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I would like share one of the ways to write literature review which was taught by my supervisor.
I had followed her foot steps and my external examiner commented that my thesis is very
comprehensive and can be expanded to PhD.

1. Arrange your write up according to years. Example ( XXXX, 2011),

(XXX, 2012),(XXX, 2013) and (XXX, 2014)
2. Introduce them XXXX (2011) conducted a study on XXXX(2012)
on..maintain the parallelism
3. Then, each study discuss and synthesis.
4. Basically, I concise the topic of the study, talk about the aim / objective
of the study, participants, research designs ( method, sampling,
instruments and so on), findings and suggestions from the study. (Each
study, about 150-180 words)
5. Then, all the suggestions and findings of the studies, will compile and
you could see the gap.
6. At the end of the paragraph , I will conclude, based on Example
( XXXX,2011), (XXX,2012),(XXX,2013) and (XXX,2014), there is no
attempt.(here is my gap)
As simple as thisDid you get me? If yes, please reply me..

Isai Amuthan.K

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