Oral-Des Conseils 090315

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Des conseilspage 1

Intercalaire C
Tom THOMAS Your first and ALL LAST NAMES
La note :
le jeudi 10 septembre 2015 The date of assignment ; its on the whiteboard
1re anne, J1, p2 Your class, Day 1, Period 2
Orals are worth a
minimum of 20 pts.
Oral U1, p1 Title of the assignment
Coucou, comment a va ? Choose ONE prompt or question
Salut, pas mal ! Choose ONE answer
Tu tappelles comment ?
Je mappelle Tom.
Au revoir.
Allez, tchao !
Des conseils :
HEADING of page :
Always write your First and ALL your last names at the top of the page
Copy the date en franais from the tableau blanc
Write your Level of French : 1re anne, J1, p2
2me anne, J2, p3
3me anne, J1, p2
Le BAC, J1, p2
Write the day and period that you have class:
J1= Jour 1 = Day 1
J2= Jour 2 = Day 2
p1=priode 1 = period 1
This heading should be on every paper you turn in for a grade
This heading is worth 5 points.
Every error in spelling = -1point, including accents
A missing line (3 lines total in your heading) = -2 points per missing line
Write the Oral page number : par exemple : Oral U1, p5
Oral Unit 1, page 5
This means, its an oral from the first unit we studied, and its the 5 th oral in the
This designation will match the what is recorded in Synergy
and will enable you to track you own grades.
EVERY oral will have SALUTATIONS at the beginning and at the end.
Par exemple
The beginning :
Bonjour, comment a va ?
Salut, trs bien !
The body :
Question (ONLY ONE, you must choose)
Rponse (ONLY ONE, you must choose)
Pay attention to your own gender in the answers.
The end :
Salut !
A demain !

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