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Witness statement

Learner name

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Engineering (Electronics)

Unit number and title

Unit 28: Mobile Communications Technology


Assignment 3: Using Mobile Communication Technologies

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)

Learners visited the Apple Store in Birmingham. Apple laid on a dedicated workshop where learners were able to configure and pair
two devices in order to meet user needs. In this case, the user need as outlined in the assignment was transferring a file between
two devices with an element of security.

Assessment and grading criteria

P5: Set up and configure two different mobile communications technology devices to meet user needs

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria,
including how and where the activity took place
Learners were able to use Apple devices in order to transfer a file between them using a Wi-Fi connection and Air Drop. Learners
also considered alternative methods such as iCloud, and implemented ways of making the devices / transfer more secure. The
activity took place in the Apple Store in Birmingham. Learners were seated in a cordoned-off dedicated area of the Apple Store so
the workshop could take place uninterrupted.
P5 Achieved [ ]
I can confirm that ________________ attended the apple workshop and completed the task as per the assignment brief.

Witness name

Job role

Witness signature


Assessor name
Assessor signature



23 / 01 / 2013

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