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En srad drm

Ett konstnrligt projekt som lyfter erfarenheter av migration

A wounded dream

An artistic project that highlights experiences of migration


I december 2014 presenteras utstllningen En Srad Drm - ett

konstnrligt projekt som lyfter erfarenheter av migration p
Moderna Museet Malm. Ett flertal konstnrer visar sina verk i form
utav film, skulptur, mleri, installation och poesi.
En Srad Drm r en utstllning som handlar om strvan efter
frihet och jmlikhet. I din och min vardag som finns hr och p
platser en har ftt lmna. Den handlar om makt, migration och
rasism och om hur saker och hndelser i vrlden hnger ihop. Den
handlar om synliga och osynliga grnser. Den handlar om saknad,
om hopp som blir som sr p vra drmmar. Den handlar inte
bara om drmmar som srats utan ocks om styrkan i drmmen
och mjligheten fr frndring. En srad drm berr ocks vilka
sanningar som fr plats och vilka rster som blir ifrgasatta.
Arbetet med utstllningen har vuxit fram genom en kollektiv
process. Arbetet har frndrats och p vgen berrt mnga
aspekter av frihet och ofrihet. Drmmen handlar om att aldrig bli
frminskad till en erfarenhet eller en kategori vilket ofta sker i
ett samhlle som rasifierar mnniskor, delar in och kategoriserar
kunskaper och erfarenheter. Olika kunskaper ges olika vrden
och olika mycket utrymme. Tanken med projektet S.A.Y (stories,
art, you) r att vara delaktig i frndringar, att skapa sprickor i
vlpolerade institutioner och att skapa utrymme dr det finns mer
n bara en sanning.
S.A.Y projektet handlar om att f uttrycka sig kreativt och
konstnrligt. S.A.Y handlar om att lra sig av varandra, om
delaktighet och f gra sin rst hrd. S.A.Y har funnits sedan
hsten 2013 och arbetet med utstllningen r en del av ett strre

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The exhibition A Wounded Dream An Art Project that Highlights

Experiences of Migration will be presented at Moderna Museet
Malm during December 2014. A number of artists will show their
work: film, sculpture, painting, installation and poetry
A Wounded Dream is an exhibition about the pursuit of freedom
and equality in everyday life, your and mine; both here and
in places that people were forced to leave. It is about power,
migration and racism and how all the events in the world are
interconnected. It is about visible and invisible borders. It is about
the absence and the hope that turn into wounds in our dreams. It is
not just about wounded dreams but also about the strength within
those dreams and the possibility of change. A Wounded Dream
also looks at which truths receive space and which voices are
The process for creating this exhibition has been a collective one.
The work has changed during this process and has touched upon
many aspects of freedom and lack thereof on the way. The dream
is about never being reduced to just an experience or a category,
which happens often in a society that racializes people, and
classifies and categorizes knowledge and experiences. Different
experiences are given different values and very different spaces.
The idea behind the project S.A.Y (Stories - Art -You) is to be a
part of change, to create cracks in shiny institutions and to create a
space where more than one truth is possible.
The project S.A.Y. is about being able to express yourself creatively
and artistically. S.A.Y. is about learning from each other, about
participation and having your voice heard. S.A.Y. began in autumn
2013 and this exhibition is part of a larger project.


The artists

Ahmad Mustafavi

Verket Ofrivillig r en dokumentrfilm som spelades

in under vren 2014 i Malm. I filmen mter vi ngra
asylskande personer frn Afghanistan. De har ftt avslag
p sin asylanskan av Migrationsverket, som ven har
beslutat att de ska deporteras tillbaka till Afghanistan. De
hade inte ngonstans att bo och satte drfr upp ett tlt i
en park i Malm och protesterade mot Migrationsverket och
asylpolitiken. Deras protest kom att kallas tltaktionen. De
bodde kvar i tltet i flera mnaders tid och filmen r ett frsk
att spegla och lyfta deras situation och problem. Syftet med
filmen r att visa att det som alla mnniskor borde ha rtt till,
ett bra liv och frihet, i verkligheten inte tillhr alla.
Ahmad spelade in filmen tillsammans med Aref Karimi och
Aziz Amir Mohamadi.




