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15 State, National, and Technology Standards

State Standards for Nebraska (Social Sciences) Grades 6-8 and high school
Diana Gomez
SS 8.1.1 Students will summarize the foundation, structure, and function of the United
States government.
My reaction to this standard was very realistic and I see why it is important for students
as individuals to understand where they live and how the system works, especially the U.S.
government. I think this standard deserves to have its place because it can be applied to real
life situations. Students who know how the government system works will be better off and
informed before they make a decision in the society they live in. This standard is crucial to the
subject area I want to teach. Social Sciences deals with interactions with people and their
environment, as well as the ways of life. Knowing how society functions is important to be able
to answer sociological perspective-based questions.

SS 8.3.3 Students will investigate how natural processes interact to create and change
the natural environment.
This standard makes perfect sense because us as humans need to know what is going
on in our environment to be able to understand it better and live in it. This standard can be
useful in my career path in teaching social sciences because students need to know where they
are at and take a look at their surroundings in order to answer sociological perspective
questions. to improve understanding in this area, I would set up scenarios for the students in
order for them to be able to react to certain situations in their changing environments.

SS 8.4.1 Students will analyze how major past and current US events are chronologically
connected, and evaluate their impact upon one another.
Knowing how events are placed in order and how one affected the other in history is
important to me as a Nebraska standard. This merits being a standard because it teaches the
student chronology. It is important to know events in order and how they happened to be able to
learn from the past and create a better future. Ways I could incorporate this standard is making
a timeline in the classroom for a certain amount of years, breaking it down into sections and
using cause and effect on why things happened in certain order. I think teachers now-a-days
focus too much on the actual dates when instead, knowing what came first implements more
meaning in the students mind.

SS 12.2.12 Students will evaluate how international trade benefits individuals,

organizations, and nations.
This standard made me see how education can be incorporated into the real world. I
believe this standard is important because it can show the students how the world functions in
the area of communication with other regions and countries. It gets them educated on how other
places interact with the U.S and what resources we trade and share. A teaching method to
illustrate this could be using social media and technologies to see what is going on throughout
the whole world besides the U.S and how it affects us as a country.
SS 12.3.4 Students will analyze and interpret patterns of culture around the world.
I really enjoy this standard as a future educator because it proves that knowledge is
power. It is important as an individual of this country to not be ignorant of those around us
(meaning outside of the United States). Learning about other cultures and societies out there
creates a well-rounded student. It also decreases the ignorance that many people have now a
days because lack of education on other countries around the world. This standard can also be
applied to real life situations. Knowing how another person of a different culture reacts to
something can help avoid misunderstandings or conflicts with other countries. I would show the
importance of this standard by having students of diverse backgrounds present a presentation
about their cultures.

David Summers

D2.Civ.1.9-12. Distinguish the powers and responsibilities of local, state, tribal, national,
and international civic and political institutions.
Clearly a highly important standard. Its merits are quite obvious, students need to be
able to know everything it entails in order to be active citizens. It means to me that its my
obligation as a teacher to get students to fully understand how the different institutions work at
every level of government. Students could group up, with each group representing some form
of government at a different level, and, using information they find on various government
websites, could give presentations explaining the different powers and responsibilities.
D2.Civ.2.9-12. Analyze the role of citizens in the U.S. political system, with attention to
various theories of democracy, changes in Americans participation over time, and
alternative models from other countries, past and present
Just as important as the previous standard, as the two go hand in hand. Once again, it
falls on the teacher to explain just how important the role of a citizen is, the different theories of
democracy, etc. One experience that would definitely be good is showing the students of age
how to register to vote, and taking them through what different ballots would look like, how to fill
them out, etc.
D2.Civ.4.9-12. Explain how the U.S. Constitution establishes a system of government that
has powers, responsibilities, and limits that have changed over time and that are still
My reaction is very positive. A must know to fully understand the set up of the U.S.
government and how the Constitution is a living document. Possibly one of the most important
lessons to relay to students, especially as it informs a lot about the former two standards. There
are apps where students can easily get a copy of the Constitution, or there are websites that
simplify the articles within it for a better understanding, either of which would be valuable
D2.Civ.5.9-12. Evaluate citizens and institutions effectiveness in addressing social and
political problems at the local, state, tribal, national, and/or international level.
An interesting one indeed. This particular standard is great in that it allows students to
understand how citizen involvement, or lack thereof, can have an effect on issues, and how
policies address those same issues. By looking at various social and political problems,
students could see how they are addressed. Students can use various news apps or websites
to find reputable information on what they are looking for.
D2.Civ.6.9-12. Critique relationships among governments, civil societies, and economic

In my opinion, one of the most important things students can learn. I feel that if more
people understood these concepts and relationships, they would not be so keen on government
intrusion. I would have students look at results and consequences from an economic standpoint
to be able to critique these relationships, and focus on facts instead of good intentions. Once
again, the use of the internet in finding facts and figures proves invaluable.

Alex White

Technology Standards:

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. (Teacher)

This standard I think is crucial in todays teaching. With all the different kinds of
technology, there are numerous ways to get a student more involved in their studies. It helps get
away from the traditional and boring type of teaching that most are used to, which isnt
always the best way of learning for some students. With social sciences, there is a lot of
memorization, which can get very repetitive for most students. As a teacher, I feel it is your duty
to keep your students involved in creative ways. Getting students more involved through
technology, lets say a group project on creating a virtual and interactive timeline of the Civil War,
may help some students learn as it is a more creative learning approach.

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. (Teacher)
Just like with the previous standard, I believe this is very important for teachers using
technology. The students are going to continue to be using technology throughout their lives,
and it is important to be using that technology in their learning experiences and assessments. It
merits being a standard because using technology is so common today, and to have that
technology incorporated with their learning is something I believe is important for students to
have. Providing a technology enriched environment for students in social sciences allows them
to pursue their own ideas and also use and learn new technologies along the way. These
standards help a teacher have more of a variety in their classes.

Model digital age work and learning. (Teacher)

This one is very important, and I think should be at the top of the list! If a teacher does
not model digital age work in the class they are teaching, it does not look good, especially from
a students point of view. It is very discouraging to a student to see their instructor struggle with
what they are trying to promote in the classroom, especially if it deals with technology. Along
side of prior knowledge when using technology, being vocal with your students I believe would
help greatly when dealing with issues such as this.

Creativity and Innovation. (Students)

Technology brings out the best when it comes to creativity and innovation, which is why I
believe it is very important to see that these are both ensured when using technology in the
classroom. It allows the students to learn in ways that arent possible using traditional methods.
For example, using apps like Vine can help create useful and innovative ways for a student to
Technology Operations and Concept. (Students)

This I definitely believe deserves to be a technology standard for students. Without the
knowledge of knowing how to use new technologies in the first place, they wont get everything
that technology has to offer in the classroom. Before using technologies in the classroom, it is
essential to make sure that the students can operate the technology on their own, even when
things go wrong. If this is not done, technology in the classroom will become more of a hassle
than anything, and no one wants that, the instructors and the students.

In conclusion, all of these standards offer valuable lessons for students and teachers
alike. They serve as a great guide for teachers to better instruct, and the curriculum within is
important for students to learn and better operate in society as productive citizens.

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