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Week 2

There are times when countries are left with no form of government. This is called anarchy.
Many countries, including The Bahamas, have a form of government that is a combination of two of
the forms of government described above. In The Bahamas we have a constitutional monarchy. This
means that we are in a democracy, but we also have a monarch the Queen.
A democracy is a type of government that has freedom of speech and free elections. Which means
that people may criticize a government without fear of punishment? Power is shared among a number
of bodies, each of which is created for a special purpose. For example, there is a cabinet of leaders that
is responsible for the ministries, and judges who are responsible for administrating the law. There are
usually several political parties in a democratic country. Example: Bahamas, Jamaica, and Trinidad
This type of government is the opposite of democracy. The country is ruled by one person or a very
small clique. The leader is called a dictator and holds power over the people by force. Power is
usually backed by the army and there is no freedom of speech or free elections. Example: Cuba,
China, North Korea,
Countries that have this type of government have a sovereign or a monarch as leader. This person may
be a King, queen, emperor, or empress. Leadership is inherited or handed down. This means that
the power has been handed down through the royal or imperial family. Examples of monarchies in
the world today are United Kingdom, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand.
The leader or Head of State of a republic is the president who may or may not be elected by the
people. This position is not inherited. Example: South Africa, France, United States of America.

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