.

Step 4: Select Update Profile.

Step 5: Select Additional Information.


Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Step 6: Select Oracle Certification Program.

Step 7: Select yes for member of the Oracle PartnerNetwork.


Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Step 8: Fill in the Company ID, Company Name and your Corporate Email Address (same as the one on
the profile.

Step 9: Save Profile.


Profile Badging Step-by-Step Guide

Q: Why can I not log in to the OPN Competency Center?
A: Your account may not be set up properly with your Company ID. Follow the steps on How
to Badge Your Account to Your Company.
Q: Why can I not see my certification information in the OPN Competency Center?
A: Your account may not be set up properly and is therefore not pulling over your Pearson Vue testing
information. Please validate your Pearson Vue account has the Company ID and email address
A: Any other answers?

Useful Links
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) Portal
Oracle Partner Business Center
OPN Competency Center
Pearson Vue Website
Specialization Guide
OPN Specialized Brochure
Specialization Tracker Tool (only accessible if you have PRM Administrator responsibility)
Training Manager Tool (only accessible if you have PRM Administrator responsibility)


Diamond Step by Step Guide

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the

August 2011

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