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1)What is the spacing between lines of text? Why is this important typography?

-The amount of vertical space between lines of type is referred to as line spacing or
leading. It keeps the words organized.
2)What is kerning?
- Kerning describes the amount of space between two characters.
3)What does the term alignment mean? What types of alignment options are there?
- The alignment setting is sometimes referred to as text alignment, text justification or
type justification. The edge of a page or column is known as a margin, and a gap
between columns is known as a gutter.
4)Choose two alignment terms from question #2 and describe their differences.
- Proportion and contrast are two alignment terms. Proportion is how big something is
to scale in the photo, and contrast is the different tones of light in the photo.
5)What is a typeface? What is a font?
- typeface is a particular design of type.
- A font is different types of letters that look different, It can be used to make letters and
writing more fancy
6)What is type hierarchy?
- Type hierarchy is a system for organizing type that establishes an order of importance
within the data, allowing the reader to easily find what they are looking for and navigate
the content.
7) Provide 3 different examples of a serif font (use font size 20 when showing examples).

- Bree Serif
- Averia Serif Libre
- PT Serif

8) Provide 3 examples of a sans serif font.

9)Provide 3 examples of letters that have an ascender.

10) Provide 3 examples of letters that have a descender.

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