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The documentary Involuntary was recorded during the spring

of 2014 in Malm. In this film, we meet some asylum seekers
from Afghanistan. Their asylum applications have been
rejected by the Migration Board; this board has also decided
that they will be deported back to Afghanistan. They had
nowhere to go to and that is why they put up a tent in a park
in Malm and protested against the Migration Board and its
asylum laws. Their protest became known as the tent action.
They lived in this tent for several months and the film is an
attempt to reflect and highlight their situation and problems.
The aim of this film is to show that that which all people
should have the right to: a good life and freedom. In reality
this does not apply for everyone.
Ahmad recorded this film with Aref Karimi and Aziz Amir

Besheir Nwofal



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Vem fr bertta andras historier och varfr? Verket Syriska

Ansikten konfronterar oss med situationer av extremt vld och
ensamhet. Det konfronterar oss ven med den outgrundliga
sorg och frtvivlan som vi bevittnar.
Vstvrlden bryter vldsamt in i andra lnder bara fr att stjla
bilder som sedan blir prisbelnta, bilder av lidande som inte
innehller vidare reflektioner om vr inblandning i allas misr.
Detta verk m heta Syriska ansikten syftande endast till en
specifik bakgrund men i dessa ansikten och kroppar kan vi se
hela vrlden. Smrtan och frfallet de skildrar r universell.

Who has the right to tell the stories of others and why? The
work Syrian Faces confronts us with situations of extreme
violence and loneliness. It confronts us with the unfathomable
grief and desolation that we are all witnesses to.
The Western world breaks violently into other countries, only
to steal award-winning images of suffering, without further
reflection on the true involvement we have in everyones
misery. This body of work may be called Syrian Faces refers
only to one specific situation yet in these faces and bodies
we see the entire world. The pain and decay they represent is
now more universal than ever.



Hawar Al kurdi

Verket Frihetskartan r en karta i fem delar: Turkiet, Syrien, Irak

och Iran. I mitten av kartan ligger Kurdistan. Verket berttar om
kurders kamp fr ett erknnande av sina rttigheter, sprk och
mark. Om kampen fr ett land som r likt vilket land som helst.
Mitt i verket, mitt i Kurdistan, strcker sig en hand uppt, som
en symbol fr frihet. Hawar sger: vi kurder, har tusentals
martyrer och vi frsker lsa problemen mellan den arabiska
och kurdiska befolkningen. Alla mnniskor borde ha samma
rttigheter alla borde ha frihet, det r det som r mlet.

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The work Map of Freedom is a map divided into five parts:

Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and, in the middle of the map,
Kurdistan. This work expresses the struggle of the Kurds for
recognition of their rights, language and territory. It also
expresses the struggle for a country that is like any other
country in the world. In the middle of the piece, in the middle
of Kurdistan, a hand reaches upwards, as a symbol of freedom.
Hawar says: We Kurds, have thousands of martyrs, and we
try to solve the problems between the Arabic and the Kurdish
people. All people should have the same rights; everyone
should be free. That is the goal.

Kasem Alali

Min film handlar om att ta sats mot friheten frn livets

fngelse. Jag uttrycker mitt projekt genom olika sporter ssom
parkour och gymnastik. Nr jag kom till Sverige brjade jag
uttrycka min lngtan till mitt lskade hemland Syrien, till min
familj och mina vnner. Jag tar bara sats och hoppar utan
att veta nsta steg. Jag bara hoppar med syfte att lyfta varje
saknad mnniska i Syrien och varje barn som ville utva en
sport men inte kunde det p grund av kriget. Jag r syrier och
r stolt ver att vara det.

