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Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Submitted to:

Md. Delwar Hossain Khan, Lecturer

Department of Business Administration
Institute of Science and Technology

Submitted by:

Group- Provati
BBA 7th semester

Group members:
Tanvir Ahmed (0630)
Mazharul Islam (0619)
Mahabubur Rahaman (0618)
Halima bin-te Jaman (0617)
Solaiman Hossain (0608)
Shahanur Islam (0604

7th March, 2010

Letter of transmittal

7th March, 2010

Md. Delwar Hossain Khan
Lecturer, Dept. of BBA
Institute of Science and Technology (IST)

Dear Sir,

We, the students of BBA, Institute of Science and Technology, members of Group-
Provati, were asked to submit an Assignment on Human Resource Planning. Here we
select a Company named “Provatiphone” and submit this Assignment thereon.

The information related to our Assignment was available. However, we tried our best to
collect the information and represent our Assignment as realistic as possible based on
the collected information.

Dear Sir, it is necessary to mention here that it was the second analytical task for us. So
there may be some mistakes. We hope that you will take them as our mistake of learning
efforts. And we also hope that you will encourage us to conduct such study in future that
will improve our efficiency in professional career.

Yours truly,

Tanvir Ahmed
On behalf of
The group members of Group-Provati
BBA, 7th Semester
Institute of Science and Technology (IST)

First of all, we are grateful to our almighty Allah for keeping us able to conduct this
Assignment and to submit this paper at last.

Then we would like to thank Md. Delwar Hossain Khan our honorable teacher of
“Human Resource Management”, for encouraging us to conduct such an extra
curriculum activity as an essential part of our academic study and also for helping us by
providing necessary materials supportive to conduct the study.
Executive Summary
Being the largest cellular phone company in the country, Provatiphone has to have a
huge number of human assets. To deal with those gigantic numbers of employees
Provatiphone has a well-established Human Resource Division. They are 54 in number
and they are being divided In to four different department. The duties of Human
Resource Operation are to ensure the proper employee management after a person joins
in the Provatiphone family. Operation has five different units. Among those units,
Regular Employee Service ensures the service of regular employee. All the legal aspects
also being look after by Regular Employee service unit. Consisting of one deputy
manager, one regular employee, one contractual employee and one internee, this unit is
working hard to perform their duties and responsibilities. Externally Provatiphone
HUMAN RESOURCE division looks like a very powerful division. But Internally
there are some dilemmas. Some decisions that were supposed to take by HUMAN
RESOURCE, taken by the respective division. Internally Provatiphone most powerful
division are Sales & Distribution and Customer Management Division. For the
recruitment and selection process GP has a different department under HUMAN
RESOURCE division. Recruitment & Selection department. But S&D and CMD run
this process of their own. The problem is created by this lots of less qualified employee
are recruited and performance is below the standard. These types of employees are hard
to handle. HUMAN RESOURCE operation is facing problem to ensure the proper
employee service and motivation. HUMAN RESOURCE Operation has a tool name
IVC (Internal value Creation). HUMAN RESOURCE uses this tool to motivate the
employee. With this tool some internal values that are parallel with the organizational
vision, mission and value. Provatiphone has high salary levels that also motivate the
employee a lot. Overall Provatiphone HUMAN RESOURCE division is the most
active HUMAN RESOURCE division of Bangladesh among all Local Company.
To make an effective Human Resource Plan We
need to consider Those Matters:

Developing ing
Procedures/ Objectiv
Processes es
Develo Activities Develo
ping of ping
Policie Strate
s Planning gies
ting Schedul
Forecasting: Estimating and predicting future conditions & Events and
the needs & opportunities associated with them. Now our companies
Forecasting is given below:
 We are taking this plan for the next year.
 Now some other company try to give better customer service and to
meet that they are interested to get manpower from university mid level
student, this would be less cost able for them.
 Our govt. also tries to use its own organization to give unique service
to the people and for that they demand a huge manpower.
 Besides of that market condition is so good for business.
 Now a days 4% potential customer transfer into customer. To meet
this demand we also need to get more
 By our Human Resources department, Surveyor & Marketing
department we try to get more reliable information about the predicted
Developing specific Objective:
 increase the profit of the company.
 satisfy the partners of the company
 finding new customers by providing new attractable promotion
 developing quality products and tools.
 eliminate the non-profitable measures.
 Get the 100% afford of existing staff.
 Increase of 20% manpower of companies present strength.
 To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to
exceed customer's expectations.
 To increase our number of clients served by 20% per year through
superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals.
 If we fail to achieve this goal then we changed our work style and
that’s would be customer oriented.
 Besides of that we try to increase our present customer loyalty to our

Job Analysis
 Job Analysis is: the procedure through which you determine
the duties of positions and the characteristics of people to hire
for them.

