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2015-2016 Semester 1 Syllabus
Ms. Nylander

Units of Study

Keys to Learning
True Stories
Adapted Novels

The following materials are required for this class: folder or binder
notebook or loose-leaf paper
pen or pencil
your daily planner
textbook/book (as required)

Be Responsible: Bring your materials to class each day, and turn in your work on time. Arrive on time,
and use your time wisely while you are in class. Ask questions when you do not understand.
Be Respectful: Treat others in the way that you expect to be treated. Be respectful of the teacher and
the lesson; listen and do your best to learn.
Be Reasonable: If something is wrong or you are struggling with the class, you need to inform the
teacher in order that I may help you. I cannot help you if I am not aware that something is wrong. Also,
think before you act or speak; all actions and words have consequences.

Electronicscell phones, iPods, translators, etc.

Can be used for academic purposes only. Please ask for permission first.
Passes: Use your planner for all passes. Please fill out date, time, destination and I will sign
Make-up Work
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignments, notes, handouts, etc. that you
missed. Find your late work on the teacher webpage

Tardy Policy
If you arrive late to class without a pass, you will be counted tardy. Students who are tardy to class will
receive a warning, parent conference or assignment to ASAP.

Academic Honesty
You are expected to do your work honestly. Violations of this include, but are not limited to, cheating,
plagiarizing, and submitting the same paper in more than one class without permission.



25% Speaking and Listening

25% Reading
25% Writing
25% Class Assignments

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