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Author:Alex Semande
Date created: 08/27/2015 11:42 AM EDT ; Date modified: 09/04/2013 1:45 PM EDT

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Essential Question

Have you ever ate a couple slices of pizza and wondered, How much of
this pizza have did I eat?
Did you know there are numbers that are in between one and zero?
If I ate two pieces of pizza, did I eat one whole pizza? Did I eat zero
pizza? Well then there has to be some number that tells me how much I
ate right?
How do you think we can write these numbers? Do you think some of the
numbers can be bigger or smaller than other numbers?

Topic or Unit of Study Develop understanding of fractions as numbers

Grade/Level 3rd
Subject(s) Mathematics
CT Approval/ Date


Standards Mathematical Practice Standards-Number and Operations-Fractions
(3.NF.1- 3.NF.2)
Learning Mathematics

1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part

when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts
2. Understand where fractions are placed on a number line
(between 0 and 1 just for now)
3. Understand the equivalence of fractions and comparison of
fraction by size using (<,=,>).

Technology Tools With Mathematics)

standard calculator- (Use appropriate tools strategically)

After explaining the lesson, I will stop and play the video from youtube
to recap and to preform a visual for a better understanding of


I will be using a formative method. After showing the students a few

examples on the board, along with a digital visualization, I will give
students a simple math problem, and have one student at a time come
solve their problem on the board. In doing this, I will be able to see not
just if the final answer is correct or not, but I can observe their body
language and where they are getting stuck in a train of thought when
solving the problem. This way I can make clear the any details the I have
seen the students seem to struggle with when they were solving the
problem. By doing this, I can assess what type of problems I will assign
for homework that the students need practice with.

Introduction to Lesson So we learned how to multiply, add, subtract, and divide little

numbers all the way to big numbers. Today we are going to

learn about a different kind of number that you can add,
subtract, multiply, and divide too. These numbers are called
fractions, and they are number in between zero and one.
Teacher Input

I am going to draw a circle on the board that has four different parts.
I am going to shade a certain number of parts, and I want you to tell me
what fraction it is representing..
I will shade a different number each time, then call on different students
and sometimes ask for an answer from the whole class. I would move on
to different shapes and represent a variety of different fractions while
asking for answers.
When students answer me, I would ask them why they chose that answer
so all of the students could understand. I would also explain why their
answer is correct or incorrect to the class.

Guided Practice

I would draw a couple shapes on the board and also write fractions then
ask the students to either represent each figure or fraction in another way
on their own paper individually.
I would provide them a couple minutes on their own, then walk around
and observe their answers.
As I would go around the room, I would ask certain students why they
chose their answer.
I would then allow students to help each other to work together to find the
correct answer. I would create separate teams, and keep score to make
motivate students.

Independent Practice

I would tell a scenario of me eating a pizza with 8 slices. I would tell the
students to individually number their papers 1 to 5. I would have 5
different scenarios where I ate a different number of slices each time.
For every scenario I said, students would write down individually the
fraction that represented how many slices were eaten.
At the end, I would ask them to pass their papers to the front as I
reviewed them to see which students were understanding, and which
needed help.
Differentiated Instruction

EC: For this group of students, I will spend more time with them during
the time where the other students work on a problem assigned
independently. I will make sure to assign EC students an easier problem
while I sit with them, and show them step by step how to solve it. During
those steps, I will ask him or her questions to deepen their understanding
of fractions
ELL: For this group of students, I will have a spanish translator app on my
phone for communicating with them. I will assign other students an
individual assignment to give me time to work with this ELL student
separately to make sure he or she can understand the English
vocabulary and terms of the lesson, and if needed, communicate to them
through the translator on my phone.
AIG: For this group of students, I can instruct the ones who understand
the material to help others that dont fully understand yet as I assign
practice problems for the students. During games, I would fairly distribute
the AIG students among the groups so it is fair and that the other
students can work alongside of them which would help other students be
in one accord with the AIG students when solving fractions.
I would use one on one time between teacher and student, a translator,
and separation in these cases to insure student learning.
Closure I would bring students back as a whole group before dismissing class and

ask a few questions: So fractions are between what two numbers? Can
anyone give me an example of a fraction? Some questions I would ask
for a group answer while others I would call on students individually.
Time Allotment 1 hr and 30 min


Instructional Materials Pencil, notebook paper, crayons, math textbook, and calculator.
Resources I came up with the lesson plan myself without any resources. The

resources I would use for teaching Develop Understanding as Fractions

as Numbers would be simply a 3rd grade mathematics textbook. If
needed, I could use parents to help the students during class whenever I
instruct students to work on problems individually. Parents can assist
students whenever they get stuck. This would give me more time to work
with the ELL and EC students.

Authors comments and TBD
post assessment

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