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The Citizen
Stay well: SECTION
County health dept.

offers flu shot, B3

Give blood:
Upcoming blood
drives in the country, B5
W E D N E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 0 7

Opinion Brain Balance Power

of Pink

GREG MOFFATT, Ph.D. what’s important message
of love &
Seeking help Giving parents hope for their child
for your with ADHD, Autism & other disorders healing
child, part 1 One Magnolia
Lane, a specialty
arents of children with

store located at
I recognize the tentativeness 405 City Circle, The Avenue, in
and worry in the caller’s voice. I’ve signs of ADHD, Au-
Peachtree City, is hosting Power of
heard it a thousand times. “I’m tism/Asperger’s, Dys- Pink events on Thursday, October
worried about my son,” the caller lexia, Tourette’s or other 4th and Friday, October 5 to cel-
says to me. ebrate the launch of Brighton’s new
She goes on to describe his neurobehavioral disorders limited edition jewelry collection
symptoms and the reason for her spend years trying various Don’t stress out! that benefits breast cancer chari-
concern. The cause of her tone, treatments to improve their ties. The events will be held from
at least in part, is the haunting • DITCH DOWNER 10 a.m. to 6 p.m on both days, and
question - “Should I be worried child’s functioning, but often DIETS: A balanced everyone is invited, especially those
about my child? Parents are often reach a point where they are diet with plenty of who want to support breast cancer
unsure when a problem is serious fruits & vegetables
enough to seek professional help.
told by doctors, “There’s not research and awareness.
is the key. Brighton has also pledged to do-
Presented below are four questions much more we can do for • CRAVE GOOD nate $5 for each $50 Power of Pink
that I ask myself when trying to your child.” CARBS: Complex necklace and bracelet sold to breast
determine whether or not a child Brain Balance disagrees with this. Dr. cancer charities. For each $34 ear-
needs professional help. carbs can help
Pete Scire, Executive Director of Brain rings sold, Brighton will donate
My first point of concern with increase serotonin
Balance Atlanta says, “Experience has $2.50. One Magnolia Lane plans
any mental health issue is one’s taught us that virtually every child, no levels when eaten to matchBrighton’s donations and
ability to function. I ask the ques- matter what challenges he or she may with certain protein will direct contributions to BRA, a
tion, “How much does the thing face, has the potential to improve. We foods. local women’s bikers’ group that
that is concerning the parent are in the midst of an epidemic in the • SUPER SUPPLE- support and provides education to
inhibit the child’s ability to do United States of kids with neurobehav- MENTS: Lack of young women concerning breast
the things he needs and wants to ioral disorders. Brain Balance provides certain nutrients cancer. They provide flyers on self
do?” If the answer is “minimally” hope and dramatic improvements in can negatively af- exams and discuss the issues of
or “not at all,” then the problem just a few short months.” breast cancer awareness among our
fect the mood. Make
may not warrant professional help. Brain Balance has an achievement youngest candidates for the disease
Suppose you are afraid of snakes sure you are getting
— “ophidiophobia” or technically enough B vitamins
“Specific Phobia — animal sub- (folic acid, B6 & B12)
type.” This phobia is classifiable and omega-3 fatty
as a mental health disorder, but acids. One dietary
so what. If you can get out of bed,
Brain Balance supplement receiv- Power of Pink
go to work, do your family busi- WHO: Dr. Pete Scire, executive director. ing a lot of attention WHAT: The launch of Brighton’s
ness, sleep OK and eat OK, then so WHAT: The only program designed to is SAM-e or S-ad- new limited edition jewelry collection
what if you have a diagnosis? With assess, document and objectively quan- enosylmethionine, to benefit breast cancer charities.
children, I’m most concerned when tify Functional Disconnection Syndrome. naturally produced WHERE: One Magnolia Lane,
their issues are creating noticeable WHERE: Achievement center located 405 City Circle, The Avenue,
by the body.
problems with siblings, parents, at Hwy. 74 North in Peachtree City. Peachtree City.
teachers, or peers, or in specific en- MORE INFO: Call 770-631-3033 or visit WHEN: Oct. 4 & 5, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
vironments (home, school, church, Tammy Leigh Norris and Jacob Bender. Photo/Special. MORE INFO: Call the store at
See MOFFATT, B5 770-486-9494.

