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The past days have shown that the Canadian

government, corporations, and allies in this crisis
are complicit in deaths of Alan, Ghalib and
Rehanna Kurdi. Thousands of Eritrean, Somali,
Syrian, Yemeni, and Balkan refugees are dying on
the shores of Fortress Europe; as Latin Americans
have died en route to the United States of America.

The past days have shown that the Canadian

government, corporations, and allies in this crisis
are complicit in deaths of Ayan, Ghalib and
Rehanna Kurdi. Thousands of Eritrean, Somali,
Syrian, Yemeni, and Balkan refugees are dying on
the shores of Fortress Europe; as Latin Americans
have died en route to the United States of America.

Canada - Migrant and refugee rights groups across

Canada are demanding that Minister Alexander and
Prime Minister Stephen Harper answer for the
deaths of Ghalib Kurdi, 5, and brother Alan, 3, and
open up Canada to welcome refugees. There are
almost 60 million displaced people around the
globe this year, and over 45,000 people have died
crossing borders since 2000 yet the Canadian
government only assisted 5,790 refugees to resettle
in 2013

Canada - Migrant and refugee rights groups across

Canada are demanding that Minister Alexander and
Prime Minister Stephen Harper answer for the
deaths of Ghalib Kurdi, 5, and brother Alan, 3, and
open up Canada to welcome refugees. There are
almost 60 million displaced people around the
globe this year, and over 45,000 people have died
crossing borders since 2000 yet the Canadian
government only assisted 5,790 refugees to resettle
in 2013

The Facts

The Facts

Canada has discriminatory refugee

policies: the number of refugee claims
decreased by 50% and number of refugees
dropped by 30% between 2006-2012.
The Canadian government profits from
wars: in alliance with resource-extractive
corporations & European and American
partners, Canada has been profiting from
the wars, environmental collapse &
economic depressions of countries
resulting in over 52 million displaced
Deaths abound in the system: the Kurdi
family died because Canadian immigration
policies made it impossible for them to
come here by regular means, but their
deaths are not an anomaly. Numerous
refugees are denied access to countries
and face extraordinary measures to try to
get to safety. And over half a million
undocumented immigrants in Canada are
denied healthcare & face painful deaths
when they fall ill.
Massive transformation is possible:
German residents have convinced their
government to allow over 800,000 refugees
into their country while 10,000 Icelandic
residents have opened up their homes to

For more information go to

Canada has discriminatory refugee

policies: the number of refugee claims
decreased by 50% and number of refugees
dropped by 30% between 2006-2012.
The Canadian government profits from
wars: in alliance with resource-extractive
corporations & European and American
partners, Canada has been profiting from
the wars, environmental collapse &
economic depressions of countries
resulting in over 52 million displaced
Deaths abound in the system: the Kurdi
family died because Canadian immigration
policies made it impossible for them to
come here by regular means, but their
deaths are not an anomaly. Numerous
refugees are denied access to countries
and face extraordinary measures to try to
get to safety. And over half a million
undocumented immigrants in Canada are
denied healthcare & face painful deaths
when they fall ill.
Massive transformation is possible:
German residents have convinced their
government to allow over 800,000 refugees
into their country while 10,000 Icelandic
residents have opened up their homes to

For more information go to

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