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WARTSILA TEST PROTOCOL Project: Lucky Cement Extension Engine No.: PAAE108923 Engine Type: W20V34SG Date(s): 18.12.2008 19.12.2008 Third Party Inspection: Bureau Veritas © WARTSILA Delivery Centre Vaasa Test protocol no PAAE108923, Report RA_056.QRP Version: Printed 23.12.2008 Installation Data ENGINE DATA Customer: Type: Manufacturing number: Cylinder bore [mm]: Piston stroke [mm]: Rated power [kW]: Nominal power [kW]; Nominal speed {rpm} Direction of rotation: INSTALLATION Wartsila Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd w20Vv34sG. PAAE108923, 340 400 9000 9000 750 Clockwise Stationary Engine Lucky Cement Extension P/07080.M LOADING / AVR [ Alternator, in house [V] Alternator, project (see specification below) [ Water brake (see specification below) v AVR, in house [] AVR, project Manufacturer: ABB Type: AMG1120MMO8DSE Number: 4598581 ENGINE COMPONENTS Turbocharger: NAPIER / ALSTOM NA3O7 Serial no.(s): 706101 706101 Air cooler: VESTAS AIRCOIL WV156/156CK Number(s): 75648-7 75648-7 FUEL Quality | Density at | Temp. | Viscosity at | Temp. Lower Heating Value Lik /l} | [ee] | fmma/sy} | [ory [MJ/kg} GAS 0.73 15 | 49,95 LUBRICATING OIL Quality: — Mobi! Pegasus 905 © WARTSILA Delivery Centre Vaasa Test protocol no PAAE108923, Report RA_087.QRP Version:, Printed 23.12.2008 Test Program for Lucky Cement Extension Order number: Engine number: Engine type: Test run date(s): Test cell 12 P/07080.M PAAE108923 W20V34SG 18.12.2008 19.12.2008 Check of overspeed devices, Time: Shaftioad |Engine| 4 | Load |Fuel|Oper.\Notices Start Stop power power data) (| tev Tew) £ 20:55 21:00] 750 | 0 L GAS) [Verification of lube oil pressure shutdown, [21,00 27:18] 18 | 750 | 026 | __|GAS eae (24:16 21:30] 16 | 750 | 26 2250 | 9560 | 2156 [GAS [21:30 21:35] 6 | 750 | 0 GAS) - [24:35 21:50] 15 | 760 [0 60 Gas| [21:60 22:10| 20/760 [50 | 4500 | 87,20) 4374 [GAS] 22:10 22:46| 6 | 760 | 0 GAS = 22:16 22:30| 15 | 750 | 0 75 GAS _ 22:30 22:60| 20 | 760 | 75 6750 | 97,87 | 6606 _|GAS ~~ 10:15 14:00| 45| 760 | 60 | 6400 | 97.60| 6270 |GAS| Xx [10.12.2008 7 14:00 11:45] 45 | 760 | 85 7650 | 97,95| 7493 |GAS| xX - _| 11:45 12:30| 45 | 750 | 100 9000 | 98,00) 8820 |GAS| x | - 7] © WARTSILA Delivery Centre Vaasa Operation Data Test Protocol No. Report Version: Printed PAAE108923 RA_058.QRP 23.12.2008 Test run date(s) 18.12.2008 19.12.2008 Leadpoint Power! Torque a 60 aoe : Tine jo25 Tid —is5 = Fue CAS “otal barometric pressure PTE 1000385 328 ‘Temperature of intake alr ‘ATE210 5 387407 Relative humidity of intake sir__AHR210 183 148 ‘Alternator data _ | - - _ ‘Atomaor efficiency 3760 87.98 68,00 ‘Atemafor power kw | 52707483 ‘Atemator voltage, nominal Vv | 6300 6300 !Alemator curent, namin A_| 1000 1000 _ _ [Engine Data . — - - 7 I 7 = = Power mW | 540076502000 Speed rom | 750750 750 | = ugtugsae Charge airsysiom_——— Turbocharger speed, Abenk SESI8 mpm | 20250 29630 25070 Tutbocnarger speed, bank —SES28 fm | 20380 2280026180 Charge air pressure PT6o1 | 140 210260 Charge air temp. in airreceiver TEGO is 45 - Exhaust gas system - =m | Beh gas temp, eyinderAlTESOTIA°S | 500 833 wz Exh. gas temp, cyinderA2 —-TESOZIA °C | 0728 54 Exh. gastemo, cyinderAS —«TESOSIA °C | 50633 531 ih gas temp, cyinderAd —TESOSIA “|| 508 BI 536 xh gas temp, cyinderAS —-TESOBIA “C| | 