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563 Florence Ave.

Angeles, CA 92867
Ezequiel Leal
Exersice 3:
231 Oak St. Downey, CA 96742


Dear Ezequiel Leal:

Bro! remember that time when we went to Sarahs wedding and when it was time to eat we got a table
before everyone, but somehow since we were reserving the seats for our friends, the lady next to our table, the
one with the ugly colored dress. Yeah, and how she wanted to take two of our chairs that we had reserved since
like the beginning and how she started being rude on how she was also a guest and needed the two extra chairs
for her and her son. In the end we almost gave it her way but luckily everyone showed up and we ignored her.
That day was amazing except for the part that every time we encountered her she was annoying and rude. Well
guess what? I read this short story Solution to Saturdays Puzzle by David Sedaris, it was similar to what we
experienced. Its funny because the authors thoughts were like ours.
So this short story is about this guy, seems pretty normal. So the setting takes place in a plane. There he
first encounters his seat partner, she seemed nice. She came accompanied by her husband and got different seats
so they were going to be separated for like about less than 3 hours. The woman asks the author if he wouldnt
mind switching seats but unfortunately the author didnt like the seat the husband was occupying because it was
a bunk head(most uncomfortable seat in the plane. So the woman just started saying rude comments. The
woman wouldnt talk to him nicely and it got really bad that the author just started imagining different ways
they both could have started talking. He was also playing the newspaper puzzles and there he expressed most of
his thoughts towards the lady. He felt really bad in the way she had treated him. Even when they were asked if
they wanted something to drink the lady had to say, oh, we are not together, my husband is over there.
Everything that the woman spoke started to annoy him. It came to a point were the lady finally fell asleep and
the author had apiece of candy in his mouth and accidently spit it out in her crotch. It came out to hard he
thought she had woken up but she didnt. all that he tried to think of different ways he could remove it but
nothing would work. So he just thought of leaving the plane as fast as he could before she woke up, the plan
didnt work and so the lady insulted him one last time.
That is why both ladies seem similar and the narrative reminded me of what had happen. But it was also
funny how those rude females didnt have it there way, with actually makes me pretty happy. Dam I wouldnt
want to encounter these creatures at the same time, just imagine, supreme chaos. That would be the end of us or

What I actually thought was more hilarious was that the guy would right all his feeling towards her in
the game and forgot to actually find the correct word for his puzzle. It got to the point were he would just think
of the lady chances of dyeing in that plane. Which was pretty funny, his whole scenario. It was going to come
down to who would be thrown out the plane to save everyone in it. Everyone would want her gone but then in
that moment he would sacrifice himself, this would distract the girl of think twice of someone and she would
accidently fall out the plane.
The authors way of thinking seemed so much like you dude, you should check out the book, you might
find it interesting. The two stories Ive read by the author has many themes to relate to.

Misael Ortega
Exercise: 3

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