My movie is about taking set towards freedom from the prison of life. I express my project trough different sports like
parkour and gymnastics. When I came to Sweden I started to
express my longing for my beloved land Syria, my family and
my friends. I just take set and jump without knowing the next
step. I jump with the aim to bring to light every missing person in Syria and every child that wanted to practice a sport
but, due to the war, was hindered to do that. I am Syrian and I
am proud of it.



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Nassim Mehrara




Verket Frihetslysten vill visa kampen fr att n frihet och att

kunna frigra sig sjlv, hur man sjlv mste gra motstnd,
vara bestndig och frska att upptcka den. Frihet r inte
ngot som man kan ge till ngon annan, eller som man kan
ta frn ngon. Drfr gr jag en skulptur som frestller
en person som frsker komma ut frn en kvvande plats,
ogenomtrnglig som sten. Personen r fngad eller instngd
i fngelse och frsker n frihet. Hen kommer ut och tar


The work Longing for Freedom wants to portray the struggle

to attain freedom and to free yourself. In order to discover
this freedom, you need to offer up resistance and be resilient.
Freedom is not something that you can give to others; nor is it
something you can take from others. Nassim says That is why
Im doing a sculpture that represents a person who is trying
to come out of a suffocating place, one that is impenetrable as
stone. This person is caught or locked in prison and is trying to
reach for freedom. In the end, this person comes out and takes
their freedom.

Rasha Kayali

Rasha har skrivit dikter under mnga r, hon brjade skriva

nr hon lste sin kusins texter och ville sjlv brja att skriva.
Racha skriver dikter om krlek, livet under krig och om knslor.
Fr henne r det viktigt att skriva om knslor och om det hon
knner. Hon tycker om att simma i ord. Racha sger Du mste
ha knslorna i det du gr och nr du skriver mste det komma
ur hjrtat.
Dikterna Skrik, tystnaden, skrik, Yarmouklgret, och Det var
inget kvar att sga presenteras under utstllningen genom en
ljudinstallation och i skrift.

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Rasha has been writing poems for many years; she started to
write after reading her cousins texts and wanted to write too.
Racha writes poems about love, and about life during war. For
her, it is important to write about feelings, and about what she
feels. She likes swimming in words. Racha says You need to
have feelings in all you do, and when you write, it has to come
from your heart.
The poems Scream, Silence, Scream; There was nothing left to
say, and Yarmouk Camp are presented during the exhibition
both as a sound installation and in written form.

Samah Al Abboodi

Verket Drm om livet bestr av tv delar: den frsta delen

r en stol och en mask vilka symboliserar diktatoriska ledare
i Syrien, Irak och i andra arabiska lnder. Stolen utgr
diktatorernas guldskatter dr de kan plocka pengar utan att bry
sig om vad som finns bakom makten eller om de mnniskor
som varken har mat eller hem.
Den andra delen r ett hem: jag bodde i ett vackert land, ett
land med civilisation, historia och vrdighet. I det landet
drmde jag om ett hem till mig och min familj utan att behva
tvingas flytta. Hemmet fr mig r nuet och framtiden. Nuet
frstrdes och framtiden dog och i mitt hemland r det bara
det frflutna kvar. Det var en svr drm och nr jag vara
nra att frverkliga den blev jag tvungen att lmna det hr
imponerande landet.
Jag flyttade till ett annat land som kallades fr ett land utan
moral och tro. Detta land gav mig dock trygghet, skerhet och
ro och frverkligade det jag var i behov av. Det land jag bor i
nu gav mig livet som jag hade frlorat i mitt hemland. Mitt liv
brjade nr jag kom till det hr landet, krlekens, mhetens
och mnsklighetens land. Ett hem r det enklaste i livet och det
var svrt att uppn i mitt hemland men i det hr vackra landet
var det ltt.
Fr mig r Irak civilisationens och historiens land. Sverige r
krlekens och mnsklighetens land.


