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we EUGENERAL KNOWLEDGE Tes || EU GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST tmarnade dose, the ober Mens Sate chat] a. Sst tthe gus fs pol stra Ty thatend the MonberSitssshallnodintebetncsy | Uemanves in he Counc” 4 complementary to the multe! Sbwalsaion of Counc and Patiament mst confi is canoe ecrding to Ace 2th Charter, “lereyone Ao therghtt le @) None shel be cndenoed hare the Teatyspeties an exception to the ial fit majority ule) and. simple maja forthe “4 | ‘Pursuant to Delton 20.21, the quale nsjnty Sehold since the aceon of Romania and | ‘Bulga in 2007 hasbeen 255 votes out of 315, Le 72I%ofvoksmustbeinfavourtaacoptepecposal | by quafed majority, along with he ober wo cone | ars i fevtemal epreventation ofthe Union on sues c= ofthe EU'sota population eureny SP man ut 390 EU GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Test 2. &B ic Comunity) acquis isthe body “The main oe ofthe ECA is to monitor he concet Limplamertin of he FU budget tthe legal ac regulacy of EU income and expenditure. I ag fnsures sound Aandi management ad com the efectveness and transparency of he ‘According 10 Attle 28702) ofthe Treaty on the Furtioning ofthe EU, he m aed cgi whi Bt ‘tng the 8 sou nr ney ane dereopng forte (SdPas) econ ok place be 30 June 197. (ipdlarparlaunps cua epenie) ime ibe tao Earp en ogni EU GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST In the euro aren, the BCB has exclusive rights con- cerning bankrotes but not ons. ing of cenouze requies the support of an orty of the European Paciament’s snd woth of Be vos ‘shy, * tan ce) the ning nica! sty Pro Ba biting sl in is teritry By eam thatthe way Halls the objective fs diferent form that ‘nc ae designed fees compucle fo fae ark! in goods The 586 FUGENERAL KNOWLEDGE: ad he sty to cope th compete sure and matket forces witha the Un NATO members are (those not in the EU are Pt lw "epresenting between ‘noc threshold) and 25 votes (he new these tion to fn by having only 425% ia favour, THs vas the fist enlagerent i the Community’ is Followed by five other Gree, ‘scomsderd the nlzaon ofthe ith else ment, ths est eoagemeat is not wih he Euepenn ‘The codecien pro re he inh on ‘dure as een named by the Testy on as ‘hecrainary ogi proedaze ic Mala signed its Associaton Agreement withthe ‘European Communities in 1970 (entered into force ‘in 971) and became Member State in 200 votes (he old blocking in ws voor ul GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST c cing othe changes node bythe Tray ‘Filton the Ezopean Coane oe of ie EUS {fottutons, Under arte 15 ofthe Tety on ‘Efepen Uiion the "The Bropenn Coun shal the Union with the necesary impos for fegtimagy (ihe Comsiatan ~ oven tough is Montes af appointed bythe Mere Ses nd se scary seme Palme Enpeen niepstion as th gurston of davon egy has bese inceasingly “Anstewam and Nit Sims at puting an end tothe democrat defict problem by making the codocision procedure the Erdinry legislate procedure In EU lawmnaking. (Sets) mA “The consent proceduze mainly apple tothe acces 37 slon of new Member Stats (Article 49 ofthe Treaty fo European zenship issues the specif tasks ofthe European (Cenzal Bark (ECB), amendents to the States of BD Under Asie 234 ofthe Testy onthe Functioning ofthe EU, the mation of censure Is cared by & aes PU GENERAL KNOWni (GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST 30 EDGE c Enlsion wading must be combined with new 39, 32. Which ofthe following statements eee Schengen Agrecmes false regarding the Dittctive on Services inthe Internal Market companies can buy oll iss adopted in December 2008 . 5 A Resch woth eae ses, 5 & Resi dove county ofp Whatisan “optout”? C_ Supplement Senge Convention &_ Rot eiinaned he "Boks Di 1D. Was ho sg yada Norway ab craven sonappicaton of spec Isis . abo indader patting Pemarnteena a ra Aeon of Commun epton oe i cxmarty a thn 40, Concerning Overseas Counties a ote toh Bupean 3 Which statement is comet prin Suicer pation of « Commrity Sone as Counties and je Member Slate ln which the Cohesion F 7 foreanen by he legate Telos fOCi whi of emporty notation of egal ules ‘A. The appropriate blanc of esistanc isa lcamaenea agtoed between the Member Sates sd ons of he EU ible ot funding, no county nicdeict ae ‘A. rozetandtheKegusen lands are pat ofthe Feench OCTe 8. Thre ae 21 OCT Spain doasnot have ry OCT D.erusaspartof the Brtch OCTS D. _Pasament ees the European Data Protein Soparisor © of and for an amount exeing ‘he total eligible expenditure for 6S concerned is not an ali expen = bringing ‘common cultural heritage tothe fore. ee Lr Showing consideration forthe eltaralee= eee inge . Which principle was laid down by the eein he CassedeBijon Projects rating to eneray are support ony it 1993? Shey have envramental bench ‘couraging promotion and presrvaton of A. Channa lands is amulet bo Mane DL Addawiedging thir cxcsivecompetenerfor Ghatag curl mater ‘ he A Heath and quay of ie 3. Improving cet sfety Chaat change D. Nature and biodiversity 42, Whatis the generalised system of pref= Parity products the EU subsidise in third Am A ro 38. Concer te Emission Trading BIB BEV priorities that must be met in order to be Scher of the following state- cs BY pis mt tee now C.Anantiarms proliferation policy applied by the a ‘4 This an iterators wading syste 00, C_Tecoveed by sca insurance in espectofa * Pee eo 3. Hever ome 1200 istalltions representing alee cose a halfof Europes emissions of CO, 1D. Tas action for devel vcs EU General Knowledge Test 50 questions ~ answers follow at the end of the questions Which ofthe following countries ace ‘members of NATO but not members fof the European Union? these movement of persons Replacing the Testy of Rome wth new prov Costing the Single Baca Opmning the way to the acesion of new Meme tates Which countries joined the EC in 1973? Swede, Leeland, Finland Denmark, Spal, Portugal ‘Unt Kingdom, land, Denmark United Kingdom, Spin, Pctagal Which one ofthe following conditions were not atong the Copenhagen eite- (A. Subity of station a espe fran ‘tection of minorities a 8 functioning mate economy ad D. Acceptance of the ais communautae wih ‘outderogtons 5. What was the lonnina compromise about? me [AL Environmental subsidies to “oew" Member Suter 3. Exemption fom the Massie convergence Contribution to the Commaniy budget and stuctual bene soep interpre and implemented inthe Member Sate [EU GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST 7. For which of the following Member of the following statements is @ The Buropean Counel coordination of the general economic ofthe Member Sates Bh - Addresses econo soil and ervronmenta. Jase at fs Oncomber esting sanitation ofthe EU 1. Was frst eogrised inthe Maasticht Treaty 8, According tothe Paliament’s Rules of Procedure, whom does the Bureau of the European Parliament comprise (only those with decision making A. Under the Teas in oc, the Member States oot teeter rel soverignty othe EU B. The EU isnot recognised by each and evry county as ful fledged interatoalsegeni- salon © TheUisnotmenberof he UN b eo ‘The BU may sem ices to the ocd sen md The consent procedure may not apply in connection With imposed ona Member Safar ase Petsson breach of andamanl gh “The uniform procedure for elastons to the European Parlament legislative procedure does letaings fo execute serch pro- games Jedi cooperation ia cil mers (exept fal nw) sr anspor Consunerprotacon The European Parliament is not enti- Hed to ‘Censure the Commisionars individually ‘What is the generally used name for reports With conerete pro- Atle 4 of the 2000/31/EC dimctive provides as fellows: “Principle excluding prior authorisation ensure thatthe aang up activity of an information society serice provider may not be made call with a maximum tat of 6149 for 4+ Introduce per serord bing afte theft 20 seconds for calls made and inmedistly fot (cceurpacufformatonseciyetntishoaninghe ‘Te ction of was decided bythe Coun of Beads of State or Government ofall EU Member sponte by he European Union to + Thee rules protet consumers fan “Bl shocks” by insodacing » cata mecneriss INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES POLICY ES BoD According to the European Conumision, tehnolo- gies suchas Rac Frequeney Kent forexample, are now fsooystoms. are king together. For these echelogies to realise the fall potential, however, researchers, companies gov feriments and regulator across Eusepe need to ‘work logsher, pooling resources to both develop the ecologies and salve frues suchas inteopes. lity standards and regulation. (econ. mation sect) cree ig gl cot at eng betas Regain stan tion in the fla Iotletal Property Rights hinder standardise tion efforts Sail and Medium Enterprise ae rot benefit Ing fom standarcnton Graphical User ftrtace (GU) ‘Systm Network Opetr (SNO) Aplition Programing Lnterface (APD, ‘Dynamic interaction Pra INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES POLICY. a . ‘According tothe directive on elee- tronic commerce Tonation aseselted 1 ecommerce analy covered The service provider must aeknowiedge an ‘onder within 4 houts of zeip by elcroie ‘The provision of aa nformation sce service must not eeque aay prior utholstion ‘ho privacy of all customer date mus be ‘ensure according to the laws ofthe county whee the customer based Cutoff means fr data rosming Compulsory inwodueion of per second bling ‘rom the acto heel! Regarding the eu top level domain .. ‘The Imenet Corporation for Aigo Nowes and. Numbers (CANN) vocognised EUR fo unthe-2u ‘The Irish Arbivaton Coutt administers the sttenative. dspate resolution prossce fo "esnve disputes benwen domain ame holders EUR has Conds fr Domain names aealoated acoding abit lg procedure Radio Frequency Identification (REID) {is mainly used inby... Healthcare Paserge border con Inmet sere providers 1. Safer Internet. Supply chain management Is a Dicatorate ofthe European Commision ‘hat dal with ging online psy ‘The ability to use ICT tools coni- dently i call Online bravado Computer management sil Dig tery Wed 20 eerie ‘Krowldge and Lovaton Communities Join Techosiogy ntaives reese ADsL2+ pe won ee 18, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES POLICY an isa softvare thats used to con- Press or decompress a digital audio or ‘ideo files es i ana ccopec Mes RAR ‘A gh of European consumers to change, in fone wotkng dy, Sted ot mobile operator ‘while eng tat old phone number, 366 EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / HUMAN RESOUR FUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION | HUMAN RESOURCES 367 requirments to the directive. (fc eurpeeu/goer- racer regulation) nis activites a6 whole, incuding the eutcome 34, -B tts nguie. ‘According to Article 35 ofthe Staff Regulations: “Offic shall be asigned one ofthe falling adninistative statser (a) active employment, (©) secondment 24D Without prejudie to Ares 12 and 17, Like the principe of subsidiarity, ee principle of fica who intends to publish or case published, whether alone or with athe, ay hater “dealing th the work of Commons leave for rity service parental eave of fay eave” 35. A According to Ace 4 of te Staff Regulation, the savice may be terminated by: ing the need to stn o cae erp talons. The European Com D tor ting in theta role (ombudsman Dinding depends on tha type of procedure! ths proces is know ab comstalogy. (Sens) 30. A 7 © Decision of the European Ombudaran adopting her eople within the 5 implementing provisions: The Ombudsman su accuse organization) or externally (te regulators, ‘The freedom of expression for EU ofcals iy mutsan anneal report tothe European Pilament 30 [EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / HUMAN RESOURC Loa ‘The Commission's rules of procedure generally agate the Comalssioers to meet once eek. In the Commissioners meetin Strasbourg on Tuesday (ceewnpteulvear esgic) 2 ¢ ‘The Comission decides ealectivly, on the basis of propose pu sionmaking powers further tw distor general sre heads of Seve, By delegation ~ the Commission can delegate some decisions to Directors General tn! heads of servic, who then ac (Gccamapeeuusersisecs) a B ‘At recent the executive agencies are: Eduction, ‘Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Bucopean Roseereh Counc! B Agency (ERC); Executive Ageney for tiveness and Innovation (EACH; Exective Agency r & OC sUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ! HUMAN RESOURCES 363 lative instrument species th scope ofthe imple ‘bunting powers conferred onthe Cacuission by the Counc ofthe European Union In this cates, Matt — SLIM) covering fou specie areas was Jnanched in May 1996 ana Executive | Agency (REA); Trent Bs ‘Transport Network Exeutive Agency (TEN. (curprenlgencisieecutioeageces) aoa “The standard Eurobarometer was established 1973 Each survey consists of approximate facto face they and make decision, According to Article 15, ations: 206, the Commission ceted an independent act Assesamtant Boar Yo ensure mort consie= Pre-Les the database on international pose: dures. it erables czars to ol the major fof the doction. making. process betwen Commission and the ole itittons and pr Vides information on: =" The stages of the procaduce for adopting legis a The hted by the sn Burepean Council n 1932, Over he past ‘concentrated effort has buen made t2 tion in crinal mutters. Ear Les) EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / HUMAN RESOURCES | “The series ofthe Offical Journal of the European Union do not publish Recamendations judgments ofthe European Coutt Regulobons Directives and dcons Which method has not been used by teategy to sitn- the EU regulatory environment? ‘A quorum exists in the European en. ofthe Members are present in the Chamber neous nested Hut Twothids very year very to yous very to and al Regulation strategy, the ling to the Commission's Better reduce administrative costs by by 1 ra0 28% /2010 28% 202 18% /2012 Alm to help counties in C Europe to modems tele ster esol anced by the EU Ws leunched in 200, Orbudsoan he BU an the Coun of an Hatta ‘poemine text? EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ] HUMAN RESOURCES = Opting out of eregulatary mesures Comrities (EU) as log asthe Appointing 5 eer Aart stem aed en ea Score D 24, Which principle states volvement must be liz is necessary to achieve the objec- of the Teaties? 28, According tothe Commission Cade. A. Subsidy ‘Good Administrative Behavious, 1B Aslinty Conf ftom the date of cep ofthe leer By ieee ‘the responsible Commission department. 25. "Plan D*; launched by the Comnission {2005 3105.3 ns seaiace |. Reiforsing. collaboration betwoen EU and ‘nal nation and bodies, 8 2. c 1D. Reducag the administrative burden A 25, Approximately how many committees © Soult the Commission in implement D. fing Community decisions? Bm 5 c m0 D0 27, Which statements true? An EU offi- A. c 8. Buren Commision C_Burgpen Counc D. Councl ofthe EU 354 Law TEs LaWTesT 28 smarkat in derogation from theprovislonsof Arla (@)_ shall endeavour to facltatecohes Law Further resources aw and ease aw: htyfeurlecesrpnenkerfnexitn © BU dassor- aking: plop eustintionsiecson-mnkinger enim aropeen_Parlament f Profane htpdhnewarpricuopecubisftDoc dpb [ROVFEXT RULES EPs 20012014TOCsDOC= Ls VO/ENElagageeEN ‘council and European Council Rules of Procedure: tp/uape cuit. stants) 0003. ie EU competition law tp fewopacuegiaton sunmaris/eompetonyinder ee 3A Article 10) TEU provides that fos 1 Noverbe 20:4, a qualified majority shal be defined a. Europson Commission conitology celts: pc uopx.cvtrosporeneyhegcanlogyidee six EV aw and indingement: pte surat lewiaductonteay es National implementation of EU law: htc eapautsnomanty aig ones. err ates oa ® Beane res "Unstone aw online: peur eurpecuhclebays Milan rer of Manber Sa ates nN 2) ey cae aw seach pricy ce Snir lng EU landmark cases a the European Cout of usc: pura europa emsfeso2 16708 Ale 176) TEU provides as from 1 November 2-20, tha Commission shall cnet of a ‘Special representatives ay be involved in rtng te. Euopean Darlaneet. The’ Euopece Pevtament nay ask qerions of the Couel or 40. A Sule ecommtdatons to it and the High Reproentative Twlr a year the Pariament eo Arte 2 of dhe Powe on te C hold a debate on progres in implementing the Fundamerel igh peonacs slows we ue conusonfoegn an eur poy ining the txt that a povien, ofthe Chaney mis Satna ava aad pace, stall ny Sony © Peland che Unted Rigi othe ene eae ‘pho prindpie ta roti tre eed thew or pecs of land cr of he Unel- Allard Kook’ Blog: wena com 50 raw: AW TEST 351 the plains that the rls provided for inthe Enforcement of judgments ‘Commercial Matters 1966. 