Job analysis

Job description and

Job specification

Recruiting & Performance Job Evaluation- Training

selection Appraisal Salary decision Requirements
Fig: Use of Job Analysis Information

Job analysis process

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information

1. Interviews
2. Questionnaires
3. Observations
4. Diary Logs
 Our company mainly uses interviews for identifying job
 Interview Guidelines:
1. The Job Analyst & Supervisor should work together to identify
which employees know their job best.
2. Establish rapport with interviewee.
3. Follow a structured Guidelines or Checklist that lists questions
and leaves space for answers.
4. When duties are not performed in a regular manner, ask
employee to list his duties in order of importance.
5. Review and verify the data after the interview.

Example of Job Analysis Questionnaire

Job Analysis Information Sheet

Job Title: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Job Grade: ___________________________ Dept: ______________________________
Supervisor's Title: ________________________________________________ ________
Hours worked: _____________ AM to:______________ PM
Employee's Name: ________________________________________________________

1. What is the job's overall purpose?


2. Kindly list th e number of subordinates you supervise list their job title.

3. Check the activities that are part of the employee's supervisory duties:
 Training
 Performance Appraisals
 Inspecting work
 Bu dgeting
 Coach and/or counselling
 Others (please specify)_________________________________________

4. Describe the type and extent of supervision received by the


5. JOB DUTIES : Describe the duti es of your current job as following:

A. Daily
B. Main
________________________________________________ ____
C. Periodic
D. Duties performed at irregular
___________________________________________________ _

6. Are you performing duties that you see as unnecessary? If so, please
Job Specification

 Job Specifications answers the question of "What human traits

and experience are required to do this job well? It shows what
kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person
should be tested.
 Our company's job specifications include:
1. Required Knowledge for a certain position
2. Required Skills for a certain position
3. Required Mental Abilities for this position

Job Description

 Ther
e is no standard format for writing a job description. However,
most descriptions contain sections that cover:
1. Job Identification
2. Job's Purpose
3. Responsibilities and Duties
4. Job Specifications

Recruitment & Process

 Recr
uitment Definition:
The process of discovering potential candidates for organization
vacancies, it requires forecasting and comparing labor supply and
 Labor Supply: availability of workers with the needed skills
In the organization (internal labor marker)
Outside the organization (external labor market)
 Labor demand: number of workers an organization needs.


 We use both Internal & External recruiting but when no

internal candidate exist from the job posting, determine the
appropriate advertising media & advertise the position
externally as appropriate
 Pre-
Internal Activity to initiate the recruitment process:
 Rais
e staff requisition which records the reason for the vacant
position & Summary of the key attributes sought against which
recruitment decision will be made & ensure a clear job
description exists prior to recruitment & if the position has
been formally evaluated, prepare a job description.

Recruitment & sourcing

To decrease the selection ratio( number of opening divided by
number of applicants)
A lower SR( more applicants per opening) is desirable because the
lower SR, the higher the average performance.
To lower SR, have two options:
• Increase recruitment
• Decrease the number of opening

Recruitment & sourcing

Internal VS external:
 Moral:Internal builds morale, external creates resentment
 Learning Curve: Internal candidates already familiar with
organization, external not.
 Knowledge of candidates: internal candidates are better known
 Skills: Internal perpetuates old ways of doing things are
perpetuated; external brings new ideas, connections. External
candidates may have more skills than internal candidates.
 Expense: Internal less costly than external.

Need to do more to attract applicant in tight labor marker, ways

to attract:
 Friendly recruitment: applicants assure positive things
about the organization when recruiter is friendly and as a
result are more attracted to the organization.
 Additional company perks, benefits
 Sign on bonuses
 Method must match market (e.g., don’t go to state
employment office for high education positions; advertise
in appropriate media that the type of candidate you are
seeking reads)
 Methods differ in effectiveness in terms of quality of
applicants and quantity of applicants.

 Methods have hidden costs (e.g., time of recruitment

 Affirmative Action in recruiting: Actively recruit
minorities and women because they tend to respond only
to active recruit efforts (probably due to past experiences
of discrimination).

Methods of Recruitment used:

 Referrals: Asking employees in the similar position to find

suitable candidates.
 Job Posting: Using the Job description and job specification to
extract the data to be used in the job posting. This data includes
a job summary for that position and the mandatory
specifications that should exist in the person taking up this


 The second major step involved in managing human

resources for the organization is selection _ choosing an
individual to hire from all those who have been recruited .
Hence , selection is dependent on and follows recruitment . The
cartoon below light- heartedly illustrates the importance of
selecting the right people for an organization.
 The selection process typically is represented as a series of
stages through which prospective employees must pass to be
hired. Each stage reduces the total group of prospective
employees until,finaly,one individual is hired . figure 11.6 lists
the specific stages of the selection process, indicates reasons
for eliminating prospective employees at each stage , and
illustrates how the group of potential employees is narrowed
down to the individual who ultimately becomes the employee .
Two tools often used in the selection process are testing and
assessment centers.