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The work Dream of Life is composed of two parts: the first

part is a chair and a mask that symbolize the dictators in
Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries. The chair represents the
dictators golden treasure where they get money from without
having to worry about what lies behind that power or if
people have food or a home.
The other part is a home: I lived in a beautiful country, a
country with a civilization, history and worth. In that country
I dreamed about a home for my family and me without being
forced to move. Home for me is the here-and-now and the
future. The here-and-now was destroyed and the future died,
and in my country only the past remains. It was a difficult
dream and when I got close to fulfilling it, I was forced to
leave that impressive country.
I moved to another country, a country said to be without
morals or faith. However, this country gave me safety and
tranquility, and provided me with that which I was in need
of. The country I live in now gave me the life I had lost in my
homeland. My life began when I came to this country, the
country of love, tenderness and humanity. A home is perhaps
the most basic thing in life and this was hard to achieve in my
country, but in this beautiful country it was easy.
For me, Iraq is the country of civilization and history. Sweden
is the country of humanity and love.





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Shaza Albatal

Verket Hopp som fddes ur outgrundlig smrta bestr av fyra

delar: ett skepp, ett ankare, en man i fngelse och en kort film.
Skeppet med segel berttar om resor till havs, mannen i
fngelset och ankare som hnger p vggen berttar om
orttvisa, om frtryck och om mnniskor som har blivit
tillfngatagna eller bombats i havet.
Filmen Orttvisa och rttvisa r en kort berttelse om en man
som blev utsatt fr frtryck frn samhllet och om hur han
kmpade fr att n sin frihet.

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The work Hope Born out of Unfathomable Pain consists of four

parts: a ship, an anchor, a man in jail, and a short film.
The sailing ship refers to journeys at sea, the man in jail and
the anchor hanging on the wall represent injustice, pressure
and the people who have been captured or bombed at sea.
The film Injustice and Justice is a short story about a man
who became a victim of oppression from society, and how he
struggled to attain his freedom.

Usama Al aqssa

Usamas konstverk Hgring av frihet berttar om hndelser

som alla kan hamna i fr att komma till Europa. Skulpturen
berttar om en stad dr alla byggnader bombats, det r en bild
av krig. En bt som skildrar alla resor till havs dr folk flyr frn
krigens frstrelse. Skulpturen berttar ocks om frihetens vg
och hur man kan n trygghet och vilka andra svrigheter som
man kan mta. Usama vill frmedla en knsla av verklighet
men sger samtidigt att verkligheten r nnu vrre n det gr
att skildra.
Jag vill att hela vrlden ska se hur vi kmpar och lider fr att
n en av vra rttigheter, sger Usama.






Usamas work Mirage of Freedom refers to events that could
happen to anyone on the way to Europe. This sculpture tells
;the story of a city where every building has been bombed
this is an image of war. A boat represents all the journeys at
sea where people are fleeing from the destruction of war. The
sculpture also speaks about the path to freedom and how you
can reach safety at the same time as being confronted with
lots of difficulties along the way. Usama wants to convey a
feeling of reality, but at the same time he is aware that reality
is much worse than that which can be depicted.
I want the world to see how we struggle and suffer in order to
attain one of our human rights, says Usama.

Zaki-mer 22

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Verket Jag vill bara leva skildrar mnniskors lidande i den

s kallade tredje vrlden. Mnniskors lidande under olika
regimer och hur, ven om lnderna har rikedomar, det r f
personer som har tillgng till pengar eller som kan rra sig
fritt. Verket berttar hur lngtan efter frihet gr att folk korsar
grnser. I hopp om ett bttre liv, riskerar de sina liv till havs
och mnga dr eller frsvinner.
Fastn de har riskerat sina liv fr att komma hit s mts de av
mnga problem. Det r som att brja p noll, en drm som
upplses. Zaki-mer sger: "jag vill bertta om Europas hyckleri,
om hur regeringar i Europa gr i allians med diktaturer". Verket
skildrar ocks mnniskors kamp fr en bttre vrld, motgngar
och nederlag och att hitta tillbaka till styrkan fr att fortstta