8 Gang ‘When New Mearber Sisson the Conn, the dost automat bene eae itacs shall adopt thir rales of procedure to the ies of procedure cle 7 fathernore poviertat the pic ‘conditions on public accesso docaments nevertheless tay within he nest by the {nattutonal system as ad out nthe Treat. ‘This means that ws essgned othe ast ie observed ta gin with a contrary tone by the Treaty whieh require dere to the contentions of the Pelament and the onary powers in trartating plies hoiecs Goan, the fact that the crea lala don in into acon may not be outsourced [htc 2 ofthe second comtlogy decision ae not finding ia nature doesnot prevent that provision from having certain legal fees and in parca 27, C dos the Community legislature from Although unaity by the Counal was required ‘before the Treaty of Lisbon, Artie 253 TEEU (x= ‘tcl 202 EC) now provides tat the Coust of [esos shal establish Rules of Procedure, which ane healt SRR ASHE The second Comitology (Counc) Decision IPDIMG/EC) ets, tended by OSES Tot toe Convention (rt 7)" i 2. C Before the Treaty of Lisbon entered ita ‘etl 20 2 sawed tind coe A new Comsitelogy decision fas been proposed bythe European Cision ting tnd es tive stating inthe Europeen Paracaen ‘amber 2008/206(0N. a Union i now empowered other Treaty provisions. Hi ‘course not prevent Member Sate from conlading conventions amangattherscves, (Conventions con {ie often pa sr evplemertng acon teen by the Menbet SE Sohewer sted io Rel an Sot Regulation 2/20 here sore important nt tothe bem of eatin “(dine Commision to be prope arnt oto atau hms epson “The pane! shall comprise seven persons chosen fromamong former membersof the Cort of justice find the General Cour, members of rational ‘Spree curs and Inwyere of ecognised compe- Continent BV v. Comision 1978 cr: £5(7etitmaonis fos COAG [1373] ECR 461). oa nm oA sre conary tothe es cotined ‘ees in petals to those ules provided ‘ie a Atle 1016109 THU, _ Mlpdetakiags etrsed wih he operation of ers of greral economic innrst ot having the cr of revenue producing moroply al te ote cota i he Ti 9 {fins rom Ace Reuton 2 the bok cenpton spl ae mee agement, wave te old bose scree ance en eet ete see pera mors ise ga mea genrecrena ao Fg cS eat aun nec eee ee misconceptions about Arise 105 TFEU (ecArtile eC), Rest ofl a dominant postion, which c= Set ough he gant of ane ht win meaning of Atle 105 not eeate ant fe do wo hen the rec. (Case 101/81 Kufperberg [1982] ECR 3641 subsequent ge aw) ows fom Col Region (20) No December 2002) fe Coe 1/2003 isnot appropri ely reqzement of overiding publi interest. uw B Sf Regulation 1/201) te AMS ease at th legal xo lege berneen lawyets ane te Scion a aa from pest aves (ese : "Eope Limited v Commision EC “They shall remain in ofce ae contin to deal vith corent busines unt they are replaced in ecordance with Arte 17 ef the Treaty on the Commision appointed to replace ther shall ‘expe onthe te on which he term of office of the ‘meres of Une Commision ebliged to vesign a8 3 body would have exped. 1. A ‘Aplin group car, according to the BP Rls of Procedure Rule 30), only beset up on the imap atend all the mentngs of the Europes 160A Atl 307 TEU provides the Commitee ofthe Repons shal be consulted by the Buropean Palament, by the Counc or by the Commission where ho Ticats so provide and In Opinion 294, the Court of Justice. Strate that he principe af entered powers ‘must be given aster ierpreton i ines: ational ection tha ination con of fhe Conmucity rl pow cracreson human gh On 4: “The Community can be for private actions ofits ‘Statement 2: “Community servants have immunit Law Tes ‘The privatization ofa Compeny ‘Which ofthe following statements regarding international agreements ‘concluded by the Community i incos: rovislons of such agreements ay te prec Ace over anal ” Meant sine ot contig aud Mas sine tenting teat Newnes edt protg ito dence a Mewes ane etn te ein of yan taWTEST 4h Which ofthe following statements [e102 TFEU (ex-Article 1A, The leant markt ig detarmined both fom thestanepoit ofthe product ad from the geo _graphic an temporal pote of view Exemption Regulation (VBER) is cor rect? A Theblockesemption lo applis to mulated agreements ._Theblock exemption oly apliesif the market she held bythe supple doesnot exceed 30 peta ofthe relevant are, © The VBER axcudes resale price maintenance roms ope 1D. _Thelack exemption camot te apie vr calegrements between comping underkings Siatomen isa, atom 28 coe Statement Both statements arecoret Both statement ae fae “A Member State will ant 2:"A Member State can infringe Article 105 TFEU when the exclusive right concerned restricts the freedom of establishment of nationals of another Member State.” ‘A motion of censure by may be sub- aitled by of the Members ofthe European Parliament. ach netenth A simple mijoty (One quater ‘Which ofthe follow regarding the inte (he European Pasiam er een po oy 26. ~D ‘The purpose of « preliminary study i to assess whether the plann 1 realist realsabie planned audit meets en the preliminary study alo prot vides a basi for deste planing. isk assessment of dit are focuses on tivo sain categorie: inherent rks and contol ts Inhecent sks ae factors ha make an economist, ‘fcent and eecve operation dificult to achieve ‘0 matter how well the organisation is manage! For example when «funding programme tare 9 beneficiaries who have complex reeds, the risks fo effectiveness may be high regardless of the implementation “othe poe gramme, Contol risks, onthe other band, are fe. fore that management can influence by planning 2. OB Substantive testing means the direct ting of transactions (eg whether they conform toe ly rales) as opposed to testing systems or controls that ate established to proces tose tarstons, Answers A, Cap D ae tests of contol _guupit TEST 338 tA 38. ~D ye mately teeshld isthe mit tat should [bs exceeded by the total level of exor i order {pavoid banging the level of error to the atention Detection risk the tho will not be tis, Which helps determine the quantity of stantve testing nesded to arive at an acopate level of audit ek tvample ofthe apertien of programme oF oS 2 best pracce sample 40.0 A ‘Advan opinion isu when the evel of ror in ‘the financial statements iso high Hat hay do not praset fy the fearcial postion of 3 the te a “Clean opinion”. (Qualified opinion f issued when auctor find an fren which does not comply wih generally cepted scouting stands but this does not | 330 AUDIT TEST ANSWERS Gutman [al eT elo an | spcifentions a budgetary principle Speciation oor sy appropriations are Gusinne [AT BTC fe], z 1 i i | e : fea + Goingconcen | + prudence 1 Consitnt accounting methods Com leformatin LiL ETL Js is x 1s. x a x LoD Unit of account i one ofthe budgetary principles ‘Rn tht he cute a ws Tie of he EU Rrancal Rep re ob ving + Unly and budget accurney + Accalty "Sound fnarcigl management sTepaeny + The presen + Report on budgetary and financial manage: * Components te rns stenens: At ffs fifi fs Ue le fe fe ffs [i [oe budgeary secant pas Preamble ment Art 122 tow (oe te Red Cw and be Usd Naters) C._ ParB ofthe budget covers operational expen: ice ,_The budget & divided into around 29 policy European Union? aropean Pariment ‘AL The rational pciaments of EU Member States Bo The Media c ThePubte D. The Furopean Pasta Where can the Buropean Court of ‘Auditors carry out on-the-spot audits? ‘AL Only in EU institions and agencies BOny in Member States of the European Economic Area © Only in Member States of the European Exonomi Ara D. Only where EU fas are ust 16, What isthe Statoment of Assurance? 5. Astatzmentabou the cempletenes of suppor ing documettaten The aut of regularity focuses on. Aubin rg opinion about the ec fee's enagerent a ion about the reabit sil statements What powers of sanction does the European Court, (ECA) have incase of iregularites found? ala audit fooues on whether polis, programmes or seites have achat thie Sate objectives : Franca audit follows standardised ete set ‘ean roover the inept spends {pletion and eguton for al us ean impose os on benefit ‘narclal auditors exanine financial ance Thean pass fdgerents Hos, accounting and key onl procedures What action does the European Coutt o audit findings fof fatd at fina Ie brings the ease to the European Cou of Iustce Reais outa eae investigation Rforwards theca tothe Busopean Ant Fad Otic (OLAS) 1 forwards the cose 10 the fw enforcement agencies of he given Member Sake Whether te saa level of outputs could hive teen acheved wih lower let of inputs Whether the audited transitions have boon cared out i accordance with te revnt ‘ules and egal eqlrements Whether the audited EU programmes have scheved the cbetives intended bythe Counc Regulations tht established these progres Wether the financial statements provides re se fai view ofthe ancl poston f the sditensty | 2 Which of the following is not an objec tive of public secor financial audits? Which, Messuerent ‘Which of the following is an example ofa completeness eror? ‘Thechained aut evidence net ribo Assets are purchased without coreponding talance sheet entry Payment is made othe wrang beneficiary Revenues coed alan incorrect amount owing can ered a isk tothe efficiency ing programme? Insificien inde a8 made availble to schines Be poyamine aa anon ats ‘The plementation ofthe programme slow Ina performance audit, the purpose of a preliminary study i to ‘Commit etources tthe planned audit Asses the binned aut evidence to deter tines rib fo the nal report Determine the shee forthe oie vss at the suid enter Aves whether dhe planned ati elite, ‘ealsble and lyf be useful ‘Which of the following can be consid= tisk in a performance anu comploty of the taget Unclear retponsbiltes {A the organstonal a8 ECONOMICS ~ EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY Tey s0NOMICS ~ EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY TEST 9 oC 4 oD D cy iy ‘Al there protocols reattached fo the Lion Testy Sweden is ranked th, Denmark Sty, Finland BU is commited to reaching the UN target of ‘Thess delving force behind the etablishment of "015. Eurostat data shows that only th Single Currency as facie he fee mover ment of people an goods inthe Single Market by thu pan from othe content ofthe protools i ery removing curoncy exchange cost and linating ee lpr tecettanh EES gut pam ECONOMICS ~ EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY: ONOMICS - EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY TEST ng at lest 10% fo the tarsport sector (fot example biofuels) 1B Bren though the EU has been avolvad in ela energy sine 1987 wih the etblhy —C. ment of tbe Euopean Atomic Energy ‘Comma (Suzatom tis up each Member ‘State dei how mach of energy ed ‘ome fom nuclear power scion (cepin he eas which ll wikn ts 31. The De Larosidre epor focused on fccsive competes) unk is moe a fre tan acon hen a nana regal or A ‘The competion and stead ews aking vette fm governments king age hen fina gual treatment for men and waren which al asians smitbeentuedinallwesincadgenpley —B. —How to agai the speison of Branca ‘be work andy instiors nd mats inthe 60 © Hiw totnit and nx bani! Bonases Cpethofte: 1D. Noneof he above ‘What did the 1985 Cecchini report 1. Howto deal with he debe egy of the ris in relation to the 1992 Single programme? _ 32, The EU response tothe financlal crisis What i the current egal provision for ed "We cos of aon-Europe"= 3 mie Jas included proposals to eform the tuading services in the FU? mm of 425% and posibly as much ag 65% of ‘nancial markets. Which one of the fol st DP Towing was not initiated at EU level. ‘Trade in services was liberalised as part of the tof people refers aly s * ‘ight of workers with EU ctoenship and ‘The Jegisaive progranene which was needed fams © work anywhere inthe BO Be A. ow architecture fr rani erie spe vision 1B. Asoealed Tobin tox on franc tanesctoes C._ Regulation of credit ating agencies D. Capital reguiements for fanclntatons ‘The BU fas established a system to alo EU natonalsm obtain a working fem EU (he soealet Ble Car). A quota of Cards is alocated by ltery annually 58, The financial ss ped ove nto B The German nemploym semarkably stable or most smemployment tes D. Allofthe above Buty 180m. waste come fom Member Sst budgets, th Euro 20. to come rom the EU budget which was ceased fo dea! withthe 34 eis ‘A ld intrvenuon sytem to provide emer: ‘gency astane for tual dsstas ouside ce A. EUaverage dette mre than 80% of GDP, 310 ECONOMICS - EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY Tre ‘bu counties such as Tay are almost atthe se level asia ‘The so-called convergence criteria are ‘used to determine which counteies can join the Euro-ares, What do they spect ig? ‘he mato of govemument deficit to GDP must be fie to the Bao for te ast eae ‘Te rato of goverment deft to GDP must nok em thera of rere ct ‘ane leel athe ECB refecenoe interest rate ‘ ‘The excessive deficit proced Member States to avotd excess cits in national budgets. How does work? ‘What isthe role ofthe EU institutions swith regard to international trade ‘negotiations such as the Doha World ‘Trade Organisation round? ‘The exesive dat procedure oly api Euroaren member. If to Burp Bank (EC) judges a councy has ef and isnot faking comes meses, can apply penaies oes ‘he Commisian decides whether a county running an excessive dee tory h What is ECOFIN? ‘The Duecorate General for Boome and inca Asis, part ofthe Commision ‘The EU Compendium of economic and fan il sais pubishod by Eurostat Mista of the Mmbee Sates ‘The Ewopein Coalition OF Free and Tndependert Nationalists, a grouping in the EP of the ECB? “Tha ECO is independent of the Mewder Stats fd the EU natution ts primary objec s to main pric sabiiy ithe euro ‘Th ECB is independent of the Member Stes Sed he EU iets. main objectives ae c ahghlevlofemployment and aust aed onrnatinary rows ‘The ECU's governing council i compte of cur area Mone State representatives whose Inston come fom matanal govemiens. 'spiarychjece tomate pce iy ntheewosres ‘The BCB's govering cine is compesed of ceo area Member Sate representatives, whose The Teay esblhing Economic and Monetary Unon species that al euro azea rember are required 19 help out counties ch get into trouble wih Bee dead iner- ‘stile payment ‘The Tray hich exabies the Boonie and tutare not mentioned nthe Teej ‘Under the Teay on Bnromic and Monetary ‘Unie, all euro ses det sued bythe BCB, fe thee fs no dintnton between diferent fount debt tolsterdepencenc of he euro aren embers a ‘elution would have be found us SAMPLE ASSESSMENT CENTRE Repo} Further Reference ‘The following websites are alto Listed on wuew.en-testbook:com ‘A series of highly useful books, websites and videos giving guidance on how to app ‘Assessment Centres featuring a number of recriters a + Made to Stick: advice on making memorable and powerfl presentations, wate sages and communication methods: hp fownamadac cy tlea? + Business email ei 2 tp tamwemailreplis com! + Time management tips: htp/uwu:mindtoolscomy/pages/nainhiewMiN_HTE him + Useful videos relating to interviews and assessment centres: hiips/forwmcareerpayercomPipsand-advice ape ‘+ Assessment Centres: http tut youtube consuateh?o=oXwstSin? WY &feature=channel + Group Exercises: http: /furom youtube comoatch?o=DnD&2GKIZ Vi featureachanrel smpetencies: tpt. youtube com uate? w=ni_XerMITVOGfeature=channel One: tpi how yout i con ont 7 ena fauna Part Two: htip:/tuwn funteh?o=yxZuNelgYoUSfeaturencharel ~~ Part Three: http/fvww. youtube comfontch?o=gukseF AlSfeaturexchanel = Part Four: tp:/ownnyoutube com unt? o=uBetyGPGp94ésfeatire=channel ‘The fine art of small talk: iti /Acuw.debrafinecomateles html ‘Interview podcast htipi/owmereterac.xklemployabityltuents/podcasts/Intervces ‘+ Sample Assessment Centre exercises can be found here, Some are rather simplistic tay give abroad Hen of the ype of ask (9 expect. ipiriesemacae searcse mene + ETray sample: https/tandidateaststream gook/PracticeE Trays! + Also: ‘ttp:ftunowamckinsey com/careers/how_do_i_apply/how _to_do_well_in_the_interview/case. prac cs ag eS ps “ + Team leader simulation everise: alpen meray coationsieareertem leery PART IV SPECIALIST AND GENERAL EU KNOWLEDGE TESTS me SAMPLE ASSESSMENT CENTRE: she background dossier and pointing to Buropean tends in the fed, While : and st points he seemed to have given wp: throwing his hands in the air f Subject stair, be cisansed ot length te ok ofthe meeting and at point isan Fesasperation sitting back and of the European Commission inp ‘nation and understood wel Uh shared cox with Member Sates. ‘Case Study, ‘Mr did not seem o contravene any EU policies or guide- peg Fe aa Deaton omnes ee cette lhe eres in the Oral Presentation, however, Mir X seemed less confident regarding the use of umber of possible risks to the ange being deli right temminology (often confusing expert “committees” with “commissions and falas to mii zi things as they answer aquestion on comitology procedures. His remarks on the European Cent ag of responce in the time available but he use role in economic governance were imprecise and rather superficial, and he could ‘his policy change is very important to meet our ‘thot quoting aulficent evidence from the dossier Overall Rating: 4 Example Report #2~Mr ¥ tn pled othe cern tof FSO competion as follows fble sources of risk. 2. 