Onnagata Roles. Onnagata Roles Encompass Many Exaggerated Stereotypes

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Kabuki is a Japanese form of theatre; blending music, dance, and

outlandish costuming, Kabuki creates an original style of theatre that is

considered extremely extravagant or bizarre compared to modern American
drama. The term Kabuki means song, dance, and skill, and dates back
to the 17th century. Despite being created by a woman named Okuni, Kabuki
is exclusively an all-male art. Under the Japanese government of the
Tokugawa Shogunate, women were banned from performing due to their
sensuality and men were forced to take on female rolesreferred to as
onnagata roles. Onnagata roles encompass many exaggerated stereotypes
of women including a petite size and high falsetto voice. Onnagata became
extremely important in Kabuki and these actors were treated highly.
A distinct feature about Kubaki is its large stage with revolving
platforms and trapdoors. A hanamichi splits the audience, extending from
the stage to the back of the audience that allows for dramatic entrances and
exits. Stage left, or kamite, usually holds important characters while less
important characters are on stages right, or the shimote.
Kabuki can be split into two categories, and jidaimono and sewamono.
Jidaimono are plots based on important Japanese history. Sewamono plays
focus more on love, family, and relationships. In both styles, actors are able
to demonstrate their skills while entertaining the audience. The plays usually
contain a moral or religious idea. Music is important to the plot of a Kabuki
play as actors listen to music for their cues. Dancing is incorporated
wherever it can be, and the eccentric movements distinguish Kabuki from

other forms of traditional theatre. Along with the make-up, kesho, and
costumes, ranging from modern to elaborate, Kabuki is a theatrical spectacle
meant to entice the audience with pure skill and a lively atmosphere.

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