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The Immigration Phenomenon in Australia and Asian Neighbours

Immigration immensely affect Australia and its neighbour countries like China

Sequence of Learning
Overarching Understanding
General Capability
Strand, sub strand and level
descriptions or Curriculum
Content Code and Description

Through the exploration of the international and intra-national immigration in Australia and its neighbour countries like China from
cultural, social, environmental and economical angles, students will gain a general understanding of contemporary immigration situation in
Australia. (Curriculum Content: ACHGK056, ACHGK057, ACHGK058). The activities contribute to develop students sense of spatial
distribution by providing students the opportunities to construct appropriate maps at different scales (ACHGS058); to nurture their statistic
analytical ability by exposing them to analytical activities (ACHGS059, ACHGS060); and to enhance their communication skills via
discussions, oral reports and presentations (ACHGS061) .
Whats the immigration phenomenon in Australia and its effect on local environment and employment?

Essential Question
Focus Questions

How many types of immigrants are there,

what are they?
Activity 1:


Activity 2:

Research into
Everyone portraits a
different types of
typical figure of the
immigrants in
immigrant group on
groups, and list the
the basis of the list
characteristics of the
they developed. They
type theyve worked
will present and
explain their work to
the rest of the class.
Learning Objectives

Have a general
Understand other type
understanding on
of immigration by
one type of
watching other
groups work.

skills in the group


Evidence of Understanding
[List the products that students
make or processes performed that
will show students
understanding of the targeted
outcomes from doing the

The list developed by The portrait drawn by

the students
Students performance The presentation

in teamwork
delivered by students

Whats the




What are the impacts of Asian countries

immigration (both international and intranational) on them and Australia?
Activity 3:
Activity 4:
Activity 5:
Activity 6
Game: Students will
In groups, research on Draw a pie chart,
Discuss the impact of
play a game which
the proportion of
statistic pyramids or
immigration on the
shows the impact of
different races in
other by using any
two countries after
immigration on
each capital city, and
colour they like based
watching the two
cities. (Detailed
write down their
on the list data table
YouTube videos about
description not
research results as a
developed in previous
immigrations in
available as word
table of data.
Australia and China.
(Insight SBS, 2011), Discuss the impact of
(The economist, 2012)
immigration on
Australian cities.
Have a general idea Have more concrete Have a deeper
Understand the
of the immigration
understanding on the
understanding on the
economical, cultural
situations in
current immigration
immigration situations
and social effects of
Australian capital
situations in Australia.
in China and
immigration boom
in Australia, and
Develop critical
apply what they
thinking through
learnt in the
skills through group
The table of data
The patterns that the The performance of the Students
made by students
students drew are an
students in the
performance in the
The communications
evidence of their
game and the
among the students
The performance in the
discussion led by the

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