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The work I Just Want to Live depicts the suffering of people
living under the pressure of different regimes in the so-called
Third World. Even though these countries may be rich, the
people there do not have access to money, nor can they move
about freely. This results in a longing for freedom that forces
people to cross borders. In the hope for a better life, they risk
their lives at sea where many die or disappear.
Even though they have risked their lives, they are confronted
with many difficulties. It is like going back to square one,
a dream that dissolves. Zaki-mer says I want to point out
Europes hypocrisy, point out how European governments ally
with dictatorships.
This work also represents the struggle of people for a better
world, setbacks and defeats, and finding the way back to ones
strength in order to continue the struggle.



Skrik, tystnaden, skrik

Vi dr vid livet
I mitt land dr barnet av kyla och sjukdom
I mitt land grt mamman ver barnet som inte ftts n
Vi drunknade i vgen dr vi letade efter livet
Vi dr vid livet
I mitt land begravs friheten p en mrk begravning
Talet kvvande i hjrtat
Vi dr vid livet
Hjrnan brnns i vapen
I mitt land hotades barnet i vapen
I mitt land sover diktatorn ver molnen och simmar i honung
Ett litet barn dr av svlt
Vad ska jag sga, talet trttnade
I mitt ra en kanon och sngen av skott som fljer mig i
Rasha Kayali - 2014



2014 -

Scream, Silence, Scream

We die where life is

In my country a child dies of cold and illness
In my country, a mother cried for a child yet unborn
We drowned on the path where we searched for life
We die where life is
In my country, freedom is buried in a dark funeral
Speech stifling the heart
We die where life is
The brain is burnt by weapons
In my country, a child is threatened by weapons
In my country, the dictator sleeps on the clouds and swims in honey
A little child dies of hunger
What can I say, I got tired of speaking
In my ear, a cannon and the song of shots follow me in my
Rasha Kayali - 2014




2014 -

2014 -

Det var inget kvar att sga

Rttvisan dog
Talet faller
Sjlen krossades
Hjrtat dog
Masken faller
Ett litet barn leker vid husets drr
Raketen kommer och flyger ivg med barnet till himlen

Nr kommer vi tillbaka?
Var r vgen?
Nr ska dden stoppas?
Finns rttvisan, finns freden?
I mitt land, fr lnge sedan, fanns tryggheten.
Idag r farvl
till friheten.
Rasha Kayali - 2014

Mamman lagar mat

Middagen r p kyrkogrden
Pappan jobbar
P sjukhuset tar han i sista stund farvl av sonen
Vi var vnner
och idag
r vi fiender
Det var inte frevigt
Krleken dog den gick vilse i atmosfren
En liten familj bodde i ett litet hus
Idag bor de frskjutna med dden
Du lovade mig igr att vi ska trffas
idag lgger jag blommor p din grav
I svekens skott dr du, min pappa och mina grannar
Hela familjen dog








2014 -

There was nothing left to say

Justice died
Speech falls
The soul was crushed
The heart died
The mask falls
A small child plays by the door
The rocket came and flew away with the child
towards the sky
The mother cooks
The dinner is at the cemetery
The father works
At the hospital he bids his son farewell for the last
We were friends
And today
We are enemies
It was not forever

Love died. It got lost in the atmosphere

A small family lived in a small house
Today, they live on the road, displaced by death
Yesterday you promised me we would meet
Today I put flowers on your grave
In the gunshot of betrayals you die, my dad and the
The entire family died
When are we coming back?
Where is the road?
When is death going to stop?
Is there justice? Is there peace?
Long ago there was safety in my country
Today I say farewell
To freedom
Rasha Kayali - 2014


