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Catholic University Parish Confirmation Retreat Teams

Initial Interest and Application Form
Your Name ________________________________________
CUA ID Number ___________________________
Email ___________________________________________________
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior?

Minor(s) ____________________________________

Do you have previous experience in youth ministry? If so, please give basic highlights and
training/formation experience:
Do you currently have VIRTUS certification? (Archdiocese-required child abuse prevention
If so, please provide proof of certification as soon as possible.
If not, we will reach out to you soon to schedule your training session.

What education/formation do you have in Catholic Theology/Catechism? E.g. Catholic school,

classes at CUA, CCD/Religious education at your home parish, RCIA, etc.

Which aspects of this ministry are you most willing and best prepared to assist with? (check all
that apply)
___ Giving instructional/inspirational talks/presentations
___ Sharing your personal witness of an aspect of your faith journey
___ Preparing and leading group prayer and/or meditation
___ Facilitating Small Group Discussions
___ Performing Skits
___ Icebreakers, Games, Entertainment
___ Music ministry
___ Logistical/organizational/preparation work
___ Intercessory prayer support of the team

Are there any you are definitely less comfortable with or feel unprepared for?

Would you be open to training to remedy this? ________________________________________

The retreats we offer are held at local parish churches on weekends. Some last for one day, some
for the whole weekend. Based on what you know of your current schedule, please indicate which
options you are confident you could commit to doing on either a weekend this fall or next spring:

Sunday ___ Whole Weekend ____

Thank you so much for your interest in the beautiful ministry! May the Lord bless you and give
you His deepest peace now and always! Amen!

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