204 Essay 1

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Diversity Statement of Informed Beliefs

Lopez, Jorge #9
Instructor: Dr. Egbert
Education 204: Families, Communities, Cultures 9:00


Diversity of Informed Beliefs

Everyone is not the same; we are all different in our own way. Aside from the basic
interests and physical features our differences extend to race and heritage. Our cultural
background sets us apart from many other social groups in the United States of America.
America is a melting pot and we just keep becoming more diverse. Society is also a
major factor to the modern world. Society influences everyone from kids are a very
young age to seniors at their old age. More kids are being trusted with more responsibility
at such a young age due to parents working overtime to meet their financial needs, as
teachers we must work harder and smarter to ensure these kids dont slip through the
cracks. All children despite the many differences between them all are entitled to and
education and its our job to provide them with the best possible education.
All Students Can Learn
Everyone is capable of learning, but everyone does not learn the same. Some students
might gain the most knowledge from a lecture while other students gain more knowledge
through hands on assignments. Everyone has their own learning style, or a consistent
pattern of behavior by which an individual approaches educational experience. Preferring
a certain style over and other can be caused by many things. There are three basic
learners, auditory which is learning through listening. Visual, which is learning through
watching and kinesthetic which is learning through doing. Another very effective
teaching style is through direct instruction; this is where learning is divided into chunks
which help students better understand material. There are situations where it is necessary
to go above and beyond to stablish an Individualized Educational Program (IEP)


which is a form of communication for the family and school through a group responsible
for the education of children with special needs.
We must understand that children need to be in a save learning environment and
their basic needs must be met in order for them to perform to the best of their ability in
the classroom. For example, if parents are up all night arguing and yelling, this will
prevent the child from sleeping, then the child will show up to school sleep deprived and
wont be able to focus. We have to understand that if a childs basic needs are not being
satisfied that there be a failure to perform in the classroom. This is best stated in
Maslows Theory of hierarchy of needs where the connection is made between basic
needs and the ability to learn (Woolfolk, 2013).
As teachers we must set the bar high so students push themselves to greatness. We
must expect nothing but the best from our students. If we lower expectations students will
think its okay to not do their best and we shall not allow that. We must also build selfesteem, (confidence in ones own worth or abilities), in our students. This is an extrinsic
reward because it makes us feel good to help make a child better, while the child feels
better because of his ability to succeed. Its a win, win situation.
Children need to be praised, its moments of encouragement that they will carry
with them for a lifetime talking with students and parents and setting goals can be very
beneficial. For one, itll get everyone on the same page. It will also encourage the student
to reach his/her goals, if both parents and teacher are working together. As humans we
learn best by acting, so failing doesnt make you a failure, failing and giving up makes
you a failure. I will my students to try again and again after they fail. They will not be
mentally beaten by any task.


Students Social Ecology Theory

Social ecology theory, is a combination of current, social, political, and anti-social
ecological trends. It is vital that we understand and know about the connection between
social ecology and the ability to learn. A students group of friends or family greatly
influence them. They influence their microsystems, a smaller setting such as family, peer
groups, school, or community. The mesosystem, is a linkage between two microsystems
such as family and school (Berns, 2013). It is no surprise that if there is a very healthy
relationship and connection between family and school, the student is better suited to
succeed. The stronger the connection the stronger the foundation is for the student to
excel in school.
John B. Watson believed behavior that is reinforced or rewarded will be repeated
(Berns, 2013). I find this to be very true. He also believed that behavior that was not
reinforced would vanish and be forgotten. It is a great strategy, we see it applied to pets
and other animals while training them. It has proven to be very effective.
Another big factor in the ability for children to learn is cultural background or
ethnicity. Different households with different cultures raise their children by different
morals and beliefs. Parenting styles, traditions and cultures do play a major factor in
teaching and learning. A quick solution to this issue would be to understand how different
cultures work and be open minded to others way of raising children.
Discrimination and Learning
As teachers we have to be role models, we must not be bias and be supportive of
students. We should accept all students and their differences without favoritism. Giving
equal education to everyone regardless of race and beliefs. Practicing cultural pluralism,


natural appreciation and understating of various cultures and the coexistence of different
languages and religion, (Woolfolk, 2013), will ensure a decrease in any conflicts due to
heritage. Like mentioned before, America is a big melting pot of different traditions and
cultures and often cultural assimilation happens and thats when minorities take after the
majoritys traditions.
Depending on culture some students might learn best with cooperative goal
structure; where students work together to accomplish shared goals. Not all students are
the same, some might benefit more from competitive goal structure, where students work
against one another as if in competition (Woolfolk, 2013).
Equitable Education For All Students
As a teacher my goal is to provide a safe learning environment that builds confidence
in my students and helps them succeed. To show a student his true potential, I will set
goals then achieve those goals when teaching. There are a lot of factors that make the
ideal goal of a teacher more complicated. For example, divorce and low income can be
huge factors in the way a student will perform in the classroom. A solid connection and
relationship with a student can open the door to success. Trust will form and they will
look up to the teacher. As teachers we are guides and we must take them on the path to
ensure they become the best they can be. Equitable education (a measure of
achievement, fairness, and opportunity for all in education) will help us achieve this.
Treating all students the same will measure all at the same level and everyone will be on
the same page. Equitable education is vital.
Whether we like it or not, there are many different cultures here and there will
only be more in the future. We must adjust and use the difference to our advantage. We


need to rise to the occasion and push the education system to new heights; the higher we
set the bar the harder we will all work to achieve our goals. This is America, the home of
the brave and the land of the free. We must produce world-renounced chemist, authors,
directors, engineers.


Bern, R. M. (2013). Child, Family, School, Community (9th ed., pp. 18-127). Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth

Woolfolk, A. (2013). Educational Psychology (12th ed., pp. 55-437). Boston, MA;
Pearson Education.

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