508533 534 xh. gas temo, eyinder AS —«TEBOGIA “| Sit 532 533, Exh. gas temo, oyinderA7 —«-TESOTIA *C| 505830 87 Exh. gastomp, oyingerAB —«TEBOBIA *C | © 500520 533 xh. gas temp, cyinder AD —«TESOSIA “C | 51231 532 Exh. gastemp, cyinderA1O —TEBIOIA “| Bit 532 533, Mean value *c | 50951 533, Exh. gas tomp, ofingerB1 —TESOIIB *C| Bit 533, 536 Exh. gastemp, efingerB2 —TESOZIB °C | 511 532 530, Exh. gastemp, oyinder BS —«TESOSIB °C | 50582 535 Exh. gastemp, ender B4 = TESOANB *C | Sit 530 533 Exh. gas temp, cylinder BS —«TESOSIB °C | 510 532 533 Exh. gas temp, cyinder BS —«TESOSIB ‘C | 514 531 533, Exh. gas temp, oyinder87 —«TEBOTIB. “O| 505 533 532 | Exh. gas temp, cylinder 88 —«TESOBIB °C | 510 532 535 | wh. ges temp, oyinder 89 TESODIB. °C 531 535, | Exh. gas tomp, cylinder B10 TESIOIB °C 530 532 | ‘Mean value “c 52 533, Exh. gas temp. af. TC, Abank TESI7 °C sae 7 Liners Gy nerternp inderAT —TETOTIA-O_] 111 2 Te | liner temp. 1, eyinderAZ —TE7O2IA °C | 12 121 128 Gy liner temp. 1, eyinder AS TE7OSIA °C | 113 121 128 yi ner temp. t,eyinderA’ —TETOAIA °C | 112 121 124 yl ner tempt eyinderAS —TETOSIA °C | 113 121 124 Mh tne temp. feyinder AB TETOBIA °C | 115 124 128 | Obl Ine temp. tinder AT TETOTIA °C | 110 118 te | bk ine tomo. 1, ofinder AB. TETOBIA °C | 113 121 18 | oy. tlojingerad. TETOSIA °C | 114 123 128 | on. Hojingerato TETIOIA °C | 113 122 128 | yl ner temp. t,oyinderB1—TETOVIB °C | 112 122 123 | yl ner temp. 1,qyinder 82 TETOZIB °C | 11 119 11 | Opi ner temp. 1, eyinder BS TETOSIB °C | 110 118 118 yi liner temp. 1, onder B4 —TE7O4IB °C | 108 113 114 Obi liner temp. oyinder BS TE7OBIB °C | 110 417 1i9 yi ine temp. f, cylinder BS TETOBIB °C | 113 118 123 Obl liner temp. teylnder 87 © TETOTIB. °C | 111 118 11 pL ner temp. ty eylinder BS TETOBIB °C | 11 118 12 | Cyl liner temp. 1, cylinder BS TETOBIB °C | iit 420 124 © WARTSILA Delivery Centre Vaasa Test run date(s): Mode [Loadpoint: Power Torque Fuel Operation Data 18.12.2008 19.12.2008 Test Protocol No. PAAE108923 Report Version: Printed RA_058.QRP- 23.12.2008 (CyL.inertemp.1,cyinderB10 TE7I01B *O | 109 116 118 { - ~ | Installation data 1 |HT-water pressure, PTAOT 3.30, 320 320 1 \LT-water pressure prart 340 340360 | Lub ol pressure Prot 400 © 4704.70 [HT-watertemp, bef. engine E401 83 83 a lHT-water temp. af engine Te4o2 85 87 a7 | \LT-water temp. aft CAC Tea72 a 4“ 4“ | \Lub. oll temp. aft. LOC Te2s2 ot 60 6 iMain bearings. [Main bearing temp, bearing —‘TeTOO-C a a a IMain bearing temp, bearing 1 TETO1*C. 38 90 80 [Main bearing temp, bearing 2 TETO2_*C. a7 90 st [Main Deering temp, bearing 3 TETO3.“. 2 2 94 IMain bearing temp, bearing 4 TETO4*G. 3 94 98 IMain bearing temp, bearing TET05.“C. 88 2 92 IMain bearing temp, bearingS TETOS. °C. 80 ot 92 Main bearing temp, bearing? TETOT °C. 92 34 8 Main bearing temp, bearing 8 TETOB °C. 80 2 93 Main bearing temp, bearing TETOB °C. st 3 4 Main bearing temp, bearing 10 TETIO. °C. 0 3 95 ‘Main bearing temp, bearing 11 TET. °C a7 8 89 (Mean value ed 8 st 2 ene el (Gas system 1 ‘Main PTOO 320380340 inlet 800 © 11,00 13,00 |Wastegate reference 4640 58205230 ignition timing 7 4300 1300 13,00 [Main gas duration reference 4875 22.18, ‘Extra Measurements oe WARTSILA Delivery Centre Vaasa ADJUSTMENT OF STOP SWITCHES: Meas. ‘Alarm for low prelubrication oll pressure (bar) 0.5. Stop for low lubrication oll