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Article I: Organization Name
The name of this organization is the Orchard Lane Parent Faculty Council (hereafter referred to as the council).
Article II: Mission Statement
To promote the welfare of the children of Orchard Lane School by promoting a close relationship between home and
school while providing financing for non-budgeted items which enhance the academic, physical and social growth of
those children.
Article III: Policies
The council will be non-commercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.
Article IV: Membership
Any parent, faculty member or adult who is involved with a child attending Orchard Lane School shall hereby be
considered a member of this council.
Article V: Meetings
The council meetings shall be held monthly during the school year with times, dates and important events available for
review. The meeting agenda will be published the week before the council meeting. The Executive Board may omit a
monthly meeting.
Article VI: Officers & Executive Committee
Officers. Council Officers shall include: President (Parent), Vice President (Parent), Secretary (Parent),
Treasurer (Parent), Officer Ex-Officio (Principal). All of these officers shall comprise the Executive Committee.
Terms. Parent and Faculty Officers shall assume their duties on July 1 each year, and shall be elected to
serve for one year. An Officer may be re-elected the following year, but may only hold the same position for four
consecutive elected years.
President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization, and shall coordinate the work
of the officers, including the annual Treasurers audit (Article 8 paragraph A) is completed. The President will also
promote the councils Mission Statement.
Vice President The Vice President held by a Parent shall act as an aide to the President, shall perform
the duties of the President in the absence of inability of that officer to serve, shall coordinate the work of all
committees, including budgetary requirements. The Vice-President is encouraged to run for President the following
Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the council and of the
executive committee, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him or her.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the council and
keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures. The treasurer shall make a financial report at each regularly
scheduled meeting of the council.
Officer Ex-Officio (Principal). The Officer Ex-Officio shall be an active member of the Executive
Committee in an advisory capacity.
H. Faculty Representative: A representative from the faculty will be at the council meetings on a rotational
Vacancies. Should an officers position become vacant, the vacancy shall be communicated to parents.
Nominations may be presented by any council member in attendance and voted on at the next regularly scheduled
meeting of the council. The unexpired term of the vacant office shall be filled by a majority vote at that meeting.

Article VII: Nominating Committee & Elections

Nominating Committee shall consist of three volunteer members convening in March of each year. In
the event of no volunteers, they shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall elect
its own chair.
Nominating Committee shall select at least one nominee for each parent office and present a Slate at
the council meeting at the regularly scheduled May meeting.
Nominations for offices may be made from the floor.
Article VIII: Finances
Treasurers Audit. The accounts managed by the Treasurer shall be examined annually by an Auditing
Committee that will consist of one executive committee member, one faculty member, and one OL parent who is not a
member of the executive committee. The three members shall sign a statement of fact at the end of the report. The
audit will be completed by June 30.
Committees. Each council sub-committee shall maintain records and a summary of their activities and
procedures for future reference. The committee chairperson(s) shall submit an activity report to the Vice President and
a detailed expense report to the Treasurer no more than two (2) weeks after the activity.
Article IX: Budget
A. The Executive Committee shall prepare an Annual Budget to be presented and voted on at the May meeting.
The proposed budget will be included in the agenda for the May meeting.
The Budget will be made based upon proposals for revenue and expenditures presented in
writing to the
Executive Committee by the April meeting. The budget shall be voted on by the council at the May meeting.
The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30.

Expenditures not specified in the Annual Budget or non-recurring expenses in excess of $500.00 shall require
approval of the PFC in attendance at a duly called meeting. Expenditures not specified in the Annual Budget or
non-recurring expenses less than $500.00 shall require majority approval of the PFC Board.

Article X: Amendment
These Bylaws may be amended by making a motion to amend at a regular meeting and proving copies of the proposed
amendment(s) to those in attendance. The amendment(s) must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
members present at a subsequent regular meeting.
Article XI: Disbandment


The council needs a President and one other officer elected in the spring of the school year prior to continue
with the established PFC organization.
The Secretary and Vice-President role can be covered by the President if these positions are unfilled.
The Treasurer role can be covered by the school secretary.
If nominations for the President and other position have no response for nominees by the third Tuesday in
March, steps outlined below will be followed for possible disbandment of the council.
The April PFC meeting agenda will inform parents of notice to disband the PFC. All committee chairs, events,
programs, and activities would end for the following school year.
The May PFC meeting will be the last PFC meeting and the final motion to disband will be voted into place due
to lack of President and another officer. All parents and staff will be notified through the meeting minutes of
the discontinuation of all PFC sponsored events, programs, and activities for the following school year.
The current events, programs and activities planned and budgeted for the current school year will continue.
All committee chair members would discontinue their volunteer duties effective at the end of the current school
year. Information for events, programs and activities would be given to the school administration.


School administrator will notify all parents of council disbandment and transfer of council budget balance by the
second week in September.
J. A final election for President and other officer can be called by any parent in September or October of the first
year of council disbandment.
K. The budget balance will be transferred to the general school operating budget on November 1st of the current
school year. These remaining funds will be used at the discretion of the school administration. These funds
shall not be transferable back to a future council at any time.
L. Any parent can call for the election process at any point during the school year to restart the council with at
least a President and another officer or full council board by notifying the school administrator.
M. The school staff shall not start the election process for parents.

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