3 at SKIS But heels @ watch Out for rushing hus "Proposes prac, worable olutons = Cfprobably continue to operat efectvely when under pressure, except where interaction is involved ¥ “tents oF red Interview, ed hath eves becomes ened depose re a number of examples of when he was working to very tight deadlines an« land succeeded in getting s resolution. Fis tactic n these situations tends to be to rork hander and not to think about even trying for a work-life balance, which stops him developing his presentation skills in order to engage audiences mo = F Rosa om gv cu’ pe ge en = Ness deveiops pants tanga sintvaond ety ae pessing pone = ge pn pn tng ey caer Se nat ios py ie Delivering Quality and Results Ipc eri Morn ing ue rn df discussion on time (fot example, by saying "iet’s talk about the’ land “its more important to finish on time even if we cannot cover PLE ASSESSMENT CENTRE REPORTS 199 Fede ibys ineade entigercesin pret piamag io alwaye include con ‘pret pi ‘benefit fom developing greater confidence when hisidess are challenged in a situation Seb tenton tobe given to the right terminology BU jargon and names of rations 7. Sample Assessment Centre Reports Quality and Results WS add additional value by mentioning a number of additional spin-off projects, ‘be considered as a result ofthe research conducted in the main projet. ad Development et an ales arenes poet ti lng ntering leant Be ‘inert nets tering ply cones epanedy waves nk ir atop hen? Nesey consued by his pees (dopants end iherefore kes to sy tthe freon of revearch Example Report # 1- Mr X re Summary fo develop some of his interpersonal skill, such as inTuencing, but this tended to consist of (Overall, Me X performed well at the Assessment Centre anc he is recommended asa c ie , Ree ee eee SS cane eee Pm™ | (o peaccesbnegueny. He showed de net im purug euch ores he wero become an EU offical Overall Rating: 3 Resilience Ii the Oral Presentation, Mr X remained confident and composed under ths ial Besentaton Me apres wilt MX ecommencaton, Mr X sealing ‘alm and asked for more information. Fe Iistened, nodding and then proceeded to state: “T Ciuleastand your perspective and your concems are valid”-He then went on to explain how = Comfortable directing the work of others and motvating them = Good understanding of EU institutions, his specialist Feld and the global context His key development needs emerged as follows: ~ Needs to focus more on personal development of soft skills Creative ideas need to be more practical to implement jes and procedures thal she would adhere to'inthe implementation." ~ 94 [EPSO ASSESSMENT - THE STRUCTURED INTER SESSMENT ~ THE STRUCTURED INTERVIEW 25 in the way of collaborative decision making, which ultimately had a detri- ‘elfect on delivery, ompetency Area Two: Planning and Organising I did make attempts to try and help the relationship, for example I would inch ‘im on emails when I suggested a social evening ‘an open conflict wh yuestion: Tell me about a particular project or task you were involved with, in ‘Oiian taking a planned approach was essential spiaetend meeres een pam Sea Tea fare eruetoeeer me toe fon ine amiieteeipmsmaaaar Sm tind Sea oer ta Seong rt aa eee For this comipeteicy, the following would be indicators ofa positive response: + Incuces relevant others in decision making «Praises the contributions of others + Works co-operatively across organisational areas + Actively Uistens to others + Bfively utes the civrse range of backgrounds, sills ad motivations of + Shows cone for he ematonl tat of ters ire ed Ean mt great ‘feedback from my manager and conference delegates. ‘The following would be indicators of a poor response: + Makes decisions in isolation without consulting others coring Criteria this competency, the following would be indicators ofa positive response: Priortises tasks appropriately Sets realistic deadlines and milestones Monitors progress ‘Adapts to changes in plans effectively ‘Manages own workload effectively Conducts preparation in advance {following would be indicators of a poor response: ‘Makes incorrect prioritisation judgements Faile to et realistic deadlines and milestones 20 -EPSO ASSESSMENT - THE STRUCTURED INTER ‘+ What tactics did you employ? + What reaction did you get? How do you know? ‘+ What was the outcome? ++ With the benefit of hindsight, what would you have done differently? ++ How have you applied this learning to subsequent similar situations? starter yo tem or process; you tere seoking buy-in from slakcheldrs fo ‘hey would not respon well 0 lots of technical details} ‘+ How did you know the other party would find the content comp! ++ How did you approach the task? + Why dic you decide on the approach you took? san “+ To what extent do you feel you were successful? Flow do you know? ‘+ With the benefit of hindsight, what would you have done differently? ‘+ How have you applied this leaming to subsequent similar situations? Competency Aren Six: Analysing and Creating Solutions ‘This competency area is concerned with how a candidate approaches the esoluion i comple suds ayatematc approach to gathering avant ivormaton and formulating solutions that are both innovative and pragmatic is important. Tt Includes the creation of multiple altemative courses of action where possible. {Question One: Tell me about a Hine that you had a large amount of information analyse. (Possibie issues to think of you were new toa role ad needed to assinilate os of information rela ely tk, ers uy fo yr superior ora stole aout a priate entre yu pray canoe sce oe Tavera ae a {eg sur rls, oberon) | Probes: + What type of information was it? + How did you approach the task? + Hlow did you distinguish essential from non-essential information? + To what extent did you trust the information you were presented with? How did his, affect your approach? ‘+ How did yougeel while conducting the task? ER [What was the outcome? ‘With the benefit of hindsight, what would you have done differently? ovr have you applied this learning to subsequent similar situations? ‘What made this problem an important one to resolve? What did you suggest? How diet this suggestion? How innovative would you rate your idea as being? How well did it work in practice? what feedback diel you receive? - : aes With the benefit of hindsight, what would you have done differently? fow have you applied this learning to subsequent similar situations? ny Ara Se Foss on Dey ee eee "compre ee cneerped espe ane ng a Se ee ee eee aie len uno pe ete 230 ASSESSMENT ~ THE STRUCTURED INTERVIEW a uestion One: Describe to me your most challenging POSNER ion of cc station ioe okie mate aid ced prose Eecly fo cove a good projet cutom a project you managed where wou made sure poceires {Dot fled andor quay standards wore met the face of presure to do otras a recent pl of hen yo ok eponsbiy for mating stretang project milestones wd ojectios.) Felton Probes + What made it challenging? «Hove did this make you fel and ac? + How di your behaviour and atitude compare to others in the same situation? + What were the delivery expectations? To what extent were these met? + What feedback did you receive? + With the benefit of hindsight, what would you have done differently? + How have you applied this leaning o subsequent simular situations? Question Two: Tell me about a time when you had to make a judgement call between meeting a deadline and quality of the end product. work project to date. sgSSMENT ~ THE STRUCTURED INTERVIEW a .EPSO ASSESSMENT — THE STRUCTURED INTER pies ohn of cei oo Pre Comspetency Area One: Harnessing the Power of Development ‘This competency area is concemed with how well a candidate utilises th earning This includes learning and developing personally, as well as mana Tearing of the organisation, Question Ones Tell me about atime that you proactively decided to expand your edge of a certain subj Possible situations snr aged tak by your bss and ny exports ond tote stdeso he tp you sled up to course outside work as you were 9. i you Dlnteered to oe lectures on a tope and prepared | Follow-up Probes: | «+ Why was it important to do 50? orp Probes: did you become aware ofthe problem? Probes: factors did you need to take into account in your planning? «+ With the benefit of hindsight, how might you have handled the situation diffe 1+ What further feedback have you received on this area since that time? Competency Aren Two: Planning and Orga ‘This competency area is concerned wit resources in order to achieve their object 8 ‘well a candidate manages time and Inches both nating projet and underway. (Question One*Tell me about a time when an unexpected problem arose during a pro} text that you were responsible for resolving. complete a project or task. Mark Schedule for In-Tray Exercise [Batis te nse a osha par 7 7 [sip seine ei a TT t Tah aa Snaee t 7 [saan n Cee emevoge sree 7 [as oneme — le 7 Satara =a EPSO Assessment Exercise: The Structured Interview iption and Purpose ve must suey be the st widely ed sedation ol Te based the Hier past behaviour ea good indicetor of future performance. Most organisations {ha} Be atleast one intastiew atthe Assessment Contre, even when there has been jous interview stage. ferviews come in a variety of formats and can be one-to-one or panel, formal or jcally-based, structured or er than directly observed ‘exercise t0 perform well in, so this yhere you have demon- generic "Tearnwork” you had ods wth cone within tn youre part of sup probing questions in order to explore “oked wi vary depending upon your Tie about ime whe yo hf det ith confi etn team you wee part of” mm Name Age Edveation Previous Employment Nasioralisy (Ocha rfrmasion National (Other information PSO ASSESSMENT - THE IN-TRAY. Divorced with one cid, Holds full driving ieence but does not at ‘the preset time own aca. Hobbies ince eying and il wang. les member ofthe Sjohn Ambulance Serves. eh Varied with ovo children. Orv Ford Focus. 3 “The Syneorises Swening Society 0 ASSESSMENT - THE IN-TRAY EXERCISE a We woud nop that you weld cond ote int region of £3000 reasonable fer euch aorgeshe We la forverd fo beara fom ou, and Tetsuo ta ‘Srengarent vba ry bein both ue Youssou ‘icon weet (Sect) 9 te PSiith Marketing Manager fem ie (Switchboard) Phone Messaget #ieeReeders | "1 epneReeders te Psmit ve 9 Oxaber 2006 Parken Manger fm Rl me R874 ‘iszaon Manager Delivery of new company ear ‘have compete fea gots wth degre sophie your new company er and ‘hay lve ready collection bebvear and Spm on Thorsdy 19 Oxsber, 10 a0 [EPSO ASSESSMENT — THE IN-TRAY EXE .0 ASSESSMENT ~ THE IN-TRAY EXERCISE an 7 #eeReeders Business Development Committee Minuees of Mecting held 29/9106 at 3pm in 3" Floor Boardroom Proret: ‘Apologies received from R Mason |. ragosed ecenion of ange of sade mes F Hal reported back to the committee on ths mater, There ‘mare popular than ther pe. i Miward enquled whether some recent publcsed eases of salmonela ateibuted 2 Introduction ob octable day caine, K Mvard reported tat she was very unksppy about the introduction of loekabl “Although this fas buen approved by that this effect ad been foressn she would novr have agreed to it. G Wilks ‘fated tht he was aware tat rls of certain les of pharmaceutical products had increase. K Mvard agreed further dead ahs ine and the eect on prof. reed eo quart the fl x here cabinets have been Ineroduced. The matter would be frther reviewed nthe ight ofthis information at thenext meeting. |New Branch Opening J Citon stated tha rrangements fo the ope fon 16 Novernber wore alin Rand. Al the we inn i apie mnt peal eel tee ‘Wits staed that he war corcered about the low sales in pharmaceutical year, Although sis Corpenate for thi o some exter, such a insect Sha sineare products. He is curren reviewing fopes 2 have forthe formation sre for she next mating, ‘Results for Sentambar GW congratulated everyone, pariiarly the food sles staf, on very good rests for September: 6 Anvosher busines ‘None Date of next meeting: 3 Noverber 2006 = LEPSO ASSESSMENT ~ THE IN-TRAY EXERCIgE 1 #eaeReeders _ te PSoith ay 6 October 2006 Marketog Manager fon Wis ea Gwikes Managing Director "Innovations in Drugs! Conference Thursday 19 October 2006 ‘or not to marke ths product. | ASSESSMENT ~ THE IN-TRAY EXERCISE ee se 2. Masters Rich and Co ‘eine 2074899500 Solicitors ‘ee cn07 4199562 “Telefax - Yn watrocood peat nme telephone 0207 46 580, Pith Recto orztain sass te 10 Oaeke 206 Dice wt rons ison Noster Rich an Co Tataphons 02074599860, roduc as been Iunched under the sme name. 3 #eeeReeders te PSnith ae 9 Ocecber 2006 om Fie fa LEPSO ASSESSMENT — THE IN-TRAY EXER¢} IN-TRAY SAMPLE EXERCISE [Reproduced with the permiscion of the creator, Mike Woodrow, and the edi Keating, Careers Cansitant at the MLE, Carers and Enploybilty University of Manchester, England. Instructions Your name ig P Smith and you ar the Marketing Manager of «compan Reeders Reeders 8 nate caipany epecanatee nls of fons oe Geutial products twhich has branches woughout the county. ts Hea rie yo wore abused In Brminghass, and tora opataton Sa how ‘The date is Tuesday 10 October 2006. You have been on holiday for afew days a of tes requiring your ssention in your eee caeomens prore ‘ected hic Tenens fe butwhhiet ree your answer. ‘You have 45 minutes to complete the task gee ne nd th ving ay aided th bu of Read this before doing the in-tray Herd are some common all and ips to help you to complete theta Common Faults + Not managing your ime effectively or efficiently. ‘+ Not completing all tems. + Not bringing in everyday’ knowiedge/common sense, + Not thinking ofbsond enovgh allerative solutions + Not linking some ofthe items. Tips 2 + Plan time wel from the outset. + Use the ues inthe instructions fo determine mark alloction and therefore tine “bet Se Cae renin the question, bring incurente ge, recent atticles ete, when compiling anowers + Thnk cule ti bol be les gd considering ama opin ra Calle py lnking tnd Bal aid pack (9 ASSESSMENT ~ THE IN-TRAY EXERCISE 253 "overall mark of 50% would be ac table: However tet exployers are expect a mark in the region of 60% 70% swer Sheet % rere e crs ses OR ssl ‘+ Maintains a negative, pessimistic outlook (eg. is cynical about the likely their proposed solution; words and tone express doubt ot lack of true cor + Reacis negatively to change (eg. proposes Keeping things the way they are thd expresses doubt about te conseuences ofchange) + Responds defensively to criticism (eg. becomes defensive when challenged {questioning phase, raises voice in frustration, questions asseseor’s credentials) ++ Intolerant of ambiguity in work content or organisational situation (e. yest ‘more information before willing to make a firm decision) ae Competency Area: Communicating With Clarity EPSO Assessment Exercise - the In-Tray Exercise ssed earlier, Assistants have to pass practical skils tests that include various llenging nature, we focus here on the so-called in-tray (or its computer~ ‘version, the e-tray) exercise that aims to gauge candidates’ organising, planning foul-tasking skills in a simulated work environment. ® “ing would be indicators of a positive response: (eg, pronounces words clearly and speaks in a + Can identify and convey the key points of an argument (og, structures presen ‘ound theve or makes them cleain some ways ses repetfon) + Picks up from audience ces ane changes ste tomst (eg notices if the asseso ‘ots slows dove or becomes aves sefous in respec fo secs qua ‘The following would be indicators of a poor response: + Speaks unclearly and hesitantly (e.g. pauses frequently ducing presentation to check ‘otes, becomes tongue-tied over certain words and phrases) | ‘+ Communicates in a manner that fails to capture the attention and interest ofthe 36 (see recommended links below). fence (e.g speaks in a monotone; uses only basic facts with no attempt to embellish) ereral approach when faced with a large amount of information to digest + Fails to identify or convey the key points of an argument (eg. assessor is unclear of. ial, or quicker and less concerned the rationale behind a proposed course of action by yen tary ways that prople do poorly n tray: rushing ough to complet all ask th + Falls to pick up on audience cues or change style to > footie thought foF the deta or spending fr too much time analysing the detail and fail- © ing to complete all the tasks. An effective elance must be struck. | note aspect fo conaier i how you tend to pire your workload: Fara pL nd of the presentation) (eg. makes jokes at inappro priate points such as when the assessor is exp: ticism; speaks very fast sees ro sonnei ees ong opi aes oy o 2850 ASSESSMENT THE ORAL PRESEXTANg Cesena eee rae nee nee ees ac us es gy eo fom your sectors, hee ie dees ome a fay oe pes Stet a Uae eh sor te ne Frentn berate inion New ‘Member State, race, religion or other sensitive matters, =. eo ae alr Ai fr eggs deb ta mean nl ng or ag a Seas . Try to estat ir body language to gain ae ee Ps Bo rset + Pauses: Pause move on toad tons. lly between points to show the audience when you are about subject. Allow pauses for audience feaction & possbly + Corrections: Do not be put off you make a