pressure (bar) 28 ‘Stop for high HT-water temperature (°C) 410 Engine overspeed device 4 (rpm) 850 PRESENT AT THE TEST RUN WARTSILA Finland Oy Customer(s) inland O: a Factory W32 ‘est Run Manager, Delivery Centre Vaasa Test protocol no PAAE108923 Report Version: Printed RA_0692.QRP 23.12.2008 Test protocol no PAAE108923 Report RA_060.QRP a * Version: WARTSILA Printed 23.12.2008 very Contre Vaasa Crankshaft Measurements z eeI aie otcaron ESI mason hengenia> ofr cvcnarne sive R-R ERAT ING $10 eae Rageeceust Toropuot a casos : = ‘4S SEEN FROM FLYAHEEL END HOT ENGINE T 7 Fetéortuna vount yt Room temperature when values were measured [°C]: 24 Initials: MH Engine running continuosly before indicating [h]: 3 The time between stop and indicating [min]: 20 Temperature of lubricating oll [°C]: 61 Temperature of cooling water before engine [" 74 LE Cylinder |Gauge | (Position 1 2 3 Abe HA eeB Ng 1510 "Rear side top | Takasivu yinaalia | 0 | 0 o ojo [Rear side | Takasivula | -08 | -1_ | 4 ojo] [Bottom | ] lhaala | | 22 35| 4 | 0 | 0 (Operating side | ikayttdsivutla -08 | 05 05 | 4+ | +05| 0 ‘Operating sie top Kkayttdsiyhadla| oO | +45 | +2 | 425] 0 | +08 | +45) +1 | 105] 0 Deviations 1/100 mm COLD ENGINE Measurements of crankshaft alignment made in main assembly Room temperature when values were measured [°C]: 21 °C. Initials: JHA Se Cylinder Gauge | i ] : T lasttion | a esa ee es 8 cio | Rear side top [Takasivu yinaeiis | 0 _| ololo}o}ojojojo!} [Rear side ] | | Takasivulla +1 | +46 | 405 | +4 | +15 | 415 | +5 | 405 | 42 | 405 Bottom ] |Athaaia +2_| 435 | 15 | +3 | +3 | 43 | 05 | 405 | +3 | +1 [Operating side 1 | ] \Kayttosivulia 2 | +28 +45 | +2 | 15 | 415 | 05 | 0 | +18 | +05 (Operating side top |kayttosivu yinaaia +1 | 42 | +1 | +05 | +05 | +05] 05 | o | o | o | Deviations 4/100 mm eC Test protocol no PAAE108923, Report RA_061.QRP WARTSILA Version: Printed 23.12.2008 Delivery Centre Vaasa Inspection of the Wartsila Engine Project: Lucky Cement Extension Order number: P/07080.M Engine type: W20vs4sc Engine number: PAAE108923 Classification society: Test run date(s) 48.12.2008 19.12.2008 Inspection date: 23.12.2008 It has been agreed that the following openings and inspections are to be carried out at the delivery test run attended by the buyer and / or the representative of the classification society. Inspections: Results: Big end bearing No. Ba OK Main bearing No. 6 OK Thrust bearing Yes OK Opening of covers, Yes OK Additional information: The following corrections should be made before delivery: WARTSILA Finland Oy Customer(s) 4 eo WARTSILA Delivery Centre Vaasa Gas Consumption Test protocol no PAAE108923 Report RA_063.QRP Version: Printed 23.12.2008 Engine number: PAAE108923, Project: Lucky Cement Extension Order number: P/07080.M Engine type: W20v34sG Output/100% [kw]: 9000 Speed [rpm]: 750 Tost run date(s): 18.12.2008 19.12.2008 BSEC = brake specific energy consumption on test bed [kJ / kWh] V_ = measured gas flow (nm? /h] P engine output [kV] A gas density [kg / nm] t Tower heating value [MW / Ka] n = efficiency (s Vig*LHV psec = =k kwh] = —3600 a * “BSEC | Test] Load ] Speed| Fuel | Power Lower heating value [MJ/kg] Gas density [kg/nm3} 49,9500 0.7300 rol —| | KW | ns +e} 70s zl Measured | BSEC gas flow fam3/h kJ / kWh 2003,6 | 6 117,59

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