Fighting fat

‘Health Mall’ concept helps fight childhood obesity

All ABout You
Prevent your Obesity. Under the direction of Certi-
fied Nutritionist, Patricia Woody, our
and TV screens.” As a Certified Nutri-
tionist and Dance Instructor, Patricia WHAT: A balanced nutrition
child from innovative World Gym “Health Mall”
concept is introducing a Brand New
Woody knows the importance of
healthy eating habits and physi-
program designed to prevent
child obesity.
becoming a Class entitled “Nutrition in Motion.”
According to USA Today, 34
cal activity. The basis of her nutri-
tional teachings stem from the 3-P’s: WHERE: Any of the three World
Gym locations in Peachtree City
percent of our youth is overweight. Proper Nutrition, Productive Exercise
couch potato Compounding these results are the and Positive Motivation. & Fayetteville.
MORE INFO: Contact Patricia
reductions we see in physical educa- World Gym is proud to take a posi-
The All About You Balanced Nutri- tion and recess periods in our school tive stand against obesity with the Woody at any of the following
tion program located within the systems. “Our kids are becoming introduction of Nutrition in Motion numbers: 770-631-8004 (PTC);
World Gym Fitness Centers in Fayette ‘couch potatoes’ who are glued to 770-716-5755 (Fville) or 770-487-
County is waging war on Childhood their computers, hand-held games See OBESITY, B5 4273 (Hwy. 54).

Family Dentistry
Michael C. Pope, D.M.D. &
Lindsay B. Pope, D.M.D., P.C. Serving the Southern Crescent Since 1971
Dr. Michael Pope and Dr. Lindsay Pope
are a husband and wife dental team • Sports Medicine
providing dental care for the whole family • Diabetic Foot Care
in a comfortable, caring environment. • Ingrown Toenails
• Heel Pain
HOURS: • Bunions, Corns,
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770-487-5540 Ask us about the new non-surgical shockwave treatment for heel pain.

8 EASTBROOK BEND • SUITE A, PEACHTREE CITY Fayetteville Atlanta Forest Park

770-460-0600 404-329-4200 404-363-9944
We are conveniently located at the corner of Highway 54 and
Eastbrook Bend in Peachtree City, across from McDonald’s. 320 N. Glynn St. (Hwy 85) Stockbridge Locust Grove
2 Blocks North Of Courthouse 770-389-9004 678-432-7060

