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Table of content

Executive summary and Limitations of the report

Organization culture

Effectiveness of an Organization

Measurement of Organizational Effectiveness

Correlation between corporate culture and organizational effectiveness

Measuring techniques for organizational culture and Organizational effectiveness


Improvement in organization culture to increase the effectiveness








Executive summary

Organizational culture is a set of shared values, the unwritten rules which are often taken for granted,
that guide the employees towards acceptable and rewarding behavior.
The initial part of the report addresses the conceptual understanding of the organization culture. It
explains how the six main artifacts are surrounded to organization culture which affects the
organization. Further, the report addresses the understanding of the organization effectiveness. There
are four main factors also discussed to measure the organization effectiveness. The middle parts of the
report more emphasis on linkage between the organization culture and its impact on organization
effectiveness. The concept of Denison model is used to understand the role of organization culture on
the effectiveness of an organization taking an example of the declining manufacturing company. In
the second half of the report, there are few quantitative techniques mentioned which usually used to
measure the organization culture and organization effectiveness. The last part of the report stress on
the possibility and ways to improve the effectiveness of an organization through organization culture.
Limitations of the report:

The report has taken the help of Denison model to measure the

effectiveness of an organization. We didnt have adequate time and resources to get the data; we have
used the same example of declining manufacturing company to demonstrate the role of organization
culture on organization effectiveness. There is no clear evidence for survey and findings available
with us for the same.

Its not the strongest, swiftest, most ferocious

who survive. It is the most adaptable.
Charles Darwin

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