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Miakela Balangue

Jacqueline Villasenor
May 9, 2014
Period 2nd

1. When was this clinic open?

2. How many people work here?

3. What type of security do you have?

4. How many nurses/ doctors work here?

5. What is the most common problem the children come


6. Whats the dress code?

7. What do you do when children cry?

8. What do you do with autistic children?

9. Are most of the workers bilingual?


How many patients do you get per day?

1. What is your educational background?

2. Do you like working with children?

3. Why did you choose this career?

4. How many hours do you work per week?

5. What kind of benefits do you receive?

6. What are the pros and cons?

7. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

8. How much did it cost to become a doctor?

9. Is there one experience youll never forget?


Are you satisfied with your salary?

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