Balance Continued from B1

Headaches and spinal health
center on Hwy. 74 North in of the brain is significantly slower right and left hemispheres. This Many people are not aware long been the central theme in clinical evidence demonstrates
Peachtree City. than the other, so it can not is where our program delivers an that headaches may be caused Chiropractic.” that these factors do not cause
Peachtree City parent, Jamie compare and share information incredible level of individuality. by nerve irritation or pressure A concern people often have is headaches.”
Decesare’s experience with Brain accurately with the other half of No two children are identical and in the upper cervical spine that they may have a personality …“The Atlas Orthogonal is a
Balance is just one of many ex- the brain. The stronger side of the no two Brain Balance programs (neck), called Atlas Neuro- that produces headaches. One gentle effective Chiropractic tech-
amples that support this. brain must take over and starts are identical. Parents tell us that Vascular Syndrome. might feel they over-react to nique used to restore function to
“Our child was a typical Autistic to ignore or not connect with the after reading reports from so Dr. Jeffry Finnigan, the au- situations during the day causing the upper cervical spine, where
child before Brain Balance. We weaker side of the brain. many different doctors, teachers thor of Life BEYOND Head- ‘stress headaches’. Headaches the Atlas (C-1) misalignment can
spent five years doing every pos- Dr. Scire explains, “When we and other specialists, the Brain aches, has been treating are not caused by your mind, your cause nerve interference (called
sible thing out there to help her. are primarily only using one side Balance report finally put all the patients with headaches for stress level or your diet. However, subluxation). This is where Atlas
Brain Balanced helped her faster of our brain, our interpretation pieces together for them in a way over 20 years. He relates, these factors can look like they are Neuro-Vascular Syndrome origi-
than all the things we did in five and reactions to the world will be that made sense and illuminated “Paraphrased Dorland’s Medi- the very cause, simply because nates.”
years. She is now doing all the off and our behavior will be ab- the true source of their child’s cal Dictionary tells us that they are actually the triggers for Dr. Finnigan’s book, Life BE-
things we never thought she’d normal. This reduced connection problem. Parents are able to HEALTH is a state of whole- headaches in most people…those YOND Headaches, is available at
be able to do. She is a joy to be between the two sides of the brain clearly see and understand the ness, in which all of the parts events will trigger headaches, the Durden Chiropractic Clinic.
around. The guilt as a parent is produces disconnected children. areas of brain imbalance and function at 100%, all the time. but they are not the cause”…“I The Durden Chiropractic Clin-
gone.” They are disconnected from their the opportunities for functional This is not the way we have would agree that personality, ic, 1130 Senoia, Rd. Suite B-4,
My son has lost his symptoms of own bodies and from their senses. improvements.” been taught to think about stress, hormones and other fac- performs the Atlas Orthogonal
Autism, ADD/ADHD, Tourette’s, They are also socially and emo- Special Education Teacher health today, in a society tors definitely play a contributing Chiropractic Technique. Call us
and his Autoimmune Neuro- tionally disconnected. The goal Mandy Gunter was so impressed where absence or elimina- roll in the continual production for a free Consultation at 770-
logical Disorder”, says Natalie of the Brain Balance Achievement by the progress that one of her tion of symptoms is our fo- of this frustrating condition. But 631-7600.
Stubbs, another Peachtree City Program is to correct the commu- students made in the Brain Bal- cus”… “The concept of getting
parent. “Prior to coming to Brain nication breakdown between the ance program that she left her one’s nerve system opened up
Balance, we tried occupational two hemispheres of the brain. It job with Fayette County Public through specific spinal adjust-
therapy, speech therapy, physi- is this fundamental brain imbal- Schools to work at Brain Balance. ment, allowing the body parts
cal therapy, nutritional therapy,
social skills training, behavior
modification and the protocols
ance that results in the range of
negative symptoms and behav-
iors exhibited by children.”
She had a student in her class who
was having on average five out-
bursts a day in the classroom. His
to work more harmoniously
advancing one’s wellness, has DR. RENE BROWN;
of Defeat Autism Now! Since
starting with Brain Balance, my
son has had profound improve-
The Brain Balance program
is the only program designed to
assess, document and objectively
behavior quickly became more
controlled when he participated
in the Brain Balance program.
ments in his social, academic
and physical abilities. No more
quantify Functional Disconnec-
tion Syndrome through the use
“I have seen more progress
with this student in just a few comes to
tantrums, meltdowns, outbursts
or aggression. Our family life is
of extensive testing in all areas
of function, followed by indi-
weeks of his attendance at Brain
Balance than in the three years Fayetteville Dr. Rena Brown, D.M.D.
like a normal, typical family.” vidualized programs to improve I worked with him in the school
Dr. Robert Melillo, founder functions. Brain Balance utilizes system. In the school system, I Southern Medical Products 1275 Highway 54 W, Suite 204, Fayetteville, GA 30214
of the Brain Balance program, their proprietary model to first as- always targeted goals that I knew also known as SOMED ex- (Next to Piedmont Fayette Hospital)
pands to Fayetteville.
Discover dental care t (770) 461 - 5500
describes what makes Brain sess a child’s functioning in 1200 I could accomplish, which were
Balance so different than other parameters that fall within three all, coincidentally, left brain goals, Newly located across from
programs, areas: 1) sensorimotor, 2) neuro- but these goals ignored critical the Piedmont Fayetteville hat's just r
“The problem with most exist- academic and 3) bio-nutritional. elements of life”, Mandy said. Hospital, the firm which offers
medical products and medical
ight for you!
ing programs is that they work They then meet with the parents “When we began stimulating the
on strengthening the stronger and provide them with an easy to right side of his brain, we began to uniforms, also specializes in
hemisphere of the brain at the follow, comprehensive report that see rapid improvements.” foot and leg care products, in-
expense of the weaker side. As a not only explains which functions Brain Balance will open a cen- cluding compression hosiery,
result, the hemispheres continue of the brain are weak and strong, ter in Suwanee this fall in support comfort and diabetic shoes
to become more imbalanced but also rates that functioning of their mission to make the Brain and foot orthotics,.
resulting in Functional Discon- on five achievement levels and Balance program available to as SOMED also caters es-
pecially to women offering New Patients Always Welcome.
nection Syndrome.” reports which hemisphere of the many children as possible, so
Many of the symptoms associ- brain needs to be stimulated in that each child may reach their mastectomy bras, wigs and
ated with various neurobehavior- order to raise that functioning. greatest physical, mental, social breast prosthetics; mater-
al disorders of childhood are the Brain Balance works to “puts and academic potential. nity bras and supports, and
result of Functional Disconnec-
tion Syndrome. This syndrome
kids back in sync” with an inte-
grated program that does not rely
To learn more about the Brain
Balance program, parents can
breast pump sales and rentals.
Brenda Embree, the firm’s
refers to the condition where the on drugs, medical procedures or attend free educational talks at president is a certified Pe-
two halves of the brain - the right
and left hemispheres - are not
“Since balance is the essence
Brain Balance in Peachtree City
located at 357 Highway 74 North.
All other employees are
CLINIC; 22P9; 4 IN;
communicating with each other of our program, we also ensure To reserve a space or learn more certified medical fitters.
normally. The normal develop- that each child progresses in a call 770-631-3033 and visit www.
ment and flow of communication symmetrical way,” Dr. Scire says.
across the brain is disrupted. “That is why each achievement lanta. WHAT SHAPE IS YOUR HEARING IN?
The configuration of a person’s hearing on an audiogram (a graph used to
In addition, typically one half level is further segmented into represent the level of loudness at which an individual can hear sounds of different
frequencies) reflects where hearing loss occurs across the normal range of
What’s causing the rise in autism,
frequencies. In some cases, hearing loss occurs in a recognizable shape. For instance,
a saucer-shaped hearing loss, characterized by a slightly curved slope on the
ADHD and other childhood disorders? DURDEN CHIROPRAC- audiogram, indicates hearing that is better on the lower and higher ends of the
frequency range than in the middle. A precipitous hearing loss (resembling a ski
By DR. ROBERT MELILLO Disconnection Syndrome. This
With Dr. Marilyn Durden slope) shows hearing to be near normal at the lower frequencies, but falls off
dramatically beginning at the midrange frequencies. This information is
Chiropractic neurologist is a scientific term that means