2014 -


Mina trar grter fr dig

Min sjl saknar dig
Du sknker mig hopp i min sjl
Mitt lger botar mina sr
Stenarna grt ver dagarna som redan gtt
Bilderna hngdes p mnniskornas vggar
Folket saknar dig
Du som gr motstnd, du som r knslig
Orden kommer inte ut frn mitt hjrta
Mitt hjrta r en aska av din frnvaro
Mina trar smlter och mnniskorna dr
Jag hr skotten mot dig
h du mitt land
Jag har ingen frmga att frsvara dig
Mitt lger, mitt hjrta gr snder av det som hnder
dig, mitt lger
Jag vill komma tillbaka till dig
Min lskade
Yarmuklgret r allas lskade
Gud frbannar den som har frstrt dig
Och den som skt ett skott p dina gator och

frstrde mnniskornas liv

Vi str oberrda
Vid dina drrar
Vra nycklar saknar dina drrar
Barnen grter efter dina mosker, dina grdar och
Vi vill tillbaka till dig hrute finns inget liv
Trdens hjrtan torkade
De dog i din grt
Mitt land, som alla lskar
Lnge leve Al Yarmuk
St stark emot eldens ansikte.
Rasha Kayali - 2013




2013 -

Yarmouk Camp

My tears cry for you

My soul misses you
You give hope to my soul
My camp heals my wounds
The stones cry for the day gone by
And pictures hang on peoples walls
People miss you
You who resist; you who are sensitive
Words do not come out of my heart
My heart is the ash of your absence
My tears melt and people die
I hear the shots fired at you
Oh you, my land
I cannot defend you
My camp, my heart breaks for what happens to you, my camp
I want to come back to you
My beloved
Yarmouk Camp is everyones beloved
God curses the one that has destroyed you
And the one who fired a shot on your streets and destroyed
peoples lives

We stand unmoved
At your doors
Our keys have no doors
Children cry for your mosques, your farms and schools
We want to come back to you; there is no life here
The hearts of the trees have dried out
They died in your tears
My land, that everyone loves
Long live Al Yarmouk
Stand strong in the face of fire
We are proud of those who were wounded for us
Their blood is precious to us
God we ask you for peace in peoples hearts.
Rasha Kayali - 2013





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- 22

Jag r fri

ppna mina bojor, ge mig min vilja

Ta inte min frihet
Lmna mig i fred, rr inte mina sr
Du brnde mina bcker, slog snder mina pennor och
konfiskerade min tankar.
Du ber mig att vara tyst
Jag skriker i ditt fula ansikte som Al-farouq sa, hur kan du
frslava mig om mamma fdde mig fri?
Frsk inte att ervra mig
Om jag inte kan leva med heder r det bttre att d n att buga
infr fotsulan.
Jag ska bertta en saga fr dig, s lyssna p mig.
Det var en gng, i en tid av frfall, en sna som enligt dets
utsagor lg med ett sto och hon fick en mula.
Mulan vxte upp och visste inte om han var en sna eller en hst.
Han fick sknheten frn sin mamma och sitt stt att sparka frn sin
pappa. Han hade en hsts utseende och en snans beteende.
Vid ett mrkligt sammantrffande samlades alla snor och
tillknnagav att mulan skulle bli kung. Hstarna accepterade inte
detta och gjorde uppror, hur kan hstarna vara under en mulas
makt? Mulan ddade hstarna som gjort uppror och skapade en
ny lag som kallades nya familjelagen. Lagen proklamerade att
hstar bara ska ligga med snor. De flesta ston accepterade detta
frutom ngra f som levde i grottor och vntade p en chans att
f komma tillbaka ett land dr det fanns hingstar.
En dag gick en sna till kungen med mycket vrede. Frst var