mistake during the presentation realise you mited up the date a Toeaty was signed), Apolise qachly and meee esc eemon meen ftovgh i war i se ae ayia ne cence re cio Pein ce eee Presentation) and answer i es Stree ete ok yous eee eae + Sy on Tne Reinga padre ous pmo, Sr ns eink ng np rng preraton ig SSE aaa nsate ondeceera Sg on + isla Use the vial eeu may eae oe gta Sc cca ea ny Rhee + - Mlustrate: They must be visual; do not put too much weitten information on Supe A reading ad souplé of ult poi is plenty. hy t yl simple diagrams, charts ‘or graphs 10 ilustate your poin Straightforward and professional, baa + Support They must bea support and nota crutch only use visual aids to cay eis you are saying, You want the audience concenete on you ahd ot ‘conclusion. Thank your audience, smile and -ps0 ASSESSMENT ~ THE ORAL PRESENTATION a ous, itis very easy to ‘Talk Ahead: Do not talk to visual aids; when you feet Always tall to the haat nan neater Eee —— ee serge pestle pl cm oleae ot a telamn e raateane ma ert DS ee Pe tn ae gg ni er sepia et eae ere oa Castel pcn oy aur dns fares ‘Seng nets wer cy teeta wot okt sega rat = Jou can offer an opinion om atthe present time, but suggest that this is something you Sane the following section, we discuss how the presentation exercise would run at an EPSO sent Centre, Curent EPSO policy i that all presentations are based upon the ely quite challenging) “ee, we have brie outlined how the presentation bref may be presented, before bE: going on fo outine ow the questions may be phased, Following is, we provide Empl ie scoring criteria for a couple of the competencies likely to be measured by this completed earlier, we would now like you to spend 20 roo relating too ofthe questions posed. You can focus your presanttion around. have up to 15 miniites to mck the presentation itself, followed by up to further bes of questioning. Flipchart paper can be-used but not PowerPoint. Please note that you willbe presenting to your direct supervisor, who fs interested to hear epi Toa eer oor el will face by the assessor following your presentation are es. Firstly, there will be more gerseral ones seeking more each and challenging you to sae ow fu perform under niore specialised in nature and will focus upon testing sain more depth. Independent of your selected profile, e832 SsRaiens @RAMPLE: PRESENTATION. EXERCISR yeni an nin = Sets realistic deadlines and milestones (eg. not too far in the future, but how would be monitored (, mee progress jonitored (eg, through meetings PSO ASSESSMENT ~ THE CASt snp Considers how they would respond to last minute changes (eg: if reso Stcome unavallabie or cashflow problems occu) = Manages ovn workload effectively i.e. competes a reasonable arnount inthe time availabe forthe exercee (gate 7 ‘The following would be indicators ofa poor response: ~ Advocates proceeding to action immediately before ary further reseasch i ducted (eg fails to fentify possible tisks or istues hat need to be tefore starting work, doesnot ren sslevant parts ofthe background i = Macs incorrect prioritisation jadgemens (eg. focuses on eatively uniy dssues to a disproportionate degree in thelr fesponse while ignoring import = Sets overly ambitious or overly lengthy dead to prodded withoat butlinig broad level, “Wwe will keep ane Works inefficiently or becomes overwhelmed with workload (eg. finishes eat and produces 2 sinall amount of work; or runs out of time and produces _ EPSO Assessment Exercise: The Oral ‘5 written sides) Presentation tation exercises are designed to measure your ability to onganise and structure ion, fo commuicate clearly and concisly and to remain resent under ques: the EPSO Assessment Centre, you willbe asked to present ona topic related fudy exercise you will have completed earlier in the day tothe SS website a tine of going to press, the presentation is included for Administrator nation. a . resentations can be una some peo {Esto do wo in advance ‘speech, content Vorabulary, iy wich to get to the stage th ‘You are comfortable speaking from memory with only the need for brief prompts or bullet points on index cards. ‘You can ensure a presentation you give runs to a set time, any distracting habits you may have, such as fid- Particular phrase or expression (eg “yeah”, ‘more common than most people imagine, its these themselves). You should aim at least to get ously aware when they are happening and can. Lf you ae able to ry to anticipate the typeof questions you might gt from ene ee hon youl respond vo fee. For example, ther ar Hot topics for your area of expertise atthe moment that might pe cote quinn ust V of boc rt esa po - Beyhur personal views on them and ow would you back these views up wi! ) what acts? EPSO ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE s [#50 ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE STUDY ae nalcatrs fo Tadic Src Spi eae i Pollution and Climate Change a gli or el 20 by dee 0 fess tho ofthe ed sla me .EPSO ASSESSMENT - SAMPLE CASE Up-to-date ropsty information ap well ag regulat reporting, ie, through annual emis, inventories and National Communications allows the UNECCC to deny gaps tnd ak tances in financing mutigation and adaptation stions: Adresing these gaps should be be fated Suough an Intemational High-level Forum on Intenaonal Climate fepresenting publle and private expertise n this area This forum. with a balanced sep {ation of decision makers from developed and developing counties and international Gul inetitutions, shoud oversee and. give politeal guidance to the UNFCCC fon ‘multilateral funding agents and bilateral cooperation agencies to ensure an equitable iy Bation of funding across countries and spending priorities for mitigation and scaplt Endnotes: 1.5 Sea huple2 of he Sha Woking Document g 2 Adept rar Te Word an, Sal a tes of he ethon market 29h /taretes al “ankog/EXTCARBONENANCE/ Rescind Ties of the Cat bun Mate ex = Se Chapter 3 of Sia Workeng Duet. “See Chap 3 of Sut Working Document 20 COMA) 6, TL See Chap afte St Working Docimet. 12 Beet on aol atl by POLS, FRC 13 UNFeC secant 14 See Chaptar 5 of te Sn Working Document fate deals on he spe of ect that ot ay separ. 18 Dace 2008/29/86 19 SexGuperB ofthe Sat Working Dosen, File Following pages: Statistical tables pg) ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE STUDY Waals is nla ay Sa 23. Paha Sree Fed nga aid Neos Selon “DN apalabe pb ieee ee eeeee ee eee Or eee eee [EPSO ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE "ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE STUDY 29 @) estimating the aly impt of elimate change, integrating adaptation oy development sug snd arcing pron vestens Sn SO ey eee ne ine, suming that pt of he gy nih 1 3 Tpsopest and domonetaton securing ambitious cominiiments on migation,intemational ment, On top of the sigricant fanding ‘ol BU development sid the EU willed tobe ready, gaunt nae chang, in particular a from 2013, and Fabio an far he eloped Couties shouldbe exempted foe af denned oman funding Between the EC budgstand contin, Z Betoun 2510-202, fn the event of sauces agement in Copecbagen, i fargo mi, omar an ely | BEES Ge dhovemenned artmptons the 20 ould corte an fonisbuton of €05 to bilion per year, stating fn 2010. Both the EU ‘loa badges shoud be ready conte fo ts Fnding or the pac afer 202, and an port ofthe package of props fo the Fanenak be Connon wos makes a ntematonsl carbon market hs proven tobe an effective tol to lverage private coctor invest !ndaveloping come wf Slowing developed counties o shove hes esl ee Emissions covered by Dbl inancetofocusin te hor aon Ergon eel mc evan na damon” song ae Geese rvenee 08) coming te few ee ig eyo o “Shem th cron maa cn provide hes demand hr wb on fs why a propery fanctoning acbon market with ambitions targets isso ‘Why more advencad developing counties should follow the OBCD tend an Saprand-tade systems. ss contin. = .EPSO ASSESSMENT - SAMPLE CASE 81 (0 ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE STUDY = lets fernational pobicRnance ce Tel of i inenatona pbc ppt rg! eimai 1 in subj ae ices string atthe gba ics Gn dctsutin bay tobe agro by Pare goveranes eriegera ant vars gpeaie miugaton acions and’ embiious Low Cuban Developtnest Jef low Gaston Crowik Pans. Ths range could be narrowed dowa in view of the site tice! eatatonal amewok for govemans hao devopad a ‘Eront of naning. The Eurgpenn Counc suppoca he ebaeat of «gh evel UNFCCC to inter ala provide sn ational pubic supports important in the "Hous Copenhagen agreement The purpose ‘by developing a brosd and ligud carbon market Aeveloped ctinties, a reformed CDM and sectoral cent part of an sige 8 sal public are priv png counties implement smistlous mitlgation and adaplation strategies. continued, 26 LEPSO ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE Stuy (0 ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE CASE STUDY a Loli diversity beyond 2010 ‘Scientific Researcher Profle pe See ee ‘Question 1 Suna the major tests cused tec ofcliate change an the ‘SeuTBbtel on the Raper Cate Cquesson2 Tryou were required lo raft on npc anemone elects of having th evs af son tnewsbl energy sure sepa inthe EU, what sen : ‘ents would youbase yourstesment pont Question’ Ia your pinion, what ar he major ruc heh cllnges rested by tng Tikes erecmpanion wit be aiiaton 2000 Jes See? Tow shold Seamed on paige? MEU wson an tages whch rs o preset i Tan es Background Dossier File #1 trio ional negotiations were launched at the end of 2007 to de Brussels, 22 Decemb “change for the pesiod ster 2012, orhen the frst commitment ie Kyoto Brotocol expires: The EU rants these negotiations to result in a compre: lous fu science based ae legally Binding gba eat. eee zon Dimas joined he Presideny i Sew weaty should sim to ensure global warming skept below 2° above the pre-indus- towards a legally binding global cl Temperatare. I should cover al elements of the 2007 Bali Action Plan, which set the jane on international biologic tid seope ofthe international negotations. 2 : hss pres mde nw apni ad ae fens hl Sythe evcnial precment ie mon ankaly at he oat canbe Bnaliced st ie December secrgialy planned. ‘Commissioner Dinas joined the Presidency in concluding thatthe Copenhagen Accord first sep towards legally binding plobal climate agreement. Fle said that although ‘Accord Fell well shot ofthe level of ambition that was needed lo prevent dangerous cimal vlopng smote, pars te mete et ‘anbiious, quentled miigation actions “houl snout ta sbslanal devon inthe oder rediced growth nein thir aleve csnons by 2020 contre. m [EPSO ASSESSMENT ~ THE cast \sESSMENT ~ THE CASE STUDY we outs 30 minutes to complete tsk, try to creat atime plan as follows: rom 2 ou have, spend 10 on understanding the question and browsing mute Jo spond apotner 45 on marking the felevant parts and drafting an son orang and then 80 minutes actualy writing down your thoughts in ‘25 ffal format Ths leves you with 15 minutes to prootread and ESSE four wore Points: You will not need to waite full sentences while “digesting” the allot Poin writen submission yourcan use temised, well-tructated iss tat sy wil appreciate for thelr lant. 5 ms: I you use abbreviations of events names or institutions referenced een ‘know exactly what they refer to and include a short legend the dossier is “only” a useful asset but not an isolated or limited paradigm in you are requested to work. + Relevant Information: As the case study dossiers tend to include longer extracts ‘Couct judgements (Lawyer field), Eurostat tables (Economist field), White Papers or Conuntinications (Public Administration of other fi ppatts of these documents may not be relevant for your exercise. Do not Eisregard superfluous information and ony undeine or mark the Tee facts. Similarly to numerical reasoning tables where you may only need to celis in a complex table, you may only need to consider a few to answer the questions correct. + Notes: Make rough notes either on the documents themselves or on scrap paper: read the background information in order to help structure your thoughis and ‘quick reference later ur aseso ea your nots or paper, make sure o use words at ‘+ Administration: These exercises are generally administered in a less stant My eeabe aboct ke spelling, ‘manner than other Assessment Centre exercises, so do ask questions ifany ter ‘are unclear or if you are unsure what you need to do, ‘sections of the Tisbon Treaty’s new horizontal provisions and avoid any arbitrary interpretation threo! (eg oreseen for the next five Years”, make sure Ueseale) + Every Word Matters: each word and expression hasan important meaning in ion here make ure you aren everyting that you were uated {6 ifthe question has mleple agents uch gaint which institution may launch an action for damages”, make sure you includes section on each of te tree main ie + Your Opinion: if the question refers to “yo "make sure you state a posi fon the issue and not just recall facia or on, Be cautious, however, ab taking a radical view of huring anyone's sensitivities if you devise to challenge an action ‘do not cover issues beyond + Use Arguments: When undelng a certain point fo answer the questions in dossic ther facts and spel for the file (e.g. “Based on ja 8 of Desire Xi was not poses fr compat Y to apptY "As seen fom the vacancies Shown inthe oepeeigatn oe Diredrate, MX csid be appointed Geputy Heed of Unt in Decsbee + Stay within Context Stay fied on the cage study, and do nt get sidetracked tailing about he wider dutadevorld sation unis ated tod oo og the Shy toncems the new mobile phone transrision standards, Keep he menos iSobd ilecommunicaton sends the nism + Tne Keeping: Kep ik ofow mach ie you Rae got Jt ke in oy ns Sobek ae ne omaining en cor pt el wp yg of exercise Furthermore be very cael ithow you alsate youre fu as EPSO ASSESSMENT - SAMPLE GROUP Ext ‘Relp in data collection and his oF her own Task Force) cip in data collecion and other activities while chldsen would gain Gxposure y listens to others (eg, does not intersupt whilst others inthe group are talking 1 Jess eye contact, takes notes of others’ ideas and recalls these when underlin- rain Downs; summarises what they Rave just sad, eg “So if I understand you ‘esling with young cildfen and makang ia them, Therefore, 5 He eg eaming Kan for ie So ‘Jou suggest a public consultation in the European Pacliament, is that nd expensive up shling ie Lely tobe option sic < “This proposal involves increased funding to schols to provide inhouse expertise tori Ys environmental awarenes, This the oute that has been teins tices other group members’ you don't appear quite con- following would be indicators ofa oor rs Fiske ccntGhs tation withoot consul break ff into W pacts so iSies and ignoces other group member? input) elites the contributions of others (eg, says “That's ridiculous, that will re" to anothes group member or “T'm sorry eut what you are suggesting is complete nonsense”) opt slo mentality, des not co-operate with other organisational areas (eg: fails ASoEN Her other parts ofthe Commission or other EU institutions, national govern- ents of extemal bodies) Ignores others (eg. does not seek to build upon others’ contributions and repeats his fer own idess wilhout considering others’ viewpoints) to consider individual differences in background, skills or motivations (eg. does q Tot attempt to find common ground when there are disagreements or falls to consider Scoring Guide ‘The following section outlines sme examples of what good and poor bea look like for a couple of the competencies (working in a team; leading tnd inspit Stace oneemen ns sae ning ot .SSESSMENT - SAMPLE GROUP EXERCISE 29 [DG Communication or the Joint Research Centze to ensure the success of ves hapey to spre the responsiblity an potential cet to bodies out Competency Area: Working in a Team This competeney aren is concemed with how efectvely a candidate work with rope be ie Sig ral cin ter aetrs na Epclnveendabee seal os peneral mteperenaiseclige take eaees Uvely a candidate may utlise the divese sls and backgrounds fobiera thers’ ineividual sensitivities or personal convictions) Shows no concern for or ignores the emotional state of others (e.g. doss not attempt to ‘htaw quieter members of the group into the conversation or ignores others’ body lan- guage) Competency Area: Leading and Inspiring Others competency area is concerned with how effectively a candidate can isue directions vel a monte clauses about delving a fedinc messages a Well a> i [personal development of others. this competency, the following would be indicators ofa positive response: empetency, 8 Role models positive organisational behaviours the importance of raising environmental a contributions of others (eg. when someone outlines their views or comes sible proposal, the candidate responds with “good pont” or“ id rot nk of his rom suc «perspective thanks fer bringing ts up" and shows no + Works co-peratively across organisational areas (eg, suggests working eo talks positively about mo Safe “Ths ave ‘extremly important and I am positive we can Effective at motivating others (eg. draws other people in; speaks in an enthused 26 _EPSO ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE GROUP EXE ASSESSMENT ~ SAMPLE GROUP EXERCISE as | Group Exercise ~ Candidate Background File rom: Andrea WERNER [Head of Unit, DG Climate Action] ‘Tor [Your Name) Date: sth November 201 ‘Subject: Task Force Mecting Impodance: High Hello [Your Nama}, i leer Welcome to the Task Force. I am confident that the feam members Wwe together represent some of the brightest talent we currently possess an 1 Intring about how you present and argue for your views'at the upcoming Task ‘effect on public opinion, with the “he environment and fecing that “Of those in favour, 88% would be jer tose this implemented. From lotin MARKOSZ [Aisin Policy Of, DG Climate Acton] ‘Tor [Your Name} Date: ath November 200% Subject Information forthe meeting Dear [Your Nas, In advance of your Task Force mecting have pulled together a short doses of rats {hot summarise some relevant facts, opinions an nforetion tat wil be used Et eee cussion, This ineludes some emais rew from your box that weretievand Tho Is of some use in planning for your mesting with Ns, Werner Pe of the presented material and a proposed solution. This is @ good way to start by {ure tata) this does not take up foo snuch ofthe alloted Kime and b) cach person the chance fo contribute equally. sure to «Sharing Tasks: If you're working in a small group you could divide u ipenweet you. You coll suggest Gr nominate someone to osses any new” w toso asesacenr Ts cnour eeu ot be able to judge it not aggressive. I you 1p, do your best to 3s, hola that appear interested and ofisedetvey \sESSMENT ~ THE GROUP EXERCISE m sed tothe group ding the course ofthe exercze. You could also ask fora vol- ce though ty to avoid making other fel you are too bossy. rs: about halfvay through the group exercise, check the impact you are havin Sn aoe tub, oiiens to ie? Make austmente sexing. ‘A good leader delegates. The task cannot be done by. fox alone. You must divide FC work between the others and envure proper fo fowap and quality control ‘You may wish to read about the so-called “Situational Leadership" approach: it ‘Agood leader uses the strengths of lier. You must identify the strengths ofthe indi- RECESS your group (which may be a challnging task given that you have no rast ihowdedgeot your group's members) and ue them it appropriate ways 1A good leader takes an ovrvee Do not get too involved in actioning things. 