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Life on Venus

The surface of Venus is not

where you'd like to be, with temperatures that can melt lead,
and its atmosphere is so thick
that it would crush you, and
clouds of sulfuric acid that smell
like rotten eggs this would be
the planet you are sent to to die.

Fun Facts

Venus is so bright it is sometimes mistaken for a UFO

Venus has no moons

Venus takes 243 Earth days

to make a full rotation

Takes 225 Earth days to orbit

the Sun

Nia Benoit



Equatorial Diameter: 12,100 km

Surface Gravity: 8.9 m/s
Surface Temperature: 462 C
Rotation Period: 243 days

Solar Orbit Period: 225 days

Mean Dist. from Sun: 108 M Km

Relative to Earth
Equatorial Diameter: 0.95 x Earth
Surface Gravity: 0.9 x Earth

Venus is similar to Earths interior

structure. What makes Venus one
of the most uninhabitable places
in our solar system is its volcanic
surface and its dense atmosphere.

Surface Temperature: 462 C

Rotation Period: 0.004 x faster
Solar Orbit Period: 1.63 x faster
Mean Dist. from Sun: 0.72 x Earth


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Venus is on the brightest objects in

our night sky second to the moon. It
can be a evening or a morning star.

Thick clouds of sulfuric acid and

dust reflect most of the suns light

back to space, while carbon dioxide

traps the suns het inside the atmosphere causing a runaway greenhouse effect. The atmospheric pressure is about 90 times greater than

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