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Luciann Barry
E.I.P Teacher & School STAR Champion
New Prospect Elementary School
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How do we Intervene?
Content teams will collaborate together for

5 minutes generating a listing of

interventions that can be used across
grade levels to reach students who are
below benchmark.
Think of resources that youve used or are
currently using in your classrooms with
students who are struggling with a concept
or skill. I.E. Think of broad ideas or
suggestions vs. specific programs.

Starting Interventions & Setting

After you have screened all of your students now its

time to identify those students who are in need.

What are the benchmarks that we must be concerned

The next step is to set a data-based goal.
Our ultimate goal is for our students to meet or exceed

the benchmark.
It is important to understand that interventions take
The advantage of goal-setting is to see if the students
are making actual progress towards your long term goal.

Screening, Progress Monitoring,

& Intervention
Step 1:

Name the intervention

and enter an end date.

Log on to Renaissance Place

and go to Screening, Progress

Monitoring & Intervention.
Name the intervention and
enter an end date. The
teacher needs to describe the
intervention in the system. I.E.
IXL Math, Study Island 30
minutes a day, Multiplication
flashcards 10 minutes a day,
small group guided reading,
Small group phonics daily 45
minute lessons with EIP
teacher, or Extended Day

Step 2:

Select a starting test

If students have taken more

than one STAR assessment
before youve set up
interventions in the
software. Then, you will
need an anchor test. You will
need to have administered a
test as close to the start of
the actual intervention.
An assessment at the
beginning of an
intervention will give you a
true baseline data.

Screening, Progress Monitoring, &

Step 3 Select a goal type: You have 2 types

of goals to choose from.

Moderate This growth rate displays the
rate of 50% of students who have a similar
percentile ranking as your student that your
setting goals for.
Ambitious The software displays the
growth rate of 25% of students with a similar
percentile rank.
* Also, shown are the scale scores and the
percentiles that would result from these
growth rates.

How do you know which goal is

There are 3 indicators:
The Student What do you know about your

-Educational history, learning rate up to this point,
self-motivation, attendance at school, parental
involvement, transient or how often theyve switched
schools in the past.
Intervention - How intensive is the intervention
that youre choosing for the student? How much
time per day will the student(s) receive additional
instruction? Is the student a part of a small group or
large group or will the student get individual help?
Your Experience - If you are using materials,
strategies, or approaches that you know well and
that have worked in the past you might feel more

Instructional Planning for

Now that the STAR testing is over you are now able to group students

for instructional purposes within the software and then identify the
skills that each group needs to work on.
Go to Records See handout A7 for specific instructions.
Use your professional judgment as you are grouping students.
Its important that when you are grouping students that you put them
in groups with students within the similar scale score range.
Ask yourself the following questions: Are you identifying groups for
intervention only or creating multiple groups for both intervention and
small group instruction?
How many groups can you manage?
What do you know about the students besides their scale scores that
would affect where you place them?
Progress Learning Progressions These are suggested

skills that you can work on within these groups. Its NOT
curriculum, but can be aligned to fit Common Core.

Broken Shells Final

Nhi K.
2nd Year Teacher in South Fulton Co.
I taught 25 first graders multi-cultural class
First time that I had taught students who experienced extreme poverty, both parents

were illiterate, high levels of retention, and my first experience with the term Autism.
Sweet spirit
Dynamic artist
Spoke very little
She didnt like people to touch her
Would check out by 9:30-10:00 AM everyday with out fail.
This was during a time when inclusion was not even considered in the conversation.
The school had been trying unsuccessfully to convince Nhi K. parents to sign
documents so that she could be transferred to another facility that would teach
students with special needs.
We are all broken shells in one way or another. All students just need someone to care
enough to take the time and effort to help make a difference in their lives of
especially those who may not be the best or strongest at reading or math. It is our
job to help put these broken shells back together one piece at a time by changing
their fears and thinking about that intimidating subject into understanding and
knowledge. We do this by letting each child know that we are their biggest
CHAMPIONS and that we believe in them and their abilities to improve and achieve
great success.

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