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World History 1 Syllabus

Mr. Rose

Purpose: To understand the origins of western civilization and understand how ancient empires
and civilizations have influenced modern western culture.
Knowledge: By the end of the course students should be able to:
1. Understand the beginning/rise of civilization

Understand the significance of Mesopotamia

Understand the role of Egypt
Understand the importance of Ancient Greece and Rome
Be able to make intelligent comparisons of the societies of ancient history to the present day

Classroom Policies:
1) Be on time to class
2) Be respectful of others. This includes:
a) Not talking during lecture or class reading
b) Raising your hand to ask questions
c) Making sure your phone does not go off during class instruction, tests, or reading
d) Talking at an appropriate level. (i.e. dont scream at people, talk calmly and quietly.)
e) Using appropriate language
3) Any student using their cell phone AT INNOPROPRIATE TIMES is given one verbal warning to put phone
a) A second warning will result in the student possibly giving up the phone for the remainder of the class
b) Refusal to do so will result in a student being sent to the office.
4) Do not play music out loud in class. You may listen to music while working as long as you have head phones
5) Students will be allowed only 5 passes per class per trimester.
6) If a student leaves class without permission they will be subject to a write up and possible sent home.

Schedule (Subject to change)

Week 1- Beginning of civilization
Week 2- Mesopotamia
Week 3- Ancient Egypt
Weeks 4-5 - Ancient Greece
Weeks 6-8 - Ancient Rome

Week 9- The Middle Ages

Week 10- The Middle Ages
Week 11- Review for and Take Final
Grading: Grading will be based on 3 areas:
1) Class assignments:
All class assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Late work will be accepted up

to 1 week after the due date for partial credit. Any assignments turned in after that period will result
in a zero. Students who miss school may have as many days as they are absent to make up an
assignment when they return to school.
2) Tests:
There will be a test at the end of every unit. Tests will consist of a variety of questions to
challenge the student if they have mastered the material. These questions can range from fill in the
blank, essay, short answer, and multiple choice.
There will also be a final at the end of the class covering all subjects covered.
3) Projects:
Various projects will be assigned throughout the semester. Projects may range in points from as low
as 25 to as high as 100, depending on the amount of work required. All projects should be turned in
on the due date and are subject to the same late regulations as class assignments.
This class uses The Mohegan High School Grading System which is as follows;

Attendance Policy:
1) If a student is more than 6 minutes late for class that counts as an absence.
2) 3 Tardies = 1 absence
3) If a student has 7 or more absences they risk losing credit in the class. A credit appeal may be
completed to receive credit at the discretion of the program supervisor.

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date:________

Student Signature _________________________________________________ Date:________

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