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Effeminate- girly, unmanly

Attenuated- unnaturally thin

Incipient- initial

Paroxysm- fit, attack, seizure

Trepidation- nervous or fearful

Paltry- small, trivial

Sanctimonious- making a show of

being morally superior to others

Dastardly- characterized by
underhandedness or treachery

Indignant- angry at perceived unfair


Detest- loathe, despise

Morbid- grisly, gruesome

Vestige- small amount
Ague- fever, shivering fit

Gravel- perplex, confound

Delude- deceive, fool
Dereliction- dilapidated, abandoned

Victual- food

Eloquence- persuasive speaking or


Crestfallen- sad, disspointed

Ardor- zeal, intensity, loyalty

Covet- yearn to possess

Incorporeal- having no material body

or form

Bathos- sentimental, sappiness

Chagrin- humiliated, disappointed
Fie- expresses disgust or outrage
Contrariety- opposition

Immolation- offering as a sacrifice

Supplicated- ask or beg for humbly
Pine- to want

Copious- abundant in supply

Expostulated- express strong


Avaricious- greedy for material gains

Deriding- ridicule

Haggard- looking exhausted and


Coincide- correspond, occur at same


Languid- lazy, slow, weak

Dejected- depressed, downcast

Interdict- prohibit, forbid

Ubiquitous- present, found everywhere

Pertinacious- stubborn
Transient- fleeting

Idyllic- extremely happy, peaceful or


Candid- straightforward, honest

Paragon- model of excellence

Enigmatical- mysterious

Sanguine- confident, optimistic

Atrophy- waste away

Ascertain- find out

Palatable- acceptable; satisfactory

Contrite- regret or sorrow

Pretentious- showy

Odious- repulsive

Ludicrous- ridiculous; comical

Endeavored- trying hard to achieve

Dubious- shady; uncertain

Pertly- trim and stylish, saucy

Austere- stern; strict

Aversion- strong dislike

Cadence- rhythmic sequenced flow of


Quelled- put an end to, silence

Aghast- filled with horror or shock
Compunction- remorse, regret
Incapacitated- prevent from
functioning normally
Usurped- take the place of illegally or
by force
Importunate- persistent to the point of

Insurmountable- too great to

Euphemism- substitution of an
expression to make it lighter
Plexus- intricate network; web like
Placidity- undisturbed by disorder;

Apathy- lack of interest or concern

Complacent- smug with ones


Impetus- momentum, incentive

Fetid- smelly; malodorous

Diabolical- characteristic of the Devil

Harangue- lengthy & aggressive


Vivisection- cutting or injuring live


Minutiae- small detail

Scruples- uneasy feeling tending to

hinder action

Ethos- character; guiding beliefs

Burgeon- flourish, grow rapidly

Sordid- dirty, vile, nasty

Pompous- arrogant

Contentious- quarrelsome;

Impetus- driving force, incentive

Aplomb- self-confidence or assurance

Debauchery- extreme indulgence in


Gall- bold behavior

Paradigm- example, pattern

Evinced- indicate

Ambrosia- food/drink of the gods

Acquiesced- accept without protest

Destitute- not having

Flotsam- wreckage from a ship

Conflagration- fire; war

Apartheid- policy or system of

discrimination based on race

Adroitly- skillful
Emulous- strive to equal

Meticulous- very careful and precise

Misanthrope-someone who

Sultry- hot and humid//attractive in a

way that suggests a passionate

Epoch- an event that begins a new


Sultan- noble title

Paramount- supreme; of greatest


Eccentric- unconventional and slightly

strange (describing someones

Piety- devoutness; devotion

Logistics- details of an operation

Indolence- laziness; avoidance of


Vanity- too much pride in oneself;


Circuitously- taking a roundabout,

lengthy course

Indolence- laziness; idleness

Complacent- showing smug

satisfaction with oneself or

Substantive- important; real;

Dastardly- diabolical; wicked
Vice- immoral/wicked behavior
Paradigm- a model; example
Usurp- take illegally or by force
Jihad- a crusade or struggle
Brooding- showing deep unhappiness

Vehemently- forceful, passionate,

Jaunty- lively, cheerful, self-confident
Ponderous- dull, laborious, or
excessively solemn; slow/clumsy bc of
great weight
Bulbous- fat, round, or bulging

Misogyny- hatred of women

Incipient- beginning to happen or

develop; (person)developing into a
specified role/type

Tenacious- clinging or adhering closely

Surmounted- overcome

Dastardly- wicked and cruel

Malevolent- having or showing a wish

to do evil to others

Wanderlust- strong desire to travel

Shrew- bad tempered woman

Stolidly- uemotional

Indignation- anger/annoyance
provoked by what is perceived as
unfair treatment
Apropos- with reference to,
concerning; (adj) v appropriate to a
particular situation
Pontifical- a pompous and superior air
of infallibility
Effigy- sculpture or model of a person

Paradoxical-seemingly absurd or selfcontradictory

Intrinsic- belonging naturally, essential
Idiosyncrasy- distinctive or peculiar
feature or characteristic of a place or
Eccentricities- the quality of being

Succinct- briefly and clearly expressed

Perfunctory- carried out with a

minimum of effort or reflection

Avaricious- having or showing an

extreme greed for wealth or material

Fatalist-acceptance of all things and

events as inevitable; submission to

Effaced- erase, make oneself appear

insignificant or inconspicuous

Resolve- (his grim) firm determination

to do something; (v) settle or find a
soln to

Remiss- lacking care or attn to duty;

Equanimity- mental calmness,
composure, esp in a difficult situation
Sibilance- speech sound having a
hissing effect
Contingencies- future event that is
possible but cannot be predicted with
Abash- cause to feel embarrassed or

Asperity- harsh qualities or conditions,

rough edge
Suppurate- undergo the formation of
pus; fester
Vociferating- shout, complain, or argue
Petulant- childishly sulky, or badtempered
Ardor- enthusiasm or passion

Lascivious- feeling or revealing an

overt and often offensive sexual desire

Languor- state or feeling, often

pleasant, of tiredness or inertia;
oppressive stillness of the air

Portents- sign or warning something is

going to happen

Derelict- in poor condition; person

without a home/job/property

Malady- disease or ailment

Perfidious- deceitful and untrustworthy

Discursive-digressing from subject to


Verisimilitude- the appearance of

being true or real

Fabular- of, relating to, having the

form of a fable

Commiserating- express or feel

sympathy or pity

Somber- solemn, grave, dark in color

or tone

Capricious- given to sudden and

unaccountable changes in mood or

Vacillate- to waver in mind, will, or

feeling; hesitate in choice of opinions
Lassitude- state of mental/physical
weariness; lack on energy
Garrulous- excessively talkative, esp
on trivial matters
Sundry- several; various items not
important enough to be mentioned
Pedantry (Pedant N.)- excessive
concern with minor details and rules
Obstinacy- stubbornness
Addled- confused, (of an egg) rotten
Somnolence- strong desire for sleep,
or sleeping for unusually long periods

Ruminating- to think deeply about

Languid- lacking in vigor or vitality,
Droll- unusual in a way that provokes
dry amusement, funny, comical
Cumbrous- cumbersome; awkward
Cagily- cautious, wary, or shrewd
Esoteric- only understood by a small
number of people w special knowledge
or interest

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