Brain-Compatible Learning in Professional Roles

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Journal: Brain-Compatible Learning in Professional Roles

Jennifer Roberts
EDU417: Cognitive Studies Capstone (DFM536DS)
Instructor: Joanna Savarese-Levine
September 07, 2015


I see the relationship between psychology, neuroscience and education as encouraging. I

believe they all validate and empower civilized society. Healthy human development must
contain comprehension of all three of these components. Labeling them helps people to
categorize deficiencies, limitations, and avenues for success.
I can certainly apply the interplay of these three disciplines in my future role as a teacher.
I want to teach Algebra. I have seen students who can carry 4.0 G.P.A.s until they get to
Algebra. This suggests to me that as educators, we ought to consider applying the latest
information in psychology and neuroscience to the education process. I have also watched as
students who do not do well in other classes excel in mathematics.
I can better understand my future students via psychological theories of the mind;
including Vygotskys social learning theory, Gardners M.I. theory and understanding applied
behavior techniques. I think unlocking biological, social and economic risk factors through
neuroscience will help me build relationships, create safe predictable environments and build
resiliency in, and for, my students. My presentation, expectations and assessments have been
diversified by the techniques offered through a differentiated approach to teaching.
Education changes peoples overall health. Education strengthens psyche and transforms
minds regarding neuroplasticity. Neuroscience and psychology support creative, compassionate
and patient educational pathways. The three disciples are interconnected in a symbiotic
relationship that must be considered in my future role as an Algebra teacher.
When students enter my classroom, the schedule will be visible. My class rules and
expectations will be posted. I will have access to the contents of the lesson presented for visual,
linguistic, musical and kinesthetic learners with real world examples for those who think inter


and intrapersonal. I will stay connected with parents that are willing and my school sites staff. I
will not take Algebra so seriously.
I will remember my students are in a critical stage in brain development and can hardly
wait to tell them that their brains are under construction. I will show them via neuroscientific
findings based on brain imagining, that their gray matter is thinning and their white matter of a
more mature brain is starting to form; thus, creating sensitivity to brain chemistry. According to
Marotz,& Allen, these changes make regulating emotions for healthy decision making to occur
quite difficult resulting in questionable and unpredictable behaviors (2013).
I find educating adolescents empowers them to ask for help and trust the stable adults in
their lives. I also have seen this information create kindness in classrooms. The students learn to
be compassionate and can relate to this encouraging information. The knowledge that their
struggles are valid and normal helps behavior issues. I can manage my classroom through
psychology, neuroscience and education.
Marotz, Lynn & Allen, K. (2013) Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth Through Adolescence. (7th
ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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