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It is easy to understand the visual representation, instead of large data

sets in form of rows and columns. With the help of Tableau, we represent
the data in form of graph and figures for better understanding.
Now, our analysis is as follows:
1. International Carriers with maximum delay in January 2008.

9E have the highest numbers of Arrival delays (15782) and

Departure Delays(12980)

2. Weekday with maximum number of delays in arrival as well as


Day 2 have highest delay in Arrival as well as departure i.e.


3. Number of flights delayed due to

3.1. Flight carrier delay
3.2. Late aircraft delay
3.3. National airspace system delay
3.4. Security Delay
3.5. Weather Delay

Graph 1 shows ATL have maximum number of flight delay while

Graph 2 &3 shows delay due to Aircraft arrival and NAS from
previous destination affects ORD, the most. Graph 4 shows security
delays affects PHX most. Graph 5 shows MDW is most affected due
to weather delay.
4. Carriers affected most with the numbers of different delays
4.1. Weather Delay
4.2. Late Aircraft Delay
4.3. NAS Delay
4.4. Security Delay

WN suffers most with weather delay and security delay. MQ suffers with
late aircraft delay and OO suffers with NAS delay most.
5. Security Delay

Seventh Day i.e. Saturday have most numbers of Security delays.

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