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Madame Larson

French II, III - honors

Syllabus 2015-2016

Chers tudiants et parents, Bienvenue! We are hopefully in for a year gniale!

What we will be doing in class EVERY DAY is this: improving on our skills for
communicating in French. That includes developing our reading, listening, speaking,
AND writing skills. You can expect daily classwork, a project for each quarter, and
quizzes and tests all throughout the year.

Classroom Rules
1. Come to class on time and prepared.
This means with all materials: folder, journal, textbook, paper and pencil!

2. Follow all school rules. (cell phones, dress code, etc.)

No negotiations. You may visit your principal instead, if you would like.

3. Write your name on every paper you turn in.

Every paper should have your name and the date written in French. (day / month / year)

4. Be respectful of all PEOPLE in class and of all THINGS in class.

Be nice to all the other students and any teachers in class. Also be nice to their belongings and all
school belongings.

Daily Procedures
Come to class before the bell and be in your seat with your bellwork paper out when
the bell rings.

Folder for French class with paper!


Journal (for classwork)

You can leave your journal in your classs box, if you like. It should be a composition
book or spiral notebook.
Textbook -Dont stuff papers in your book.
Something, anything to write with
In my class, you get an X (on my clipboard) for negative behaviors. Three Xs
in one grading period, and I call your parents. Another X and you get sent to
the office. Additional Xs result in additional office visits.
You can get an X for talking over me, being rude, not being prepared for class,
sleeping, being off task, letting someone copy your work (2), copying someones
work, or other undesirable behaviors.
You will generally receive a warning before an X. If this has been a problem
before, that is not necessary.
No book, etc.: You may also receive an X if you are not prepared no book, no
pencil, etc. = an X
On the other hand, you get euros for positive behaviors!
You can earn a Euro (a colored, stamped piece of paper) in my class for volunteering
and answering a question correctly, winning
1 euro : un bonbon / take away an X /
games, being REALLY nice to others, or just
copy of handout / hall pass if you ask in
being an amazing member of class. You can turn
French / 5 pts extra credit
2 euros : hall pass if you ask in English
in Euros for

4 euros : homework pass (projects are

Late: If you are late to class, sign in to the tardy binder for your class by the front
bulletin board. Write your name, the date, and the number of tardies. School policy

Madame Larson

French II, III - honors

Syllabus 2015-2016

allows two free tardies for each class per semester. After that you receive afterschool detention, ISS, or OSS.
Unfortunately, you may not pay for tardies with Euros or Xs.
During class:
With your partner, do the bellwork! (And exit ticket, if need be)
Make sure you do your desks job. Check now to see what it is.
If your partner is absent, fill out a form for them and put it (with the rest of the
papers they need) in your classs folder (at the front of your box).
Participate! This means behave: be on task, do your own work, and interact
with the class.
o All of the above will be a 50 pt grade each week. Easy 100 if you do it!
Everyday in class we do class work. (worth A LOT of your grade) Either it goes
in your journal or you will turn it in at the end of class in the boite pois.
At the end of class: I give you the last five minutes of class as preferred time or
PT. (TP in French) During this time, you will complete your desks job. After that,
you may check your grade, finish an assignment, talk quietly with a friend, or play a
French game.
If you are not on task during class, you will lose these minutes and will do
more work instead.
If you are not done with your classwork, you will use this time to complete it.
When you miss class: You absolutely, must, check your classs folder (at the front
of the class box) for your absent slip that your partner filled out for you. Ask them
any questions you have and for any notes you need.
Turn in this work in next to Madames computer and schedule any missed quiz/test
with her.
YOU are responsible for scheduling missed quizzes. Your name will be written
on the front board until you take it.
Late work: Turn any late work (or EC) next to Madames computer. Each class(day)
that an assignment is late, you will lose 5%. If you have an excuse, write it on your
If you would like full credit, turn it in a euro per day late.


Grading scale: A: 93-100

B: 85-92

C: 75-84

D: 70-74

F: 0-69

Each quarter you will have 1-2 tests, several quizzes, almost daily assignments, 1
project, and several homework assignments. It is your responsibility to keep up
with your grade on iNow.
**Extra credit: At ANY time that you would like extra credit, read the list posted on
the front bulletin board and complete as many points as you would like. Turn these
in next to Madames computer.

Madame Larson

French II, III - honors

Syllabus 2015-2016

Classwork: Every day we will do work in class, starting with bellwork. You will also
do various 30-50 point activities, turned in during class (ex: worksheet, group work)
or activities in your journal to be turned in periodically as a 200 pt dossier. ***
Bellwork, participation and behavior will be a 50 pt assignment every week.
Assessment: You will show your knowledge on vocabulary and other concepts we
have been learning in class on a 20-50 point quiz, a 100 point test, or a 100 project.
Each quarter, we will do a project. I will give some class time to complete the
project, but it will need additional time, research, or both outside of class.
Homework: Occasionally, I assign homework, which is graded for completion for 10
pts. This will be checked at the beginning of class.

Hello parents!

First, read over what your child will need to have for class and what your child will
need to do in class this year.
Then, so we can keep in good contact throughout the year, provide the following
information AND be sure to ask me any questions you have.
Students! This
part is a grade. Make sure you get this back to me.
You can either write these in the space below OR write me an email:
Name: ________________

(parent of ________________)

Best phone number: ______-__________

Email that I check: _________________________
Questions that I have:
Your first quiz:
1. How many Xs do I have when I get a call home?
2. What do I do if I am late?
3. What can I do during prefered time?
4. What is the biggest part of my grade?
5. How will I know my missed assignments?
6. Name one thing I could do if I want a Euro.
7. Write Madames email.
8. Name three things you need to be prepared for French class.
9. What is your desk job?
Where is the recycling bin and what goes in it?
Your first quiz:
1. How many Xs do I have when I get a call home?
2. What do I do if I am late?
3. What can I do during prefered time?
4. What is the biggest part of my grade?
5. How will I know my missed assignments?
6. Name one thing I could do if I want a Euro.

Madame Larson

French II, III - honors

Syllabus 2015-2016

7. Write Madames email.

8. Name three things you need to be prepared for French class.
9. What is your desk job?
Where is the recycling bin and what goes in it?
Your first quiz:
1. How many Xs do I have when I get a call home?
2. What do I do if I am late?
3. What can I do during prefered time?
4. What is the biggest part of my grade?
5. How will I know my missed assignments?
6. Name one thing I could do if I want a Euro.
7. Write Madames email.
8. Name three things you need to be prepared for French class.
9. What is your desk job?
Where is the recycling bin and what goes in it?
Your first quiz:
1. How many Xs do I have when I get a call home?
2. What do I do if I am late?
3. What can I do during prefered time?
4. What is the biggest part of my grade?
5. How will I know my missed assignments?
6. Name one thing I could do if I want a Euro.
7. Write Madames email.
8. Name three things you need to be prepared for French class.
9. What is your desk job?
Where is the recycling bin and what goes in it?

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