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Pistol Markmanship Fundamentals and Weapon Safety Rules

This course will provide Pistol Marksmanship Fundamental training for the
most novice shooter. It will explain the four basic shooting fundamentals.
They are as follows: Steady Positioning, Aming, Breathing Control and
Trigger Control. This course will include instruction covering Weapon
Safety Rules which are: treat every weapon as if it was loaded, never point a
weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot, keep your finger straight and
off the trigger until you are ready to fire and keep the weapon on safe until
you are ready to fire.
Upon completion of this coures the Novice shooter will be able to
successfully apply the following Pistol Marksmanship Fundamentals
of many weapons they my handle after this course and they will be able to
handle the weapons with little or no supervision. Each student will be able to
sucessfully fire the weapons and qualify by passing shooting tests required.
Each student will understand and be able to apply the four weapons safety
Target Audience:
Age range: Majority 18 to 22 years of age
High school graduates
Graduates of U.S. Navy Boot Camp
Navy Reserve adults
Students from all over the globe, numerous backgrounds
Students with various religious beliefs, race and economic status
Delivery and length of course:
Based on the learning context and the learner charecteristic, this course will
be taught as an instructor led course and be instruced in an intergrated
learning enviornment. It will be an instructor led course with the the use of
lectures and computers. Hands-on training will be a portion of the training.
Goals & Objectives:
At the end of the course all students will be comfortable handling a weapon.
They will posess the ability to apply the skills they learned to qualify and
pass a test with thier weapon of choice. All students will understand and
have the knowledge of how to apply the Four Weapon Safety Rules.

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