Karma Protocol

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To print out aura pictures I wrote:

1. Bodyviewer
2. Aura
3. Stop animation
4. Print screen - control C bring up Word document control C, control V
5. Save with clients name and print.
There's been a discussion about Karma - here is the protocol:
Before starting set Scaler to 100%, (it is set at 85% automatically)
Set Shield from Remote Viewing on main test page
Do Orgone Shield in therapy
Type in message of love
1. Bodyviewer
2. Disease path of old trauma
3. Show mental conflicts
4.. Aura cleanse
5. Chakra balance long scan
6. Sacred Geometry - cleans aura again and mental body
7. Isodes: 4539,4467, 4465, 4396, 4400, 4443, 4441, 4408 - activate
8. Bio-feedback - Release Karmic Bonds - may take a while
9. Reverse psychic attacks, (someone thinking bad thoughts about you)
10. NLP - dissapate Karma - can take ages and sometimes it freezes
11. NLP
away from practitioner and client
12. NLP release posession
13. Scaler - chakra lower chakra release, then upper chakra release
14. Divine light to pineal in Bodyscan - skin
Get client to throw salt over shoulders saying a prayer. Then breaking a piece of wood in two,
(it can be a match), saying these words: "All harm, evil and bad karma are gone when I break
this stick and I am throwing it away forever". The throw away the stick. DO NOT PICK IT
However if you have divine protection and Confounding Spiritual Energies, in
Past Life, plus/or an entity present then you can temporarily lose those, but they do come
back. If you don't know how to find these e-mail me at mail@.... The box to the right of the
Bodyscan is usually angel, and to the left it can be bad entity. In Bodyviewer, Aura Cleanse
you can see the entity attached as black smudges. If you have protection you can see the aura
of the protector behind you, like a double image. I like to do the aura cleanse first as the
smudges usually correspond with the area most affected.

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