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Artist of the Week

You have been chosen to be the artist of the week. Your only homework is to
complete a piece of art and write about it. Have fun!

Choose an art medium: You need to do this at school so that I can send

the appropriate supplies.

Water color
Oil pastel
Chalk pastel
Colored pencil
Other (see me about your idea)

2. Creating: Practice, practice, practice! Create rough sketches and

PRACTICE using the art medium you chose before you do it on the thicker
paper. Look for ideas in art books or magazines if you are having trouble
thinking of something to create. It is ok to use another persons idea as long
as you dont copy it exactly. NO TRACING!
3. Writing: Type or handwrite at least one paragraph about your
masterpiece. Please include the following:
Explain your title. Why did you choose that particular title?
Who/what inspired you to create this piece of art?
Explain your process in creating your piece. You might include some of
the following: Why did you choose the medium you did? How many
rough drafts did you do? What feelings did you have before, during
and after you worked on the assignment? Did your ideas change
throughout the project?

4. Extra Effort: This part is optional. Choose one of the below to extend
this assignment.

You are a famous artist whose work is found in museums all over the
world. Write a conversation between two people viewing your piece of
art in a museum exhibit.
Write a letter to the art curator (the person in charge of the
museum) at the the Denver Art Museum convincing him/her to include
your piece of art in the next exhibit.
Have your parents take pictures of you creating your masterpiece.
Create a collage with captions explaining what youre doing/feeling
next to each photo.
Do you have a favorite artist? Write a short report on him/her.

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