1 2.£2%o'monitor whal’s going on end then suggest changes at a inter sage if requted. 206 ABOUT ASSESSMENT CENTRES AND _ ASSESSMENT CENTRES AND EXERCISES 207 After the Assessment pee to gain or develop (eg improve your time management skills or workbetter oto Boe Sreure) aed nn rectify these deficiencies by attending or Fe ea wil gees) improve your aracivences and vale snot hear from EPSO by the deadline stated (or two to three Serene nde laa rasa SE ee ee Skea a list, your name wll a you will enter the next Assessment Centre with much greater confidence, scenes ot yours lappa ijot Tence face ‘Sy any EU inotton ee more detain the rl aa and Bagging ste) «Job Offer Once you receive an offer, make sure itis the right ole and job Jee Stee accel Take into cncidetion the fellow they may sll Whatanles eolelyou seep the assessors we do understand that Assessment Centres can be daunting and ee peas, Use itas an opportunity to find out what you want to know about "Rte oigenaoton. Judge the exent fo which you enjoy the tasks you ae Bip perform and the extent fo which you gel with the EPSO or EU representa- wu meet. al mod nivel etre By th f you were siting for, ‘smaller adjustments called “st frase are possible, based on your work experience) ‘an essential part of the Assessment Cente pro snber tang the Agsenmert Core "ing expeichee for you, and feedback can provide invaluable ns TEPSO does offer feedback to all candidates, later siage. There fs also no harm in us with bot the pane! and the other del "tow when or where exe people may turn up in te ft m2 ABOUT ASSESSMENT CENTRES AND EXER jgour ASSESSMENT CENTRES AND EXERCISES 20 cain gerne tee ei po pled pote of noe nalts eboney neces ee ee eet ae eae ees aoe oe ce ke neh rd xr on ey tg Pe jective of identifying the main skills and attributes required to be successful in oe Weite out a bulletpoint tof these core capabilities to help fix them ‘Preparation Resouces: Check with a Brussels-based or your local careers service “Pfrms, a5 some run workshops and presentations on how to successfully pre- Ecesement Centres, See if you can practice similar exercises and gain feedback Soma pectorm Look over your application and CV to refresh your memory abou! rr reike nurber of taridates fa to refresh their CV of leave unpeo se ncnele thin. As thi is something you can certainly vend, beter do 90 Following an Assessment Centre we would all meetas a group of assessors to discuss the results for each candidate and reach a group consensus about each candidate's ratings fo beach competency. In order to give your best possible performance, I recommend the first s 0 tep to ‘of the Assesement Centre EPSO has for ‘yourself and schievement related tothe job profile you are aiming at But co bear in miné Mifonly have sbout 60 seconds saximum 0 practise beforehand and Keep i imising the outcome of your next step, read and c guidance about how to appro -s entree given below, be session if you have any special needs s0 ie amendments to the process. For example fetal carefully aa this wil fll you wl detailed form, * ep before the Assessment Centre; being iso means that you sho! iit of train but arrive in town the day before “ake sometime for slf-avateness raising and rflecton. Being aware of lopment areas is the first step fo being abe to address them. Flow much "Erg understanding do you actualy have about your behaviour in er sy development needs?” For exam ‘task hovr do. guage” of an interna ‘rudy much better in the EU, phone them up and talk to them | Progress. to work there, Gr you can also find blogs and + Positive Thinking: Maintain a positive fram« | seaful in completing an Assessme! hat skills and attributes EPSO is looking for.) fidence can have a detrimental b description or other material sent to you, 18 _ ASSESSMENT CENTRES AND EXERCISES 19 Predictive Power of (ike Srlth/foan Robert = Ay Tes bbe conducted by EPSO personnel who have been trained by an external body in best = Assessment Centre practice, and they might be assisted by acc ternal consul ‘against iy if both tables are prov raplons before awing any cobs iy chapter below ive for delivering i in the Centre by read- fe Riecing four approach in advance. : in tend to actually encour for level playing plac Ass tothe event with your eyes open and having trengihs to thir masimurh advantage, you Success, not to mention that the asses re fully aware of what to expec. ature close before the possible options had all been discussed ‘itrarily interpreting the rules set by the assessors —for exam- | PART IIT THE ASSESSMENT PHASE i 190 SAMPLE SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT: Situation Two EPSO Competoncy: Resilience ‘Which did you thik were the most and least desirable courses of action? nue SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT TEST ot ion Four ps0 Competency: Analysis and Problem Solving rich did you think wore the most and least desirable courses of action? ‘Toe mest appropriate ann is cies Option DI demons get ine. Tee ip cabte Back agalnat a challenger that everyone else has agreed wath but also to Toige La and menstred manner: wil be far more efcentofase the pot now, ‘Sum back on the offer person through spite. It also shows a tendency to shy away fron Conlrontation, which shows a lack of personal confidence. 4 Situation Three EPSO Competency: Working With Others Which dia you think were the mest and least desirable courses of action? sing the moot ‘Resa ndersaning 3 ‘speak. Choosing Option A not Pe terain arte © help the ta ‘Option D is unlikely tobe s technical expert is so shy or embarrassed ‘More direct action is needed to encourage ‘pick up on your cue to speak. won _most effective action in this case is Option B. It is likely to be unrealistic for you to "sound uc 3t before you have reviewed the: and it sounds like there hare doo gm on pe doing ite ee tg a eg Fon i Eien ae ee Leese eee en Aig imay Sra eg rly Yo ea Spel eine Youre 2 reviewed your team esult in you not having all ation Five -EPSO Competency: Leadership ‘Which did you think were the mast and leat desirable courses of action? “The most appropriate answer inthis case Option C, which shows you are prepared to aBR wscagcs when necscary but ae ico open to istening and offering Sup nereponbi You ap gece ote tea by aking abo the der es Tcorgenisaon is facing so tht they understand the eatonale forthe decision. ‘not well-placed to deal with it. suonreseelalls. hight 186 SAMPLE SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT: SAMPLE SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT Test In this sample situational adgement est, you willbe presented with eight differen titone along von cide french tad compet Pe your comectncy er wrEaneses which sanyray os to imposslewilous a prtesional asec nic evaluation tol), the goal sto give you a feel for w Eglin st youd he eg at ving tec and a ing at tne Erie hath bean alse rel hen Sy that you sant tyme ure Hak everyone's Soto eard tan ok for tect eer oun acy a ntl ‘Make a ote ofthe fact tat the ec expert not ony cause he problem, but ws also MiSipanseching the ue Food ths tack on ond his superior lowing the meting da him for his views immediatly an sertively. The meeting a aendy halfway Hough ‘you do net wih fo wane any snore eon dicursions at ght be eleven Suggest hat the group pause fora moment an refocs on he purpose ofthe mestng Then SEeFehjone wots eo sommencon at ne neve covered sor whist kang ae ec ea peti the hope that hey wl tke he opporsnty to spenle ‘ill face as the number of answer options tanger This nevertheless logs not affect the core idea and methodalogy ‘SITs, so the sample tests below should prove helpfl whatever the final EPSO format Situation One ‘You are schedule to join a nev tit next wosk, having requested a transfer from your current {as you hed bagun to fee s if your work was becoming ather predictable and dull You are lo {orward t Your new ole, but ae atare at there ae some areas of knowledge that youneed low ‘nin order t perform effectively. There i no formal induction process into the new role. Which the following are you most ikely todo? jtuation Four fou are new to the role and one of your team members comes to you for an urgent decision “debate with someone fom another team about the best way to Demonstrate your faith in your team member's judgement and promise to gi portal the mesting, Start from scratch in analysing the station for yourself and see if you can suggest something that meets both party's needs. ituation Five fou are leading a team that is feling quit overworked due to stretching deadlines and sheer quantity of work. You have managed them for quite a while and have developed a friendly, infor- "mal alationchip with its members. Recall, 2 new head of uit joined who you report ts, They I SUCCEEDING IN SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT Tes 2 SehrenNceeas SE indge ye up pe Therese, When used in the organisation’s assessment process, the candidate's score {Shi wil be based on theiz performance across all scenarios within the test and a be given to each competency in question. What They Look Like ised your an ule ‘would address such situa been approsched by your jeadine. You are pleased the! and reprovtise the projects you are currently Involved in so you ean start the nev projet straightaway. 1g ~ Communicates clearly and precisely voriting, Research “king techniques, best practice in internal communications tovengage an audience. . Devclog plan cutaing tow you intend apprsctng the project and ese Wis ae te ark pour concen boat he dendie nd ask canbe cranes responsi ity and iit . Delage tek notes paro, sing oa he inp of pag a Rese a Pet ocsdcs, earch ares SEES MESSRS Stem oo tat you can teck progress and kagp theultimate aaa Research re ee te wo ant ect) Sere ry 2 gpa 178 ‘white variant of each ofthe three shapes (semici- ‘Ge, square, langle). Therefore, the missing figure Going fom let to right in each row, the wiangle, the coss and the doted pater all move sgh by ‘Segment counts a the next segment Option Dis theodd one out since isthe oly gure 30. C “Teoughout the sey, the proce of constructing tev tomes ide the aay complied one proious ep carson of «pew ore ben. Inthe cose ofthe ming Sue the former itu aL ‘At each step, each of the four symbole ise the Squares moves tlockwise ino the diagonally adj centequaze. \WERS - ABSTRACT REASONING 1 property ofthe four figure i that rm includes 3 curved Une. The only ig eetangle since the main shape “nthe sine row isa etang) The main shape of te second figce Is also a re—- ‘angle. the fist gure, we the ema ape of the third Figure isa salle version ofthe main shape oF the second figure, Therefore the missing figure wil be big Kaos the male shape ofthe Fist Figure In the sme column ea hte) with a small somicr- Cle nside (since the ain shape ofthe second figure Isacemiarel), 5. ‘Option Es the od one out sce i ly contains foro closed areas, wheal te other gure contain theme 60. A _Ateac tp, both ine segunents are rotated about tho conse of the ccc - te thinner and longer one ‘en moves backwards by 3 hows 1% 4 the result of which Ss 3; thorfore, the missing figure has to bea square with tues ces inside. 6B “The common property of the four figures is tht they have atleast one right angle. Tae oly option to also have this property i option B 18 «=D Each figure (except for the top left one ofcourse) ‘an be ebtined by rotating ether the Figure sbove it tough 90 degrees counterclockwise or the figure tos lf tough 180 degrees wp B Going fom left right in each cow the black area (he postions ofthe black quadrants cles ae elevan) Thus, i the missing kl, two (guadrants (-e haf ofthe ete) must be black Snce the cil its eft as one bck quadrant and {sty this condo s option 8 we can be obtained by otaing alter the higuze °S—itthtough 4 degrees clockwise or the Spur toi {Inftheough 90 degrees eourterlockwise . 22 D ANSWERS ABSTRACT REASON a. D Each figure (excep forthe top lat one of (Option D is the only Bgure which is nota lage of anyother one of the fguzes: of in ‘words Itcannot be obtained fom any ater ene 2 OF Going ome to ight in each cow or from top to bottom in each coluna, en upward-pointingaow~ head i added inside the diamond and = down {Pons and one oiting cowed. 30. A _Atech tp, the small dle inside one ofthe seg ‘ents ofthe epiat moves by two segments cour ferlckise aL Esch ofthe thre diferent combinations of lin aeg- ‘ous line # dashed line) sppears only once in each fovand colsmn 32 33. OB In each sow and column there are tee houses, tach having oot witha diferen colour pattern Gold blac eolld Whe or dottod), » chimney of ‘which the same str ts eter soli Bleck, slid ‘Whit o sped) anda alfferet umber of wine m ANSWERS ~ ABSTRACT REASON ~ ABSTRACT REASONING To Lo: Aoted one emalns doted and the white oe figure. The newly added sows of sques 13, F white. The semicrcies and the tangle ated tothe nigh deo th gaze, wile be Looking tte ges wees hee eget thi supe to pnd wh ga ae! canto apd son onlslooreatGenanortepungaveris ‘tevin ti arse a B ee sale shape =the ingle ected in each tow canbe obtained by ating of the orginal elipseto the bottom ofthe nee hall ‘ofthe previous row lough 9 degrees elipse ination, any white shapes tun sped Neagacearvener Optontistheexepionsnce 5, C ere the rss has mae ot a ade Gat oppo so fe not ape he setae on ie previo figure option Dh by 50 degrees and eeverse the stipe inl previously white ares, we get the igure C twill be white since the square is blak, and the 6B OA ‘Sint wil tum fom white to strped Each figure sithor consists of four line segmer and contains at ast wo righ angles o cons moc Sommerer aimee Ori teen ene only toa Leng tt nt ao he tee he tes ee eee Coes : Lee ea eee ct eee an erent rate aren one ee areca remgs aes i Diack ye, anda “neuzal” mouth, Of four segments but have no more than one bngle (tions Cand E have none, option wale option consists of only three segments 3B OF Looking at the igares ap serie the rapezium Sided poly i this condition i only sats by option C. ‘remain unchanged. According to allthis option Fis the oddone ou since thas the tials and Ue ec tangle n th wrong pastions, ein the same pos Angler hend, round ears, «paraleogr 1A ‘ons the previous figure option E ieaoandanupward-pointing al (Releg ofal . 