Examen de Ingles: Are They Doctors? No, They Are Not Doctors

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We are pilot
She is a teacher

1. Completa el verbo to be en la lnea y traduce al

espaol en el parntesis.
I __________ (
HE _________ (
She ________ (
It __________ (
Yoou _______ (
They _______ (
We ________ (
2. Encierra en un crculo la respuesta correcta:

Susan ____ my new friend.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

I ____ a very good driver.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

Your black cat ____ in the garden.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

Susan and Mike ____ my parents.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

They ____ my best friends.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

I ____ sure.
a) Am B) Is C) Are

Your best friend ____ at home.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

We ____ from Spain.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

Luke and Tom ____ actors.

a) Am B) Is C) Are

3. Convierte siguientes oraciones a la forma


I am ten years old

you are a student?
He is a student

Maria is good
friend of mine.
Paul and Tom are
my best friends.
They are rarely late
We are very happy
living in London.
He is from
I am from Texas.
You Are a student
He is a student
He is a pilot
They are a teacher

I ____ am from Spain

a) Am B) Is C) Are

I am always happy
He is often sick
They are rarely late.
I am tired
She is 15 years old

4. Convierte las siguientes oraciones a la forma


Am i always happy?

5. Responde las siguientes oraciones de la forma

negativa larga.
Are they doctors?
No, they are not doctors

Am I at the correct location?

Are the keys under the books?
Are these islands Greek?
Are flowers grown here?
Am i students?

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