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Find FIVE tricky words in your target language that you would like to be able to recall and write
down an extremely descriptive story that you can clearly picture in your mind's eye for something
that sounds like that word, while tying it with what the word actually means. Use the examples in
the Guide (Image associations section) to inspire you.
Write down the details of each of those stories if you can write it down in one or two sentences
it's not good enough. Add lots of details; what are the spectators doing? How do you feel when
experiencing the story? What colour/texture/smell etc. is the item? Describe the location it is taking
place in, in detail try to picture somewhere familiar. Add as much details as possible.
Writing it down will take a few minutes, but when you get used to making as many details as
possible the association will be much more powerful and you will be able to do all of this almost
instantly when you do it purely in your mind.

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