Modal Verbs

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MODAL VERBS (ng t khim khuyt)

1. Can
Khng nh: can + V1 (c th)
Ph nh: cant + V1 (khng th)
Din t:
- Kh nng hin ti, tng lai.
Ex: They can speak English.
- S xin php v cho php. Cant c dng t chi li xin php
Ex: Can I use your phone? Yes, of course you can / No, Im afraid you cant.
- Li yu cu, ngh hoc gi .
Ex: Can I carry your bag?
- Cant: ni rng chng ta chc chn iu g khng th xy ra hin ti
Ex: She has cleaned the floor. It cant be dirty.
2. Could
Khng nh: could + V1
Ph nh: couldnt + V1
Din t:
- Kh nng (ph qut, chung chung) trong qu kh
Ex: I could swim when I was ten.
- iu g c th xy ra hin ti, tng lai nhng khng chc chn
The phone is ringing. It could be Tim.
- S xin php. Could l php v trnh trng hn can nhng khng dng couldnt cho php hoc t
chi li xin php.
CouldI ask you something? Yes, of course you can.
Couldwe picnic here? Im afraid you cant.
3. May / might: Din t
- iu c th xy ra (khng chc chn)
Khng nh
Ph nh

may / might + V1
may / might + not + V1

may / might have + V3/-ed
may / might + not + have + V3/-ed

Ex: He may / might be in his office. (= perhaps he is in his office)

A: I cant find my bag anywhere.
B: You may / might have left it in the shop. (= perhaps you left it in the shop)
- Yu cu lch s hoc xin php hay cho php
Ex: May I use your phone? Yes, you may. / Sorry, you may not.
- Li chc hay din t nim hy vng
Ex: May you be happy.
Note: Could c th dng thay cho may / might
Ex: The phone is ringing. It could be Tim. (= it may / might be Tim)
4. Must / mustnt
a. must + V1 (phi), din t:
- s bt buc cn thit (c tnh ch quan)
Ex: My car is very dirty. I must wash it now.
- mt suy lun hp l v chc chn
Ex: Johns lights are out. He must be sleep.
- s vic hin ti hoc tng lai, khng dng qu kh

Ex: We must go tomorrow (khng dng We must go yesterday)

- li khuyn hoc li yu cu c nhn mnh
You must be here before eight oclock tomorrow.
b. mustnt + V1 (khng c) din t s cm on
Ex: You must keep it in a secret. You mustnt tell anybody else.
5. Neednt + V1 = dont / doesnt have to + V1: khng cn, khng phi
Neednt + V1 # must + V1
Ex:We have got plenty of time. We neednt hurry. ( = we dont need to hurry = we dont have to hurry)
6. S khc nhau gia must v have to
* must: + s cn thit hay bt buc c tnh ch quan (ngi ni a ra tng ca ring mnh)
+ khng th dng th tng ai, tip din, qu kh,
Ex: I must study for the exam.
I havent phoned Ann for ages. I must phone her tonight.
* have to: + s cn thit hay bt buc c tnh khch quan (s bt buc do iu kin bn ngoi: ni
qui, qui nh, lut php, )
+ dng thay cho must trong cc trng hp khng th dng must
Ex: You cant turn right here. You have to turn left.
I had to go to hospital.
7. Should
Khng nh: should + V1 (phi, nn)
Ph nh: shouldnt + V1 (khng nn)
Din t:
- s bt buc hoc bn phn (ngha khng mnh bng must)
Ex: You shouldnt drink and drive.
- li khuyn hoc kin
Ex: You should stop smoking.
8. Ought to + V1 (nn) / ought not to + V1 (khng nn), din t:
- s bt buc hoc bn phn (tng t nh should)
- li khuyn hoc kin ngh
Ex: You are not very well. Perhaps you ought to see a doctor.
9. Had better + V1 (nn, tt hn) / had better not + V1 (khng nn)
- dng a ra li khuyn
Ex: Its cold. The children had better wear their coats.
You dont look very well. Youd better not go to work today.
10. used to + V1: tng
+: S + used to + V1
-: S + didnt use to + V1
Ex: I didnt use to like her but we are best friends now.

?: Did + S + use to + V1?

- be used to + V-ing / noun: quen, quen vi

Ex: I am used to living alone.
- get used to + V-ing / noun: tr nn quen vi
Ex:Youll soon get used to living in the country.
* Note:
- Cant / couldnt have + V3/-ed: din t iu g chc chn khng xy ra trong qu kh
Ex: Mary cant / couldnt have caught the bus. It doesnt run on Sundays.
- Must have + V3/-ed: din t iu hu nh chc chn xy ra trong qu kh

Ex: The phone rang but noone answered it. They must have been asleep.
- Should have + V3/-ed / shouldnt have + V3/-ed: iu l ra nn xy ra / khng xy ra trong qu kh
Ex: I should have called him this morning, but I forgot.

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