7 ike tors fst ‘he Figures are identical, 50 no further attention ‘a figures in each row epresent a. jee down reed abe paid fo them) tion (dion “of etbtmcton) while te thd sion eh Wi and ech mE de he equate mene ample, Sefton omopendetn te gues 2a Opto Fis the only gue whch isnot «mize ibe fist gure, here ar tenis outside the ‘agectatteatone het gues Open Ais equacsinthe second there ae two ieee in Tetior image ef opsos CandD (Geer two tet there i one tie. Thus, he Et two teventealaed cbvouyice ves andoptonsB gure ofthe thir row sand forthe operation =2— nd Fars mior mage ech eb 4B 1. the Sst haf ofthe statement the tang taining cele tumsinto elle containing ale which i 2 80 degree dockwise rotation af the ‘xginal one, o i the second Fall of the stat ‘the hexagon containing a rectangle wil tr into a rectangle conathing an identically rotated esa {gon Aa regards the abovementioned shapes, the -C18 & i s = he] = Bor el>EL EI]. ECE i no: ; r| = 2 i «ela - GL rll : Bl FI = ? ¥ z 7 > $ CM -ELP Bae 5 z O-e EO -O|OO 8 MN ots 3 -(L als -)|,Oao1 losvanu 1DVAUSAV -sNOUSINO NINOS LIVULSAV ~ sNOLISAIE q l ey > aayeysaxp seyeydiso> ams YUM, 7c 2K SD \ > Xk <|- DX sso amsiy wu “= Consider the example below: out (we have two items with non straight leon theright, we ould work: Transformation “Which shape completes correctly the lst colunim so O/9/Q | O10 “Which ofthe figures is the odd-one-out?” 1f we look at the image below, we might frst be tempted to try and come up with « involving straight lines, but we will soon realize that a rale that relies on the presence absence of straight lines in the figures will not be able to produce one item asthe odor yates and operation we ‘SUCCEEDING IN ABSTRACT REASONING TESi {CCEEDING IN ABSTRACT REASONING TESTS. . 1s orm polygons into polygons edge until they become 7. Tnsform hexagons into circles, Lave cls unchanged.” predict that the shape that however, come up with a rule t ly produce only one odd-one-ott mmary, Combinations, Approaches chapter, we have overviewed various aspects o to pick the correct answer: the in the middle of the bottom row. will Jooking at the example above, here seine he pena ve tay es ‘moving from left to Fight eine! tangle in the first coh becomes a rectangle in the second col 1 Thevetangles become pentagons The pentagons become hexegons 1 The hexagons become cncies The creas remain ces Important to ty to model administered on comput though you wil be gs sich series, ty alee a ANSWERS - NUMERICAL REASONING. 192 / 216 = 0889 = (0699+ 10) % = 885% of the 98, A. 5 formerone 95. A Berveen 229 ae 2040 the population of Sweden rojecd to ineense from 99 milion 1105 lion, ism, giving an annwl-neeate of 06 milion Succeeding in Abstract Reasoning Tests eyes will scan the shapes in a haphazard fashion. You look at the frst image, then contd. You quickly glance at the “answer figures” and get an idea. You then check ‘shapes against that idea to find out whether it works. Then you realize that the Rarefally selected would only ft the prospective pattern BEE, ‘the correct one a “These pattems and operations include: + Rotation «+ Axial reflection ‘+ Inversion | a ANSWERS ~ NUMERICAL REASONING the second quart of 208, This compan congo See Fane's GOP wat £7 ao 225%. 7551 in USD = 1 074/952 = 106 ee peat hn Derr a 180 the able of coal expen was aso 106 times, oA 6. ¢ . ‘Theol uber of moi phone eins in 4 ven county is equa to te product of the ‘umber of mobilephone subseipins per inhabi- tant (whlch s 1/10 af the numberof mobil phone tors the ho population figures ie 1/20. 64. =D {nthe scond quarter of 2000, the these lending BC ‘manufacturers were Compa, Dell and HP with 3 Saw oalng Os Ie CoH ee Both fen qui and 9 62 Bikini ecangepoces 6A HPs masiet share had remained unchanged ot be able to buy a Ebaquae zuetse propery wil 75% the number of PCs it sold would have 100000 EURalnce 10090 / 2195 = 897. " Sncrensed fom 30:9 millon “0.075 7064 milion O07, «by 7064 milion 3038 milion) "0075 = 4031 milion “0075 = 3.023 milion, ma oC = pe post doo we ‘annual wine production in this period aa roduc of the GDP andthe perontage of _ The avenge ucin np soil expenditure accounts for. ooking dtureeprevrts of GDP, ain 8.1 / 38756 = was equal to (282+ 284 +268) / 3 = 278 (ion = (0.227 * 100) 9 = 22.7%, ‘olitees). ‘The number of PCs sold by Dell rose fom 30.33 1850 dat socal expenditure amounted to rillion*0.114~3488 milion nthe second quarter the GDP in both Deana and France therfore (6f 2000 t0 7064 milion * 0464 = 11.585 milion in ony the GDP figures of th two countries, 18. B 50,100 = 108% of the 2004 igure. Therefore 100 / 1065°50,00 = 47 902 20. A ‘The GDP is caeulatod by muplying: 27880105 million = 292580 millon 2A ‘The rato is $0100 / 27200 = 501 / 272 = Lt = wee Look she table without esleulting any percent= ‘ges. 30% of whichaver the largest ruber wl be the largest 2. € Just ook at he proportions. County A Country $3102 eoughly 55/10 ‘County D has the owes densty of population 2B ‘Ada theinfation atesand divide by the number ‘countries Gs191 44942619) /5e414 ‘Approximately 68% ofthe total population country E 2% “The area rt 45-9, which equa 5. ANSWERS ~ NUMERICAL REASONING D 1 figures are given for the pice of the salt the question cannot be sneered. “The question refers to “Cable & Cable Ltd", ‘wheres he abe rele to "Wire de Wise Liz” a profit 2003 is 20bilion euros igure arein ik 12. (QUESTIONS - NUMERICAL REASONING TABLES FOR QUESTIONS 98 - 100, Average sizeof micipalities in various EU countries, 2008 | ANSWERS - NUMERICAL REASONING NUMERICAL REASONING ° o 10,000 .. 20,000. 30,000 40,000 ee rent tiit ao 0 et pomp era) | cet » fromm [ETO TET Game [ARTES f sap moi By oe Ea 5 Gon Bono)” a fx : % 2 % les B =e ero x % z = [x Sov x % x os = z z sone x = z ° 20 40 ey x 7m x we x a x x a x Population of various EU countries, 2008 (thoweand inhabits) zB = x Estonia 1341 Greece Latvia 2.266: bes 7 - Portugal 10622 Slovenia Shvalia 5.46 x “ x Sle CEMR = Conc of ip pis i Regis" = x feab en = x @ z CES 98. What is the area of Portugal (in thou- 7 =. = sand square km)? x » x a 3 Ah ipa. [x a x cA D. 1s ee an Buss R ims = x = a % x x EI % = x 99, Which of the six countries has the 2%. x %. x ‘highest population density? a x = 7 A Bona 3 Giee = FF = x claw 2 Poms zm z ak E Soveia R Senkie ®. = @ = (QUESTIONS - NUMERICAL REASONING JUESTIONS ~ NUMERICAL REASONING? TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 82-85 TABLES FOI QUESTIONS 86-89 Gold reserves of the world's central banks (tonnes) = How did the share of Hays central bank in the world’s total gold reserves change between March 1999 and March 2009? Decresad by 73 parentage plas Dacrensed by 30 percentage pins Decreased by 08 percentage points Remained unchanged Increased by 08 percentage points Incressed by 80 percentage points How did the market value ofthe gold a's central Dank March 2008 given that in this period, eased from, the world pace of 286 USD per ounce to 886 USD per ‘ounce? (Vounce = S11 grams) Incensd by | Incressed by 581 biion USD Incresued by 581 bilan USD Kon USD ‘Proected GDP growth in various countries compared toe previous year) Decreased by 064 ilion USD ‘Daseased by 642 bilion USD Decreased by 642 tlion USD By how many per cent is China's GDP projected to increase between 2008 and zou? =mboe 5. How many tonnes of gold did the ‘word’ central banks together sl oh yearly average between March 1999 = And March 2008 given that they sold 345 tonnes between March 2008 and at change i projected to ake place in ‘GDP between 3008 and 010? crease by about 20ilion USD GDP of various countries, 2008 (illion USD) 9 a Bae 4340 Germany 2925 283 Spain 1402 ‘A deans by about #9 blion USD ‘Adeceaseby shout 7ilion USD -Aninaeaseby shout bon ESD ‘Aninceaseby about Isblion USO Aninceaseby about bition US Assuming thatthe population of Germany decreases by 1s between 2008 and 2010, by how many percent is Germany’s GDP per capita projected to decrease in this period? am, a 26% 36% Dae 53% R 7% cos 1 (QUESTIONS - NUMERICAL REASONING riONS - NUMERICAL REASONING m5 Average property prices%in Croatia Paes GOP we that ri rater Worldwide PC sales by manufacturer, gfe mle 1D. Polan's GDP was bout tines renter second quarter of 2000 (%), Q. Mobile phone subscriptions in various countries, 2007, Q. 63 eget hy ae LLLP LCS ES {B national average Heer on eri cre a5, Worldwide PC sales by manufact can second quarter of 2008 (%), Q. 64 seven Berea [Nit of bitoni per 200 nails ES He oe ip te ot © icevactn ie pose 64. Based on the diagrams, how di ‘combined market share ofthe three Teading PC manufacturers change ‘between the second quarter of 2000 and the same period in 2008? Dazeased by 27 percentage points Decreased by 77 parentage points Incrase by 107 percentage pins Increase by 133 percentage pins sed on he dara, by what per i aged the peng pc {5099 Eu in ano o he Crotan Goal properties incene om 2005 cout imsquae met)? son poe a % ‘ poe 9 * e 43, Between which years does the produc- (QUESTIONS - NUMERICAL REASONING j 45. Whigh countryfcountseshashave the tion of any type of industry increase or largest elderly population? decease the ost in sbolute enna? A Comey A A ands 7 anand 04 ee 2G. Band 206 ‘D. Country Dand Country Di | Gomtsy TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 47-50 TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 48-45 BLE FOR QUESTIONS 7? _ cannon re oe Ts [Bans] nt copays |_a | vis fre cont [ 4 |» |» ral or | copaye | ep = ts Gamal ‘Country BY 22 ats coun | a coat | [a ry Z foie] yp | a _Coenpacy C zo" [zs | See hata whch coustry i th fertility rate ‘the highest? Country A Coury © Caner sy County E poe 45, Which country experiences the highest population decline? County 8 coaey © County D County pose 47. How much money in million euros ide Company B get in 2004 from pea jc fall juices are sold atthe same price? 8 48, Which company had the highest income between 2003 and 2005? company ¢ (Company Aen B he same Company B company A < peep | QUESTIONS - NUMERICAL REASONING 18. Which company sold lowest average price in 2008? Company A snd C the sae Company® 1 grapefruts are the same price as oranges and a third of the price of pears how many million euros income id Company C have in 2004 from oranges? 6 cannot » n Increase in Hungary's exports _by country group, 2008 (Q. 51-55) Bh Erie inate period January September Bos compared vo de Sneed in 2007) ms 6 —B oce EE hee ‘menber stats of the HU before May 12008) the 12 newest member states of he EU) Distribution of Hungary’s exports by country group, 2008, Q. 51-55 vis mentersahsct be (ELA th 1 ewes render (source: Hangin Cana Stasi Othe) S51, Based on the diagrams, what share did {he European Union have of Hungary's texports in the period January- September 2008? 17. What percentage ofthe Fatectten Ub or pls A om a mw cm Dv. s% TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 16-21 (Gross Domestic Product in the EU 2005 Conny [GDP pert | Change sopra fant nPos)_|to200t Gn) Riga [eo Ba roeoarg [3000 is Reteande [27970 Eg 18, What was the GDP per inhabitant in Luxembourg in 2008? We change in the GDP per the Netherlands from ? 20, What was the GDP in Belgium in 2005, ‘ifthe number of inhabitants was 105 (QUESTIONS NUMERICAL REASONING B. 35347 milion c 3,70milkon D. 29258 millon ‘21 What percentage of the EU-15's per capita GDP 27,200) is the per capita GDP in Luxembourg? Ae Bo ome cam Dam 22. Youmade up your mind to prepare fo laking an EU knowledge tert in five (Gelow). What was the average ime (Gn hows) you prepared per week? watt [z?[s]«]5 Hom] «| | mis | ad poep 8 & power "QUESTIONS - NUMERICAL REASONING TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 24-28 ‘Pepsin | GDP “ifaion a ny S. Approximately how many people in " qountries A and D are unemployed if the unemployment rate is 2% in coun- | ty Aand W% in country D? at isthe average inflation rate in all ive countries? % % 4 easily of pop Lass than 6% D. *iove tan com 28, What isthe ratio between the total area ‘of county D and country C? TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 29-33 ‘anaowarep SOF? DRINKS IV 191 SOLD PY JULY quantity and wh Smallest quantity in July 20057 A. RavourCand favour B 1B itvour Band favour © ivour Band Bavour A D. Flavour A and favour Remember the advice given in the previous chapter: 1, Read the question and the answer options first as carefully as possible, 2. ‘The question will help you identify which data sets willbe relevant and nec-_| cesaty for answering the question and know what ignore 3. Looking a the answer options wil help you decide the level of a ‘equire I for vamp, ie values in he anower options ae youmay consider estimation nnn newer oP® Ipesrstonnget 5. Hlaving looked at the answer options and the data in the table, you can now ‘make a final decision about whether to go for an exact figure of make an est | ‘mate, whether to use an equation, and $0 on 4 6. Make sure you exclude all unrealistic answer options (for example numbers representing an increase when the question refers #0 8 decrease) 7. Once you have performed a cleans, you can alch the eel against the remaining answer ‘estimated, Took for the answer option closet to you estimated result he result ie sgeitceruy ioe ‘one answer opticn than to all others, you were probably on the right track. . Numerical Reasoning Test 100 QUESTIONS ~ answers follow question 100 - 1B e4se min |TABLE FOR QUESTIONS 1-4 ea ‘legal copying in Manderia D. e4SSmilion aera] reno) a ‘Computer Software 4. Supposing that the piracy rate of DVD videos decreased by’ pose aoa 108 ‘SUCCEEDING IN NUMERICAL REASONING TESTS . [SUCCEEDING IN NUMERICAL REASONING TESTS . 109 ‘Tables and Charts lavseastce®) tae ‘mio. bomen sed on our reagoning in the section on Estimation, umber of airplanes is a superfiuous figure, as well vera above table, how mary sation had been 10% iorse?”™ b) 236 million 9) 352 milion €) 359million "The above table may seem familiar. This is because we previously used. table with some rows “blacked out” for demonstrating certain methods ino! table always contains lots of superfivo ‘menonad above, numerical reasoning questions administered by EFSO some- rely on charts (figures) instea fonsider the following example ie Saar [eahsa| & ee ‘Treatment of Municipal Waste in EU 27 2008 Since the question refers to the number of passengers transported, we will not need turnover data to answer the question 08 SUCCEEDING IN NUMERICAL REASONING TESTS - SUCCEEDING IN NUMERICAL REASONING TESTS 105 the above example, where 82% capacity wlisation decreases by 10%, our natural Beridnm te following calculation ” fore the capacity utilisation in 2008 was 72%. ld not be the correct answer. For comparison, keep in mind long as X is greater than ¥) (% decrease of a regular amount, for example 550: ‘Wenow know that the correct answer will heve 4 digits, which can only be Answer C. 52% * 90H = 8296 * 09 =73.8% the correct caleulation yields a significantly different result from what instinct suggested, _ When it comes to percentage changes in values that are themselves ‘many people consider 2 10 per cant change (for example 82% to 72%) ‘To summarize, two tps: ‘When the answer options only differ in their order of magnitude, time should not! srasted on caleulating the actual figures; instead, we should concentrate on ‘number of digits only, centages, what facta 10 per = Suppose that anima look at possible, the interest rate drops by 9 er ‘the interest rate drops by 9 7 ‘A.1% interest rate can decrease by a maximum of 1 percentage point, but it can B Seeast by as much a 100 por coat -buth sealing ia Ok inter ake In many numerical reasoning tests, you will be faced with data where calculation of ser will require working with percentages. A straightforward case is where example the number of television gets in Italy) is an amount, and the other le the proportion of high-definition capable devices) is a percentage. In 5 falculation is ebviows foroumpid wba be, how many passengers would Sky Europe have transported in 2007 if question based on the above table i the following: ty utlisation had been 10% worse? utilisation of SkyEurope in 2008 ifs capacity wtiisat 100 ‘SUCCEEDING IN NUMERICAL REASONINS TESTS + Retimation tests are similar to computation testi that the calculations tole made Ere very simi, but the numbers wth which one has to wotk are grater end the pola of the text ot the candidate's sbity Yo perorm the actual aletation but Riospeed and acturney af hush they can approinae the ent tn Elect sn answer option that wil be close to wha te el Shun caulaon wos pertormed (og “spprosimately how anche +) Numerical reasoning teste representa higher level where the focus te tual aly fo tna caledatone but ater the eight reused fo find out whieh {Bclations are egured tobe performed i ones to rivet he anor orn other swords applied reorng i feed: These es ae usualy textsed i Which 8c ‘+ Data interpretation tests are similar to the above but instead of using. tex nario” or story asthe input, the bass ofthe exercise isa dataset presented in the bfatable,a chart, or any combination ofthese (eg. “Based on tion above, is the best approach to solve the cash-flow problems of this company?’). EPSO’s numerical reasoning