kungen vldigt frvnad men sen frstod han varfr; snan ville
ha ett sto, men hon vgrade att vara med honom. Mulan blev arg
och kallade till ett akut mte till vilket stoet blev inbjudet fr att bli
dmd. Mulan samlade alla ston, frberedde giljotinen och bad alla
ston att komma tillbaka till sina sinnen, att de aldrig ska vgra flja
kungens order, punkt slut.
Stoet skrattade till svars och sa tror du att jag lter en sna ta mig
nr jag r fri och kommer frn ett fritt slkte. Mulan svarade, full
av vrede det hr r lagen nya familjelagen som r accepterad
av alla, du mste flja den eller bli exkluderad! Hon skrattade
tills hon nstan kvvdes och brjade sedan pltsligt grta bittra
trar. Hon sa med stolthet jag dr hellre i min heder n att ligga
med en sna och leva under mulans kungarike. Kungen avrttade
henne och detta vckte minnet till liv av friheten och stoltheten
inom alla hstarna som bevittnade hndelsen. Hstarna gjorde
uppror, tog tillbaka makten, och avskaffade nya familjelagen.
Livet tervnde till frihetens tid och mulan blev bara en mula igen.
Det hr r min saga. Den r nu slut. Brja med den sista meningen
fr att frst den frsta och dm sedan hur du vill.
Jag r fri och vill inte buga infr en skosula.
Zaki-Mer22 - Malm, 2014












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- 22

I am free

I am free
Open my shackles, give me my will
Do not take my freedom
Leave me alone, do not touch my wounds
You burnt my books, broke my pens and confiscated my thoughts
You ask me to be silent
I shout at your ugly face as Al-Farouq said, how can you enslave
me when I was born free?
Do not try to conquer me
Better to die or live with honour than to bow down under to the
sole of a shoe.
Let me tell you a story, listen carefully:
In times of degeneration, destiny wanted a donkey to lie with a
mare:, the result was a mule. The mule grew up and he never knew
whether he was a horse or a donkey. He had inherited his mothers
beauty and his fathers way of kicking. He looked like a horse but
behaved like a donkey. By a strange coincidence, all the donkeys
got together and proclaimed the mule a king. The horses could not
accept this and revolted; how could horses be under the command
of a mule? Then the mule killed the horses and made new laws,
called The New Family Law.The law stated that Horses may
only lie with donkeys. All the mares accepted this, except for a
few who lived in caves and waited for the chance to return to a
land of stallions.

One day a very angry donkey went to see the king; at first the
mule-king was surprised, but then he realized why: the donkey
wanted a mare, but she had refused him. The mule-king got angry
and ordered an assembly to which he brought the mare to be
judged. She was to be made an example for every other mare
that dared to do this. He gathered all the mares, built a guillotine,
and told the mares to get back to their senses, that they should
never refuse the orders of the king orders, with no discussion.
She laughed at him, and said Do you think a donkey can take
me when I am free and have free ancestors? The king answered
drunk with rage: This is The New Family Law that is accepted by
everyone; you have to obey or face exclusion! The mare snorted
with laughter, but suddenly she started crying bitterly and said
proudly Id rather die in honour than lie with a donkey and live
under the regime of a mule. The mule-king executed her; this
ignited the memory of freedom and the honour lying dormant
in all the horses that had watched the mare die. Then the horses
revolted, took back the reins of power and abolished The New
Family Law. Life returned to the time of freedom, and the mule
went back to just being a mule.
This is my story. It is over. Start with the last line in order to
understand the first one and make your own judgment. I am free,
and I will never bow to the sole of a shoe.
Zaki-Mer22 - Malm, 2014


