Syllabus Addendum Usii

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Return to Ms. Walsh

Tuesday September 8, 2015

Parents, Guardians, and Students,

The grade percentages originally listed on previous pages of the syllabus have been revised.
The revised percentages are as follows:

Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Essays): 40%

Participation: 20%
Classwork (including ISN grade): 25%
Homework: 15%

Please read and sign the section below, and return with course expectations by Tuesday
September 8, 2015:

I, [print name] _____________________________________________, have read the revised grade
percentages with my parent/guardian and acknowledge that I understand what I will be accountable for in
Modern US History during the 15-16 school year.
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:________

PARENTS: Please sign the following statement and return it to school with your student by Tuesday
September 8, 2015.
I, [print name]_____________________________________________, have read the revised grade
percentages and acknowledge that I understand what my child will be accountable for in Modern US History
during the15-16 school year.
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:_______

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