Stages of the selection process

 Preliminary screening from records , data sheets , etc.
 Preliminary interview.
 Intelligence tests
 Aptitude tests
 Personality tests
 Performance references
 Diagnostic interview
 Physical examination
 Personal judgment

 Interviews are extremely important in the selection
process because of the information exchange they allow.
 It is a time when both the job applicant and potential
employer can learn a lot about one another.
 However, interviews are also recognized as potential
stumbling blocks in the selection process .
 sometimes interviewers ask the wrong things, sometimes they
talk too much , sometimes the wrong people do the
interviewing , and other times the interviewer falls prey to
personal biases and makes a judgement that fails to fully
consider the applicant's capabilities.

Employment tests :
 Testing is often used in the screening of job applicants .
Some common employment tests are designed to identify
intelligence, aptitudes, personality, and interests.
 Whenever tests are used and in whatever forms , however
, the goal should be to gather information that will help predict
the applicant's eventual performance success.
 Like any selection device , an employment test should meet the
criterion of validity and measure exactly what it intends to
reative to the job specification_ for example , written
communication skills or manual dexterity. It should also meet
the criterion of reliability by yielding approximately the same
results over time if taken by the same person . Any
employment test used in the selection process , furthermore ,
should be legally defensible on the grounds that it actually
measures an ability required to perform the job .

 New developments in testing extend the process into actual

demonstrations of job_relevant skills and personal
characteristics .An assessment center evaluates a person's
otential by dialy work .
 computerized testing is becoming more common today , aided
by specialized software that includes interactive and
multi_media approaches .
 such computerized tests often ask the applicant to indicate
how he or she would respond to a series of job_relevant
situations. Another form of this testing approach is work
sampling , which directly assesses a person's performance on a
set of tasks that directly those required in the job under
consideration . Here , applicants are asked to work on actual
job tasks while being graded by observers on their
Reference and Background Checks :

 Reference checks are inquiries to previous employers ,

academic advisors , co-workers , and/or acquaintances
regarding the qualifications , experience , and past work
records of a job applicant .
 Although they may be biased of friends are prearranged " to say
the right things if called " , reference checks can be helpful .
They can reveal important information on the applicant that
was not discovered elsewhere in the selection process .
 The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) , for
example , estimates that 25 percent of job applications and
resumes contain errors . The references given by a job applicant
can also add credibility to an application if they include a
legitimate and even prestigious list of persons .

Physical Examinations :

 Many organizations sak job applicants to take a physical

examination .
 This health check helps ensure that person is physically
capable of fulfilling job requirements .
 It may also be used as a basis for enrolling the applicant in
tealth-related fringe benefits such as life , health , and disability
insurance programs .
 A recent and controversial development in this area is the
emerging use of grug testing . This has become part of pre
employment health screening and a basis for continued
employment at some organizations .
 At a minimum , care must be exercised that any required test is
job relevant and dose not discriminate in any way against the

Final decisions to Hire or Reject

 The best selection decisions are most likely to be those

involving extensive consultation among the manager or team
leader , potential coworkers , and human resource staff.
Importantly , the emphasis in selection must always be
comprehensive and focus on all aspects of the person's capacity
to perform in a given job .
 After all , the selection decision poses major consequences for
organizational perfoemance and for the internal environment or
work climate . Just as a " good fit " can produce long term
advantage , a " bad fit " can be the source of many and perhaps
long term problems . sometimes the people who know this
lesson best are those that run small businesses . Says one dairy
store owner who knew the importance of customer service in
retail sales , " If applicants have a good attitude , we can do the
rest …… but if they have a bad attitude to start with ,
everything we do seems to fail.”

 In previous our planning achieved 80% success, so for that we
need to careful about our current planning.
 This plan needs minimum 10 months.
 Maximum can take 12 months.

 To implement this plan we need finance properly. Most part of
this finance we get from retained earnings of the company.
Other finance would be getting from sale new share.

 In this plan we need to employ our two senior HR office and

four junior officers.

Developing process:
 In future we need to expand our business and we try to collect
more capital by sale share. In this work we need manpower.
 To get proper solution of that problem we use our survey
department and marketing department and human resource
department to job analysis and fix the number of required
 We also collect valuable advice from our previous HR
department Head and from Mother Company.
 After six month we would be form a committee to evaluate our
plan and would be getting proper recommendation to solve the
fault of plan.
 Then we take proper step by the recommendation.

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