Lidande och hopp

Jag tnkte en gng p en dag

De blev misshandlade, frtryckta och frnedrade

Jag fick idn en gng

Folk fngslades fr att de flydde

Jag ville gra ngonting nytt

De blev fngade och dragna p stranden

Jag hade aldrig tidigare i mitt liv tnkt gra det

De tappade de vackraste ren

Jag ville lra mig

De tappade de vackraste drmmarna

Jag ville prata utan ord

Hoppet tappades

Talet frsvann

Drmmen stals

Det blev utan ord

Lyktan slcktes

Det blev grt

Det blev mrkt och kallt

Det blev trar och blod

Det blev natt

Av vggarna blev det lidande

Lng natt

Det blev kusligt ensamt

Mrkret r skrmmande

Det blev mrkt

Vggarna kalla

Det blev och jag vet inte hur det blev

Dagarna lnga

Vad r det som hnder

Vi rknar inte r

Det viktigaste r att det blev

P vggarna skrevs

Det som blev, blev

Folks namn

Det fanns hus och mnniskor

Folks dagar

Det blev hus utan mnniskor

Folks drmmar

Folk delades

Folks blod

Folk flydde och fngades

Ankaret p vggen

Mitt i havet bombades dem

Ankaret fngslad

Folk blev mat till fiskarna

De fngslade ankaret fr att det flydde

Det finns de som lyckades

Det tnkte fly, frskte fly

Folk fngades p vgen

Men det fanns inget hopp

Det fngades och fngslades och frnedrades

Det tappade drmmen av de glmska vggarna
Det blev bortglmd, med folk som blev bortglmda
Det tnker varje dag, hundra gnger, tusen gnger
Det tnker och frgar sig sjlv
Finns det ngon dag nr ngon ska komma ihg mig
Kommer det finnas ngon dr som kommer att frga efter mig
Det sitter och grter
Och tnker p frgan som inte har ngot svar
Detta r i verkligheten inte ngon frga
Detta r ett svar
Mrkret fortstter att styra
Kylan har tagit mer n sin tid
Frgan r kvar
Kommer fallet alltid att vara fallet?
Kommer situationen att ndras?
Shaza Albatal

Suffering and hope

I thought about a day

They were mistreated, oppressed and humiliated

I had an idea once

People were imprisoned because they fled

I wanted to do something new

They were captured and drawn on the sand

Something I hade never before thought about

They lost their most beautiful years

I wanted to learn

They lost their most beautiful dreams

I wanted to speak without words

Hope was lost

The speech disappeared

Dreams were stolen

It lost its words

The light was quenched

It became gray

It became dark and cold

It became tears and blood

It became night

The walls were suffering

A long night

It was eerily alone

Darkness is frightening

It became dark

The walls are cold

It became and I do not know what it became

The days are long

What it is that happens

We do not count years

The most important thing is that it became

On the walls written

It became what it became

Peoples names

There were houses and people

Peoples days

It became houses without people

Peoples dreams

People were divided

Peoples blood

People fled and were captured

The anchor on the wall

In the middle of the ocean they were bombed

The anchor, captured

People became food for fish

They captured the anchor because it escaped

There were those who were lucky

It thought about escaping, tried to escape

People were captured in the way

But there was no hope

It was captured, and imprisoned, and humiliated

It lost the dreams of the roads of oblivion
It was forgotten, along with people who were forgotten
It thinks every day, a hundred times, a thousand times
It thinks and asks itself
Will there be a day when someone will remember me?
Will there be a day when someone will ask about me?
It sits and cries
And thinks about the questions that have no answer
This is, in fact, not a question
It is an answer
The darkness continues to rule
The cold overstayed its welcome
But the question remains
Will the case always be the case?
Will this situation change?
Shaza Albatal


The exhibition

Moderna Museet Malm

December 06, 2014 - Januari 11, 2015

Malm Stadsbibliotek
Augusti 17 - 31, 2015


Abeer Qasem, Ahmad Abu Hashem, Ahmad

Mustafavi, Aida Samani, Ana Mara Bermeo Ujueta,
Besheir Nwofal, Hamid Ghorbani, Hawar Al kurdi,
Intidar Hadi, Isam Kanan, Julijana Jumrukovska,
Kasem Alali, Maria Fagerberg, Mohamed Ali Altemmimi, Mohamed Kaiyali, Nassim Mehrara,
Paula Aracena, Racha Kaiyali, Rawan Habib, Shaza
Albatal, Samah Al Abboodi, Usama Al aqssa, Zakimer 22.
S.A.Y projektet bedrivs inom Individuell

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