tests are most closely modeled on the latter two test types, ‘Yet it is easy to see how each subsequent test type in this “hierarchy” bullds on skills ‘Rvist of having the data presented ina tabular or graphical format ‘Based on, the required skills and the aspects troduced above, we will provid overview ofthe following calculus + Percentages and percentage points + Botimation + Equations + Tables and charts eee ee eae eaten ose ns ete nee or wpe Ne Mental Calculus If somebody reads through the information made available to candidates before the 2 ce i wl eee on recent dat ated ht an onsen caclator ay Be furng the numerical reasoning toot. In ight ofthis, you might be Resitant a 9 ¥8" So mportant tobe able to perform quick mental culations: These are several ip fant reasons for this: + An onscreen calculator may be quit slow to use and its layout may be unt ‘Seandidates, which might take is use counter productive” {CCEEDING IN NUMERICAL REASONING TESTS ‘There are certain calculations that are always faster to perform in yoiir head 0 COverreliance on a calculator may make the testtaker less intuitive and! might pre~ the question ‘ent them from realizing whether cetain calculations ae really requized to answer [is therefore strongly advised to frst practice as if no calculators were provided and to use such device only later when You have learned all necessary calculus patterns. * sy “technical to.use the calculator to do the following: tila go tite i of ai ‘the first denominator by the second denominator) jenominator can be divided by) certain types of calculations can quite simply be performed more that approximately tres in five howseholds i Estonia have an intnset conection and among those fur in six have broad- Iand acess. One way of approsching ths calculation would be (fractions are multiplied by multiplying the first numerator by the ve can then simplify the fraction by finding a number that both the = i VERBAL REASONING TEST recent years A new study by the composite index since then has far out : > Waive af at Anglin andthe,» paced the 57% rise in the Standard & , Briah Antarctic Survey estimated emissions have jntped 29% since 200, VERBAL REASONING ‘ENatzetady found that ove the fame peti, the proportion of fossil ‘ANSWERS fuel emissions absorbed by Ure oceans thas allen by as mucha 19% (Tie) * India for ech of he flowing statements wheter afeyeto Quai [a [oT e ‘tiseorenieorecto cant el 4 a 7 ‘A, Humanity emitted dose to 10 iio tne of x sre x catbon as yea. - es 7 1B, Wout oars and forests, the Ears atmos: x 2. x phere would be much hover ght ow e fa © See 2000 the oxen can ony eb 10% fa x a. smar-nde ater emisions Fl ri D, Oceans sbsrd more carbone tha al x a x forests fhe Ea combined x « [x EA carbon conentation of 460 pars pr milion ee x s x inthe anospher was proved tobe more thn Tt foreach ofthe lowing ba x 6 x eee hc eo ae " # FF _Resnly the ocean em tbe ale 0 soon usnsas were expec fo beep inven x e ates {prove ficiency even during a recesion = £ The NASDAQ index har sien more since = stock market eck i low pot than 4100, While there ae still easons to be wary aaa 3 oA, Src Semne people, ae conident that: the cut siaat ae crane sock market Doom il eatnae D, Altmutia find maagersbeganto nr x se Share of he tecnology invests - x 1 Tedslogy seas wl ous torso —T 7 z area mare B. x Ey x fits low in March, evidenced by the guy proc have isn signicaly x 3. x fact thatthe 674% gain inthe Natdag Meech, x ao. x zs x a. x x @ x x e x e_ [x x é x @ |x xt It s x 2 x aman x 7B +92 VERBAL REASONING TEst |. VERBAL REASONING TEST %3 nant figure of post-communist Albania, 196, less than 3,00 tonsof perch were ihe election, the Socialist oppost- come up with clean, is for new regulations itis raft. tives, Research on how to efor he Nile pach wa introducd ino Lake "dustry had een ‘pporon delivery dels inporant — he European Commision ha begun assessing _Abrbs application for membersp in the BU. tony fl ths bepnein bout "when the Irumankind’s fst expl another world. The landing certainly “i Senandlby ced far anes fr beste soni for face an up! ‘when ealenlating the carbon footprint of -RBAL REASONING TEST a elsopes do Tack of stmogpheicHubo Researchers from Burcpeand he US. ‘be Task Foc, G The European Commision inthe Tek Farce 1D. One ofthe ajetives ofthe Task Force i 0 fenoorge Burpean and US researchers fo wok together. mpressivelooking harvest, shrinking ‘wheat and other crops has often proved forshor sta, Europa said study author Richard Gresnberg of the University of Arizona thing Tan iin danger viel tants will ecetve equal sunlight. (The ‘84. ‘The No.2 killer in Aftica by P n ‘ihc ofthe fowing statement is come? : VERBAL REASONING ‘VERBAL REASONING TEST . 8 ment limits proposals for the banking, io Colors is inthe heat ofthe Patagonis Mohave iron workers, many from the ing as much as region, Googe has undeten to dec vance which cles fl phot dally opened shen United States President Herbert Hoover fumed on the building's lighs withthe push of a shington, D.C. ESAs looking for smational Space Station a 2 person than in Eon grovring by 89 %. European Group gril aes selena iy only 245 ‘Denven 1981 and 1997, while popu bye 74, The proposed new European laws under the controversial Alt Investment Fund Managers the hedge fund and’ Industry ~a0% of whichis ed hedge fund directive. pay are taken from | rope slong with hundreds of ea 0 VERBAL REASONING TEST JAL REASONING TEST ction is only expected expand by 6% by 63. Small businesses are especially vital to Eattine job growth, Etablishments with fewer ‘output in 290, ‘Ces gull tel hat eneeable busi be abe to Baep up sion of demand D. Tome the elecsy neads of the US. in 2080, renewable energy tchnaogy fhe oly epton, ‘gs to keep them warm and safe from a ‘predators. Young penguins begin to ® ‘vim on thelr own in about nine Weeks. (ational Geographio ‘Vico the following satemens SINCORRECT. 66. is ‘Aes may ave fra 180 lames for food rier is springie on the Antec fine inposed on the chipmaker Inte ‘An official at AMD today confirm Dale and female Adie pengus help each ecru sstenens cn 62, There fs water on the Moon, scientists Times) ofthe fie on Intel was prompted by a ‘complaint from AMD, AMD tas also {dentfied asthe principal competitor Which ofthe flowing statements is ease? ‘A. uso ae laying of nore people than hy were eater his ea. alfeced by what the Comnis Iced up at east SOites of water.The 9, Employment growth usally precedes te desaibed in AMD agree tation” agains! Intel mumbor of temporsy job indicate thet sh = Ai ofits regulatory ‘esse ll et cing oon ‘AferanIBmmonth voyage he deserted hip in the Marquesas Islands and ons from intl, These ince 2 ota companion ed re mont Promise on nels pst poy AMD Fee oe Ei25bn cn ston) in damages and fo ‘Up (New York Times) employes provice 75% of lots thee con ‘inch of the folowing eaten comes? 2108 end 2007. ‘AL Scientist now suspésthat here mightbe water theron. abide by a set of b (European Votes) practices | TLCROSS mission, intended to look for expat ofthe economy ster ecesson. | 64 Ad@lie penguins live on the Antarctic continent and on many smal, surround- {ng coastal islands, They feed on tiny agate eeatues, such a shimp-ike [ail but also eat fish and squid. They Savebeen kre dvs deep rmetere in search of such quarry, thou shallower charge in 1844 he began to create novels ‘of his experiences and to take part the Hteray life of Boston and New York City. History Chanel) of te folowing statements icc es eee VERBAL REASONING TE: -RBAL REASONING TEST ser and Baig calls the network AT&T is using forthe iPhone the device's "biggest drawback.” The iPhone is on AT&T's Edge data network, and Baig ‘ays Edge it slow compared to other ‘bled generation” or "3G" networks (cs) [Richman said. (CBS) money han bansexcep the i ‘wor a B_ Nomatter who, orhow ch the customers, the tng sivays says the sare all Fe ‘What scaly got Green Weod to tion! tore anda staan he rely ake fl syne, 0 even Ea Bag can C.—Acastm pinto was done on ene ofthe as, ec ae aye of Ad Bg remaed ons dideatage 00 wich repurng th speed of the Phane'scucentdts wot ian ay thal the raves in the comet feflet the sity of sacar, and are abo ‘eat constanysalking people 1D. Thepride of Geen Wood cemet ‘ater on, a unigue tou tle ade, 54, A full-size granite Mercedes-Benz is the pride of a New York cemetery Mf the more eccentric tombstones 55, The Phone doesn’t go on sale until Friday evening but thanks to Appl fall-court press advertising and media ‘campaign, some people are alzeady tery in Brooklyn, N-X, by 3 his achieve Borda: Deeause of this sort of thing, ‘because of the who's who ‘of famous people buried here. Among them is the tomb of amateur Eeyptologist Albert Parsons “We tas off with the Old Testament on the far Teft there, Moses and his mother and then Christin imagery here ~you see the lamb which is symbol of the inno- cence ofa eld, and Hiainah Storm, is"renharkable, Eve been covering tech for more years tha can remember and this produt has hi you see the Torsafe- guarding tombs and mausoleums,” {hid Green-Wood historian Jeffrey Richman at he showed off Parsons! ‘very own Sphinx tombstone. Richman ‘were plain and severe, whi 5 daughters. Moore, 45, is now married 1029-yearold actor Ashton Kutcher and Willis spends a good deal of time ‘withthe couple. (CBS) pressed by the ringing te whole concep of st century piqued Ns ner- Demi Moore as ben cross with Bruce ever sine thei divorce Soreness cee eet ne ‘Watermelon was completely Blown o "We do see amputations of fingers ard even libs” Vales aid, “There are ye injuries and permanent saning So the devastation and te injuries, really are permanent fo consumers” 1. aly in the history ofthe planet, when, ‘VERBAL REASONING TEST VERBAL REASONING TEST son, as sen in people oxygen in the ae About halfway to aberrant section, poop azn lion yea yee {Suissa remains unknown. a began to Sener Sekedphare Theft eakaryote wih asthe gs ore es poerant selon of micas bon ee Shaved by cess svete oly one that ont ‘Ac Inthe very beplning of Barth's history, ile doe ul bacteria were present ey ubsance ‘The cause and mechani of asthma isnot yet B mown 7 ‘The removal of technical bassiers to Uuade ip precondition for the eomple- European Ombudsman was estab- by the Sopean Community. The fit vey ae whee ct . an was elected in 1985 and Tac aero dan este TNs Revi the DDA Negotiations th FS since then dealt with over 12000 callegilaton 2 ‘Perspective, 2003) ts from citizens, compan Z tions and public utr femove echnial bares fo trade ‘The competion ofthe intemal mask! ens 4. ending tthe Dba Deca, EU fwharmerusodonoftxdorsial standards end 8 er peta eugh poly om certian and tests . Toe Common Agri S vs Product ceiation procedures require he ‘Taleo sever forms inthe : stitution or body con- option of anew approach to fehl et tha aleay ben contacted ‘The competion of the intemal market wes ehieved in 1985 when tec standards ‘worehamenised| D mde discty to te ou ay farts sn to Tay single-celled fe fons suchas aclria were around, there was Tile % Only BU cltzens and publ autores may soklegal assistance from he Osbudenan 48. ¢1n 1985, the Dooge Committee Report, 8 drawn up in prepaction forthe Integers Confrence which vas ‘he Single European Act (SEA), contained a numberof proposals oncering foreign policy Te pov sions introduced by the SEA coblshed am institudonal basi forthe European Folica! Cooperation, the group of European comespondents ands sere tre mrkng pert ota Sty ofthe Coun preside (ScadPius) presser The Single European Act was signed in 1986 sand enered int force in 987 ‘The Dooge Comune propose to pace the European to brown, and began to work in sul ‘break with tradition came 29, ily to have a tation inthe same gee at ‘ees lesp needs insets es well Scents ave made ie progres {bg the genetic components of ins’ sleep eede tong vitamin pil cm ride eee D'RDI up to at east ‘bump up the certified safe limit ‘beyond the current 2,000 TU. ‘The maxim ceed vain intakes cur ey 60 nteratonal st Scsentts have propoed to cease the recom ‘Unprecedented advances inthe life set tential for the ing need for an intemational consensus fon the steps thal must be taken to Sciences throughout the world, (Science Magazine) ‘An bic gaidance is ely to stp sientits from geting volved in biowarare sues VERBAL REASONING TEST |, VERMALREASONING TEST ‘Thee isn ination conse that Boe warfare is inked fo teorsen j- The Intratonal Whaling Commision was caste to preserve and protect whales Me, Hucke Gast and his survey tam ork at {he Southern Univesity of Cle CComunrcil whaling tte in the st hl of ‘be 20d century to escape from environments in which parasites have acaorulat hhas been provided that one ofthe more spectacular amples of migration ~ that ‘of the monarch butterfly in Noxth ‘America~ may have evolved at last in pat as such mechanism. (Selene Magazine) ices, acelerating structaral ms and promating investment in Pasa may only be reduc by wording patreteacture and h ont nfected oats menace mig evry wie ‘et AE sessnal vrais inthe fod spply ain iin ore neon il In the fia 60 years ofthe 20h century cornet whaling wiped ot 7 pen cial mashes, th fe flow of capil end evel ofan ‘whales, notes Rodrigo Southem University of Chile in Val the (Setnce News) ig amples collected at centralized out ‘¢doat locations and extrapolate individ sale sveage exposures fom those © _Areent study hat shown tht puople bale a lotmoreSenzene than en yon 9g9 'D, Envizonmental agencies have the exclusive gh to maaswe pollutant concerrasons in tentalized eens, 15% of EU healthcare costs (Commission en Direct, no. 358, p.4) ‘A. Obesity and malnutrition not ony cause serous th iss but als Ineened spending on fal eed Consumer nay 1, schegen Areoat sme ice oe Se et fra ca fe ‘foam Conaies the cheng geen sep Sat planting convent stegen Aeon ws eet Gpive countries ‘miles an hour and rocket cars that break D. the speed of sound. (Gociety of Brosdeast Engineers) tn incredible development thats son coming (anent Poosengt tains Have managed to bres the speed of ound constantly forthe last 20 years, by ra year for goods and 3.1% for pis: rsport) © the tenspot indy ascouts fora higher Zucenage of the Community's GNP than i Gosof the Communi’ total employment [posed that the lower house of parlia- ‘ment send a formal inquiry to the G &.Demand fr tensor serves has growa mare {ymamlally for patengae an gods in the lam enty ys. ach Member State spends bout 7 tional prt on transport seri by RIA-Novostl as saying no seats on 20, English rac ste Pel Radlite® ‘won the Chicago Marathon witha world- spacecraft would be avall- minutes off her closest competitor Ina port where speed improvements are ‘marked i secondly not mines, {| Ridelffe redefines the rate of kuzman performance gains. Peorto her record- ‘Smashing mun ithad taken 16 years for {immigration and asylum issues. (Cominission) ™ AL The village of Schengen, where the Agreement esse in on ie Let iceman border vAnnanythe UNE seeretaryegencrali la Radia managed to kep her record 16 yess Paula Radaie won the Landon Marathon in apa and 200835 wel go Macthon was held after the miion | Over the next few months two reports fon Kosovo are due to be presented to the UN Security Council. I they paint a generally postive picture, Kofi appoint a "status envoy” to shut Befween Belgrade and Pristina, talking over what is now being dubbed Kosove's "fture", not its “fina status", The envoy will probably be a Foumerpolitican well acquainted with dependence one of the principal ‘Sues inthe United Nabors Secury Count toa on Ko Annan agenda (Once Kosovo's ial status has boon resolved, fae ll om toa ture” ‘he formee Tan prime minister may bacon Sa repedsenative commissions by the Nabors here have been severe tensions betwee Ksovo an Pisin in eecent yes Germany is no longer a safe bet for ‘more European integration. Politicians fad the media seem ‘much sovereignty ha « VERBAL REASONING Test 4” ypepAl REASONING TEST a waters. The medieval illusion is com- lect, ag pie minis ad been sented by the Commission as an over- plete when melo imes ring out rd Ala all proposal inthe “Delors package”. GeudPhus) from the beltres ofthe city's ancleat ‘te interim, demecraaly elected tag gor- {cement wre appointed on same day whan . ‘Stam Hasse took power The Slag iid by Fagin sed ge ges Atv inbegaen ecm Rent on te a 8 eques Delors served two terms as the presi Siiten min oppo bk Inge ees coms 5 eo Theo aap sang sir png ‘= egiral oly rey e t the streets and squares and the wh town buzzes with activity. (tichelia Gude) ‘AL Bruges is a the Flemish speaking ares of Belgian “Teaching hospital ig by Ow rages ad boo ut the ide ps bt onponent of pe fg te Comuny at detoped in be lowngenteie ‘Thy are the vt . ent eagani ne he : nd enearch an ring i pin and Pog we ©The chu in Brg wel seal frie and vane expert fo ety tare However it hanna been lear fo ‘ > A. ge ety fous fos wales whe Brussels is more known for chocolate and & ites Cent and pile rbot Belen pec complex a sophstised 3. The foreign occupation of Lebanon is ti sal alse ot neses where beter gualty may be Seat fo the objective of inverting 3% Tee te cea atte © Thana my di ge anand ae Hes Assad sent his my to cecal nae egos ewe D. Cragin stk bread with ened an cng pte roiled der | ‘les ong tees rcomctended \ by the Council on 22 September 2003. 