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Deteccion de intrusos
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____________________________________________ Grupo:
Grupo: ______

Laboratorio # 2.TCPDump using filters.

For this part of the lab use the file lab1.lpc as input to TCPDump and answer the
following questions, based on your experience with lab # 1:
2.1 What records if any have IP options. Explain.
Hint: display records with hexadecimal option.

Se buscan los registros con un valor mayor a 45 en el primer byte, esto porque 4
corresponde a la versin IP y 5 a la longitud del encabezado IP, cualquier valor
mayor a 45 indica que el encabezado es ms grande del estndar y por lo tanto
tiene opciones.
Command used:
2.2 What is the IP header length in decimal of the first IP record:
(5 * 4) = 20 bytes

Command used:
2.3 What is the IP Version of the first record IP record:

Version 4
2.4 What is the payload length in decimal of the first IP record:


2.5 What is the embedded protocol of the 4thIP packet:

2.6Is there any TCP record that has options? Explain.

Se determina el tamao del header TPC hacienda uso del campo tpc[12]
buscando registros que contengan un valor mayor a 50.
Command used:
2.7 If there are any fragments in the data, what is the decimal value of the
fragment offset field found in the hex record?

Command used:

2.8 Is there any record with the R flag set? Explain.

Command used: tcpdump r lab1.lpc tcp and tcp[13]&0x04=0x04

For the second part of this lab you will continue using the same file. This part
emphasizes the use of TCP flags. Say for example you need to check if the SYN flag
is set, you use the filter tcp[13] & 0x02 !=0 because in the 13 th octet of the TCP
header the second bit correspond to the SYN flag:















THE &symbol corresponds to the AND.

2.9 How many records have only the ACK flag set?:

Command used:
2.10 How many records have the ACK flag set?:

Command used:
2.11 How many records have the RST or ACK flag set.

Command used:
2.12 How many records have either the RSTorACK flag set.
Command used:
2.13 How many records have exactly the RST and ACK flags set.

Command used:
2.14 How many records have the Push and ACK flags set?

Command used:
2.15 How many records have the Fin flag set?

Command used:

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