We are witnessing the epi-

that the two halves of the brain
are not balanced and thus are
TIC; 22P9;
“Life Beyond4Headaches”
September 29 • 9 a.m.
fundamental to programming a hearing instrument.
Your ability to hear is as unique as your fingerprints. Noisy environments, age,
heredity, medical conditions, and childhood and adult illnesses can combine to
produce different types of hearing losses in different people. When you need help
demic rise in the diagnosis of not communicating with each with your hearing, we hope you’ll turn to the services of an audiologist at FAYETTE
ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s and other normally. Each half of the
other learning disorders. The first brain contributes differently to
“National Spinal Health Month” HEARING CLINIC, the hearing specialist most qualified to offer complete hearing
healthcare services. We’ll find the hearing instrument best suited to your hearing
abilities. Call us at 770-631-4490 to arrange a comprehensive hearing test at 100
question parents ask is “Why?” our understanding of and our October 10 • 7 p.m. and October 27th • 9 a.m. Genevieve Court, in the Family Medicine Specialists Bldg., east of the dive shop.
Why have we seen and continue reactions to the world we live in. P.S. With age, hearing loss often first occurs in the higher frequencies and then
to see such a large increase in Therefore, when brain activity in at DURDEN CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC gradually spreads to the lower frequencies.
childhood disabilities over the unbalanced, information is pro-
past two decades?
Most parents are told that these
cessed improperly, resulting in
academic, behavioral and social
“Pelvic Floor Power for Wo men”
are genetic disorders hardwired
in the brain that cause chemical
problems. For a child or adult to
fully understand the world and
Taught by Louise Runyon, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®
For Prevention and Reversal of
imbalances in the brain that can react to it appropriately, we must
not be corrected. Others attribute
the increase to vaccinations and
use our whole brain.
The key to correcting Func-
Symptoms of Prolapse and Incontinence
Sunday, October 28 & November 7 • 2 - 4 p.m.
medications designed to actually tional Disconnection Syndrome
treat the symptoms.
These reasons alone can not
is a hemispheric based program
to balance the two halves of the 294 Jenkins Road, Tyrone 22P9; 8 IN; BLACK;
explain the meteoric rise in neu- brain. Brain Balance is the only – WORKSHOP IS LIMITED TO 15 PARTICIPANTS –
robehavioral disorders. No one program currently available in Call Durden Chiropractic Clinic for information and registration.
can say with certainty the reason the country that corrects Func-
why more and more children tional Disconnection Syndrome
and their families are suffering with a Hemispheric Integration 770-631-7600
with these disorders. What we program that stimulates the weak 1130 Senoia Rd., Suite B-4
can conclude is that current ap- hemisphere of the brain and then Tyrone
proaches used over the past two integrates it with the strong hemi-
decades are not working. sphere, so the child can utilize the
The more pressing question whole brain.
now, is “What?” What can be Dr. Robert J. Melillo, an inter-
done to make long term correc-
tions rather than just treating the
nationally known chiropractic
neurologist, has been in private
We’ve Moved!
symptoms of these disorders? practice for 17 years. For most
The new model that seeks
correction rather than symptom
of that time, he has been a post-
graduate professor of neurology
relief begins with research show- and rehabilitation. Dr. Melillo
ing that Autism, ADHD and other has devoted the later half of his
neurological disorders involve career to the study of learning dis-
the same areas of the brain and abilities and behavioral disorders FAYETTEVILLE PEACHTREE CITY
may be caused by Functional in both children and adults. 265 N. Jeff Davis Drive 1975 Hwy. 54 West
770-460-7600 770-487-6716
2326 Hwy. 34 East
Let’s talk
about milestones.
Whether you are newly married, caring
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retirement, Alfa can help you find a life Giovanelli Chiropractic
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family through all of life’s changes. We Highway 74 and Wisdom Road on the top floor - Suite 320.
know life moves fast and Alfa wants to
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William H. Dent, Jr. 770-487-1228
500 Lanier Avenue West, Suite 601 277 Highway 74 North, Peachtree City
Fayetteville, GA 30214 John J. Giovanelli, DC (behind Mellow Mushroom)
Let’s talk about tomorrow.
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