5 Brsieney Concasons Brule $sropean Coun 203) i a | towe percent of GDP | 1 Te Coe of swith he post of 1 A | 8 tenon ada! car inwhih yea © \ a Portugal and later the conclusion of cation industry ONY. Tidagent wang eng Ege sada . ot itp se SSeatemianseet are Cie eras 29 Ap 208 - A nga ton psn mp eo ‘sig the Si ed ps % SUCCEEDING IN VERBAL REASONING TESTS -EEDING IN VERBAL REASONING TESTS a “Holiytvod celebrities frequently dine at Café Vian, which led tothe restaurant receiving 1 Hight ating re eapectedrslurant reo gue” * ‘The statement in the above ‘option incocrectly makes the assumption that there 4s a cause-and-effect relationship between the patronage of Hollywood celebrities and ‘the rating the restaurant received in the review guide a few years after celebrities state going there. The relationship between the celebrity visits and the high rating is, in this ‘ase, merely chronological (one event happened betore the other one), * ‘ence that the earlier event led to the second event mentioned in the ‘eis ofen very easy to mistake a merely chroncl one but an thing that il help decide i the verbal clues mentioned above Since test ‘makers tend not to include ambiguous information in tess, we can always count on indi cators ofa cause-and-effect zelationship ("Ied t0”, “consequently”, “resulted in”) or a mere ‘chronological relationship to appear in the text. Methods for Approaching the Test Questions ‘Let us return to our sample text: lost half", “three quarters", “fewer tha 500") greater”) Many vistors fom sbioa ar eure tlm at th USccnany isnot minal by int oportons. 7% ‘ion enpaymn growth an they made inthe 196s They lo epesent an entypo ino the economy _undeepresrted ous suchas Women ad pattie Worker For eagle, he naer of eran 5 esr led by 69% to an enna Ballon eteen 1987 and 1957, ich ofthe ling tate core? ‘A.9% ofall businesses se up between 1987 and 197 vere un by women necessary routine, using the method described above, we could essen- “Seal businesses produced tee quarters ofa new jobs in the sent is clearly in agreement with answer option 8 eth fe en 20 pple genre re i ih 199 han gin orion” the numberof jobs created by giant corpora- be les than the number small Businesses cre ofall new jobs in the same period. snes wp ene 987 on 1997 cere By woe {alks about an 89% percent increase, not the proportion of businesses ran BY tf mb nh 19808 sal i” ‘know is that in the 1960s small business created a smaller proportion of jobs 1800s when they created three quarters of the total. As “majority” means 0%, we do not have enough information since “less tan thee quarters” c=" 50, or even 10% nes mak a greater fea eonrbuton oe LS ecncny than an corpo” simply no mention of “financial contribution” in the txt. ze the above method in afew points question fist ~are we looking forthe corrector incorrect statement? “The underlined expressions are “suspect phrases” because ofthe various factors W® : os 4“ VERSAL, NUMERICAL AND’ABSTRACT REASONING TESTS Pass Mask this ba simple “objective base, for example 50% Seve the Le set enut be reached in each test separ Saoidbel rte shows {hina “ellie” bari, meaning that ination to cong igs than he pop mark you mest also be mong a giver Rene af bent evfomningcanddates naan level ‘The Best X— Mixed Version — A “good” score in the context of one a jght be an insufficient score in ‘nother group ~ 20 examples of successful scores” from the past are not really relevant relationship teats aze designed to test a person’s ability to determine the rela- jeen two concepts based on the analogy of another pair of concepts (for comprehend complex texts and Infonet, or impossible fo tell higher then others. Looking at of improvement can mes ment will make a hu Exponcntially all hanes tothe bell carve, Tn the PART II THE PRE-SELECTION PHASE ill 36 ‘THE EU PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PROCESS y seldom effective. EPSO much rather recommends that you wait to be contacted by inter- Commission in Brussels right before you got recruited, this nifty prevent you sted nstitations ori you wish to get in touch with trem yoursel wide scan having, your moving costs paid or bang granted a socalled “expatation Sidate contact service list on their cbt Sey Pe aner}'The detailed ries can be found in the EU officals’ Sta! Regulations, hated Interview and oral presenta only book as they contain dozens of practical bits of advice for this stage as well. 3 ners an anes whet 70. ‘ensuring that you possess = copie ance \amplstien of having that ~~ and you are atcepied Yoranatie post. Tra ation of having that deiouslooking hemeand-ggs for checkups defo an Travelling ‘You will most likely need to travel to Brussels or Luxembourg for the interview unl vvideo- or phone-conference call can be arranged at the EU representstion ot delega office of your country of residence. Should you need to travel, all costs wil be reimbursed and you willbe givens modest daly subsistence allowance as well based on sit tions), but be prepared to receive the reimbursement only several weeks later. Recruitment si smmend reading through this b 1f your interview was successful, you will be offered a je then : e a otmally by letter. Should this not arzive in time, tution’s HR department or the unit in which you ting date of employment with Belgium, ay www Ammow ‘Movi are paid for unless yor ved in the country where you were retratets for snore than cota pon ifyou had done an 2 ‘THE EU PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PR What is an impact assessment and which are its governing rules? 1U tender procedure be launched and what are the exclusion criteria? ~ Ifyou were asked to highlight 5 improvements introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon, ‘which ones would you fick? ~ What should BU institutions do to improve access to EU documents for EU citizens? ~ What are the sources of EU law? ~ What instruments can EU institutions use against non-respect of EU law? ~ What is an Excessive Deficit Procedure and why is it used? ~ Which institutions and bodies are involved in concluling an extemal trade agreement? ~ What is performance audit and how is it used in the FU institutions? ~ Which procedures ensure budgetary contol in the BU? stand compl ‘ot 7 You one ary. Provides large ntmber of sample questions fora dierse 2f profiles and a fll exercise with scoring grid to help you understand pe iperior formance is evaluated, and fusther tips om Oral Presentation Based on the case study, your profiles exams may require you to make an oral present Series of Heads of Unit tion. This is special oportuaty to speak in front of smal audience of assessor oss for Head of Unit and Dixector posts has traditionally been carried out via sibly fellow candidates to present your case and answer challenging (and somednes Gente hich ls nevertelesd ely to undergo changes based on the ys aly. ‘THE EU PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PROCESS PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PROCESS 2» Abstract Reasoning Tests ‘ clement in the reformed! competition system is the abs ‘ground details on SITs, how. competencies EPSO has determined, please refer to the re © created, including a fll sample another cat va Slevant chapter the pre-selection p of Your CV, c the ability to mentally rotate, fip or turn certain figur Th ‘one of the mart challenges ofthis loes have more practic performance than may seem at fist glance. You can find & large nub Soning tests in the relevant chapter of this book, along with an in-depth methocl ‘that is highly practical and applicable. tal Judgement Tests judgement Tests i sd, you receive an official apr eye ‘the assessment phase. afterwards you will be req ‘ata given vende and indergo the assonsment exam, rofl emble these que y above, EPSO ses the following eat colleague who may be stealing and who may also be a fend, or someone Wit | Fecruitment competition: » ‘THE PUI PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PROCESS "THE EU PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PROCESS a jobs described in the previous chapter. In any ease, EU institutions deal with sucha wide ‘variety of issues that you can certainly find the job that best suils your interests and pet Sonality if your motivation is right. second language's infact your ft foreign language and in mostases it must be “Trench of Geonan, However, for linguist axing the secand language fe uscally {or which candiiaes are soup. Bor example, i EFSO announces a Linguist “There is no Himitaton on an applicant's age a ment age (minimum age is determined by the re not overly close to the retire- ‘ofa diploma or work exper ence, ruin age ners forall jously the EU is keen ensuring ying field in terms of s, ensuring ot ‘opportunities for all based on merit, regardless of whether they belong to any particula ous, sexual, ethnic or other minotty, octal segment or sig Your age, you wl be equi fo passa medica heck that wil serve Sense you suc neal Eur blinking up an BE is alo serves to ensure that you are physically capable ol jb you are tobe ‘required to perform. Z ¥ ing Depo Quotas Itis frequently asked whether EU institutions apply a quota system for ellocsting posts toa certain nuinber af oficals fom each Member State infact the Staff Regula soeap ‘des tat officials are to be “recruted on the broadest possible geographical base fom samong nationals of Member Stats of the Communitis", which explains the spesal {restment of so-called EU-10 and EU-2 candidates (nationas of EU Member State Sat jolned in 2008 and 2007, namely Central and Easter European countries, Malte ana Cyprus later Romania and Bulgaria) and explain why som niche compettiors aimed a limited rumber of nationalities (aclucing to-be Member States such a5 Croatia of ‘Sams ied only gt Poliah nd Catch candidates) are announced fom Hen one, ‘Apatt from the above, this provision in practice means an ongoing etfort to rusntain a proportional sloestion of hosts that moyeoriens rebees Se enna eee Me Sete? poplaen and de the EU, bth ASTrand Ah infusing Deserve 0 hardto other crucial piece of advice to bear in mind is that once you know which language ll take the exam in (Le. the choice for "second language’ in case of inguiste/inter= s, Your first language will also be tested), read all preparation materials only in hose language(s). Needles to say, French, German and all other names of EU insti- 5, abbreviations, programunes and concepts may differ significantly fom each ‘and you certainly do not wish to mix up the Buropean Counell with the Council because of a language issue, applying for EU exams, you mst meet certain formal (objective) criteria, era ule say you must citizen of a Member State ofthe European Union (though exceptions occur as in {ase of enlargementrelated competitors) alcenions, whith would a tiey wee locations, which infringe pon the ‘based on nationality. This is certainly not at easy issue th iat you were exempted from the service) thorough Inovledge of one of the officio! languages of the European Union atstnctry oadge ofr secon (us toe Sunes feguceent bat Far sguisicpreveulstes may beset ou in he given Notice of Competition) sulicient minimum education® and/or work experiencet as set out in the of Competition Language Rules criteria are required for all profiles, regardless ofthe specific provisions of iumgancement mestng these doesnot ea te passing any tage but hee lack ids to non-eligiblity or f discovered Inter, disqualification from the exam. rofiles PSO system comprises four main segments generally refered to as profiles. Be sumeried the following ae ‘The reason why this needs to be specified is because a Latvian candidate may have Kessian a6 their mother tongue but that cannot be considered as thei first language since itis not an official EU language, In some eases, especially for enlangement-related exams, the candidate's citizenship >, Your first language may just as well be French or German; Luxembourgish i not Sip eae fat language may bbe French or Geranany Luxembourgish is not ® . wv 6 THE EU PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT PROCESS ‘THE El PERSONNEL SELECTION AND RECRUTTMENT PROCESS. : ion profile and 3,000 people ‘cal disability or other issues that require adaptation in the test centres, should not same that 9,000 people apply nthe Public Administration p aon bee EPSO welt advance to make sure far bom pe oeae f testing and the corny the lawyer One, your chances are 500:9,000 compared to 280: of their exams are adapted to their condition. in its Development Progearane: HESG rns refore the la also referred tothe possiblity of introducing supervised one-on-one Gols or three ‘ures to encourage such candidates to applye Chances of Succeeding The total umber of applications per year is very high and it may reach 0,000 foun 30's 27 Member States for all proles combined. This should Romane oe oe jnyone from applying as this ure i for beter once put into peoeeetne eon about 10% of these et tre (they change tet due to personal jaare aware of these fin fact be your first ‘bore in mind that given the sig- ‘automated way in the first place O outlines in its Development Plan, this unfamiliar with the competencies navrae thatthe Ombudsinan an only saa get Rees eee ae ae spelt hence Sas acig mpl, Depending on yous prole, yo HRS Rabies cater an gs tat sD pa Sel ; Tere ees a es ee r the one where more people are wledges this in the abc it and for ‘ ste er a peopl eer i ey : - = —e ; a WORKING “WITH” OR “FoR” Tug Eu ‘Netwalend | Tinguotc | Goa, The European Union’s Personnel Selection and Recruitment Process £ 1 ie ecanve nate afopencmetn FPSO canna cone ay apn aia penn ED ee cone ay pp framework that strategic human resource planning is being introduced in ? Meaning that each Directorate General dr highclevel administrative unit 8 WORKING “WITH” OR “FOR” THE EU fn Brossels and Luxemt sle Corson and Paknent opreenaen ofces at EU Agencies located in the Member States also hasta certain number of people. Some temporary agents and EU officale to Buropear Commision deepatons (oxen IeEE pa the faropean Enteral Aclon Servi) acand thew ‘Within this eategory of working "BU, [think its worth separating out the “formal” part of employment (the type of contracts available) and the “content” pact of the Work Le the speci job profes. First let's se a short description ofthe various positions and contracts EU institations can offer. Contract Types allocated to posts throughout the organisation and depending on their background, are assigned tasks such as preparing background Ericdngs ‘certain legislation, ‘Out financial analysis ornote-taking in meetings, all of which offers areal insight to how institutions operate, (Please see thewelwites ee = ‘ommended at the end of this chapter for further information ) z ij necro rel Acne SHEL Vacneaiyacr aR eee PARTI GETTING AN EU JOB INTRODUCTION sn established for each profile, you will find. full for the probing questions that the assessors will mos framework that has bee sth description ofeach ex Be and oral, | pre the Hterefore dynamic sensible to offer a sen lyn Bar I includes sample Assessment Centre reports, based on cuzrent best “rhich illp you get an idea of how assessors will approach ther task anc whet th looking for. TKovécs, Fluent in Bags French olen! selene and the degree of rope, veninology will ep You stand out in your interventions an nd show the examiners that you have areal comunitment 10 presentations st assess ‘applied ig: Exch competition brings many Nope that Die Utena EL Test Bcok will be an ever-vseful guide to © Published by John Hagper Publishing 27 Palace Gates Road TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ London Ni2 7B, United Kingdom fase 5 eS mpepletingennk ‘authors ieee cee : PART J: GETTING AN EU JOB “The Ulinate EU Te Bok Fit dion Noveber 205 it oo” the EU seoceeeenssneesd Second ean May 107 "Buropean Unis Personne Scion and Recent Paces... ‘Fir edition, March ans ‘ Fouthediton, Apel 20 ith edion Mach 200 PART Il: THE PRE-SELECTION PHASE SBN 978. 0956150807 ott Nur Nin Renin To nO Fa. 43 Ssoceing in Verbal Resoning Teste ° on Resening Tat eee . ——— 2 a ight No psf th pbcton may reproduce se na reir eye, Stowe cg. mon ” ar tadlsnted in ary form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, Succeeding in Numerical Reasoning Teste 3° Sincass without Se he por writen peso the Pole or ence pein Sine foamy tot fest copying rudy the Copyigt Ecensing Agengy Le ‘Typeset in 9& 10/11pt Palatino eae ‘Printed and Bound in Great Britain by Cromwell Press Group. : . in Situational judgement Tests Sample Situational Judgement Test»... PART Ill: THE ASSESSMENT PHASE

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