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Eldorado High School

Course Expectations
Course Expectations for
English 9

Instructor: M. Cannella,T. Foster, S. Sabo, C. Wagner

EHS Room: Cannella 304, Foster 314, Sabo 312, Wagner - 313
Phone: (702) 799-7200
Course Scope:
Course Scope:
This one-year course (Foundations in Composition, Language, and the Elements of
Text) provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the
Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and
language. This course is designated as honors level by the accelerated instructional
pacing and depth of content. This course is designed to build on knowledge and skills
acquired in earlier grades but in more sophisticated ways such as mastering the
language, grammar, structure, and rhetoric of text; completing more complex writing
assignments; reading and analyzing a range of literary and informational discourse, both
classic and contemporary; delivering more extensive oral presentations; and
participating in a variety of conversations and collaborations with peers. Instructional
practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all
cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology
and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills one of the English
credits required for high school graduation.
Course Goals:
Course Goals:

To read and analyze a wide variety of sophisticated text (e.g., informational, fiction
and non-fiction, expository) representative of high-quality contemporary works,
seminal U.S. documents, the timeless classics from around the globe, and dramas
by Shakespeare.
[RL.9-10.1-7, 9, 10; RI.9-10.1-10]


To extend in writing or speaking skills with a focus on the credibility of an authors

perspective or argument, the relationship between generalizations and evidence,
and the way in which the writers or speakers intent affects the structure and tone
of text.

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[RL.9-10.5; RI.9-10.5; W.9-10.1-8; SL.9-10.3; L.9-10.1]


To demonstrate and extend a command of conventions of standard English

grammar and usage when writing or speaking. [W.9-10.4, 5; SL.9-10.6; L.9-10.1-3]


To research, analyze, and evaluate nontrivial research methodology and be able to

elaborate on these findings in writing and/or speaking.
[RL.9-10.1; RI.9-10.1; W.9-10.7-9; SL.9-10.1]


To synthesize information from multiple sources in support of a thesis, embed

quotations and citations skillfully, and use bibliographic conventions appropriately.
[RL.9-10.1; RI.9-10.1; W.9-10.1, 2, 4, 8, 9; SL.9-10.1a; SL.9-10.2-4, 6; L.9-10.1-3,


To understand, evaluate, and critique elements of complex texts, selected from a

broad range of cultures and time periods in writing and discussion.
[RL.9-10.1-6; RI.9-10.1-8; W.9-10.1, 2; SL.9-10.4; L.9-10.4-6]


To analyze the purposes and characteristics of the major genres and subgenres of
text (e.g., prose, poetry, drama, literary non-fiction).
[RL.9-10.1-7, 9, 10; RI.9-10.1-10; W.9-10.1-3]


To apply strategies of organization and focus, coherence, revision, and word choice
to produce writing (e.g., argument, expository, narration) of increasing
sophistication and length whether over time or under a tight deadline. [W.9-10.1-10]

The following text(s) will be utilized in this course:
Elements of Literature
Various Literature Books
Student Supplies
Students should have and maintain the following supplies all year:
Paper (spiral notebook or notebook paper)
Pens (blue or black ink)
A binder with a section to hold all of their English notes and assignments
Grading Policy
Academic Expectations
Students are expected to complete all assignments in the class. It is impossible for
a teacher to measure student mastery without the completion of assignments.
The following procedures will be followed to assist students with the completion of
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Missing assignment student will be given a warning and assignment will be

expected to be completed in an agreed upon time frame.
Failed attempt to make up assignment during agreed upon time frame
student will be given academic detention with the teacher in classroom and
required to complete the assignment.

Level of Mastery: 90% - 100%

Accuracy = A
80% - 89% Accuracy = B
70% - 79% Accuracy = C
60% - 69% Accuracy = D
Below 60% Accuracy = F

Description of Grading Procedures:

Tests and quizzes will be given periodically throughout the course. They are
essential tools in assessing knowledge acquired by the students. All tests will be
announced in advance to allow students adequate time for preparation.
Tests, quizzes, essays, and major projects will constitute 50%
of the students quarter grade.
In order to learn, a student must be an active participant!
assignments, whether in class or at home, will help to further understanding and
knowledge of a subject. What a student DOES clearly establishes the foundation
for success.

With this in mind, course work, including class work and

homework, will constitute 25% of the students quarter grade.
Participation will constitute 10% of the students quarter
Organization is essential to success as well; therefore, the
students notebook/binder will be 15% of the quarter grade.
1st Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade
45% Quarter 2/4 Grade
10% Semester Exam
2nd Semester Grades:

45% Quarter 1/3 Grade

45% Quarter 2/4 Grade
10% Semester Exam

Standards of Preparation:
Students are expected to come to class prepared and to exhibit responsibility for
their learning progress. Spelling, grammar and neatness will be an important
consideration in all written work. However, one of our main objectives is that each
student learns how to identify and correct these problems before the final grade is
issued. Your presence and participation are a must to receiving a passing grade,
so plan on being prepared daily and in class on time each every day. Remember,
your grade is given by me, but determined by you!
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Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance

Make-up procedureso After an excused absence, students will be expected to check the
makeup work area in each class.
o Students must obtain makeup work within three days of an excused
absence, unless other arrangements with the teachers are made.
o Students are responsible for getting/requesting makeup work and
scheduling before or after school to makeup tests/quizzes.

Late worko Late work will be penalized 10% per day for each day it is late.

Hours of Availabilityo Cannella: Monday from 2:16 - 2:40

o Foster: Monday Wednesday from 7:30-8:00
o Sabo: Monday Wednesday and Friday from 7:00- 8:00
o Wagner: Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30 8:00 am

Attendance is required for students to experience maximum academic growth.
After the third unexcused absence the student will be referred to the counseling
office and a conference will be scheduled with the parent. After the fifth absence,
students will be referred to the assistant principal over attendance and a
conference will be scheduled with the parent.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

EHS Code of Conduct
1. Do not enter the classroom with electronics, hats, or other non-class
related items (such as food).
2. Students will be in seats, materials ready, and actively working
when the bell rings.
3. Be attentive, ask questions, and contribute to class
4. Be positive, participate, and persevere
5. Value yourself and show respect to others.
6. Exercise self-control.
7 Teacher ends the class, not the clock.
Eldorado Five
Classroom Expectations
1. You will actively participate in your learning because I value your
2. You will be to class on time because I will start class on time.
3. You will be prepared to learn because I will be prepared to teach.
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4. You will follow the school rules because I will enforce the school
5. You will always do your best because I will always give my best.
Tardy Policy
Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is
required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings and understands that the
Eldorado High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. Eldorado High School
will utilize a Tardy Lockout System daily.

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Please complete this page, remove from packet and

return to the teacher by September ____, 2015.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

English 9
We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.
Students Name [last, first]

Students Signature

Parent/Guardian Name

Parent/Guardian Signature

Home phone

Work/Cell phone

Email Address: _____________________________________________________

Eldorado High School

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