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Literature Circle Rubric

Criteria: Students will

Incomplete (1)

Approaching (2)

Met (3)

Exceeds (4)

Consistently come
prepared to class with
their completed
Literature Circle roles

Assigned role is
not completed
on more than
two occasions

Assigned role is
not completed or
late on two
occasions, and/or
the content is not
substantial to
warrant an
fulfillment of the

iBook entry asks a question and

proves a thesis with quotes and
words from the text

iBook entry, not only meets the

requirements, but also connects
to an external source

Illustration and music shows insight Illustration, music, and creative

and effort
writing adds deeper meaning to
the text and displays an
Creative writing and Composer
incredible effort
writing connect to the story
Composer writing and
Discussion Director actively leads
Discussion Director connect to
the conversation
quotes from the text
MLA format is attempted, but
errors persist

Actively participate in
class discussion, and
appropriately listen and
contribute to the group


Participation is
often off task
and distracting
or disrespectful
of other
members in the

Participation is
occasionally off
task, or nonexistent, only
glimpses of

MLA format is followed with

minimal errors

More than one banned word or

No more than one banned word
OMG error in writing
or OMG error in writing
Participation is consistently on task,
respectful, and productive in
gaining a greater understanding of
the text


(7=A, 6=B, 5-4=C, 3-2=D, Not turned in=0)

*Creative Writer, Discussion Director, and Composer should be printed, and picked up before 8:00 am on the due date.
All roles should also be saved on the student's Literature Circle Google Doc in the shared folder.

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