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Learning Objective: 1.

1 Understanding force
Learning Outcomes:
State that a force is a push or a pull.
Explain the effects of forces.
Explain the various types of forces.

The diagram below shows a boy pushing a box and a boy pulling a sack of cement.

Complete the statement below to show what a force is.

A force is a __________________ or a ______________________.

The diagram below shows a sponge pressed together using both hands.

Complete the statement below to explain the effects of force.

Force changes the __________________ and __________________ of the sponge.

Complete the statements below to explain the various types of forces.

a. A durian will fall to the ground because it is pull by
____________________ force.

b. The pieces of paper are attracted to the plastic

comb because it is pull by __________________

c. Opposite poles of a magnet will pull one another

(attracts) and same poles of a magnet will push




____________________ force.
Answer Scheme



Learning Objective: 1.1 Understanding force


The diagram below shows a boy pushing a box and a boy pulling a sack of cement.

Complete the statement below to show what a force is.

A force is a push or a pull.

The diagram below shows a sponge pressed together using both hands.

Complete the statement below to show the effects of force.

Force changes the shape and size of the sponge.

Complete the statement below to explain the types of forces below.

a. A durian will fall to the ground because it is pull
by gravitational force.

b. The pieces of paper are attracted to the

plastic comb because it is pull by electrostatic

c. Opposite poles of a magnet will pull one

another (attracts) and same poles of a magnet
will push against one another (repels) because
of magnetic force

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