Feb 18 TX AG Refuses My Request For Hamad Investigation

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ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS GREG ABBOTT February 18, 2010 Ms. Sara Black P.O. Box 49175 Austin, Texas 78765 Dear Ms. Biack: ‘This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence asking this office for assistance in obtaining information you requested from the City of Austin (the “city”) under the Public Information Act (the “Act”), chapter 552 of the Government Code. Your correspondence was assigned ID# 376818. The city informs us it has released the basic information that is responsive to your request, but that the remaining requested information is identical to information previously requested and ruled on by this office in No. 2008-15794 (2008). The city also maintains the law, facts, and circumstances on which the prior ruling was based have not changed. As such, we conclude the city may continue to rely on this ruling as a previous determination and \withhold the information at issue in accordance with Open Records Letter No. 2008-15794 See Open Records Decision No. 673 (2001) (so long as law, facts, circumstances on which prior ruling was based have not changed, first type of previous determination exists where requested information is precisely same information as was addressed in a prior attorney general ruling, ruling is addressed to same governmental body, and ruling concludes that information is or is not excepted from disclosure). Accordingly we will close our file on this matter. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please call the Open Government Hotline at 1-877-673-6839. Sincerely, Jaiés IgeCegeshall Gistafit Attorney General Education and Enforcement Section Open Records Division ILCIsb Post Orrick Box 12548, AusTIN, TEXAS 78711-2548 TEL:(512)463-2100 www.OAG.STaTE.Tx.Us MC-014 Lawasst SARA BLACK PO BOX 49175 AUSTIN TX 78765 geres | MMgthitlertterhhllshbuthbabutetettalsh

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