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Sketch: Debjani Ghosh



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Firoz Kabir

School of Computer Science & Information

Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

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Dr. Janna Maranas, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Penn State University pursued her Ph. D. degree from Princeton
University. For the past five years her research area is mainly focused on alternative energy, including lithium-ion batteries and also bio fuels.
Currently, she is working on nano-scale structure and mobility in soft materials. To know more visit her research group website:

Talk to the Expert: Dr. Janna Tells ORKO about Graduate Admission Procedure
We always tried to guide our aspirants to get admitted in prestigious universities all over the world successfully to pursue their graduate study. However,
we have much confusion about different issues in this process of getting admission and even there are some misconceptions among us about different
criteria of admission. ORKO has come up with this new series Talk to the Expert, where we are going to interview faculties, involved in graduate admission
committee, of different universities from various majors to explore more facts about graduate student selection process. This time we have talked to Dr.
Janna who has been involved in graduate admission committee for past 7 years and she has advised engineering students with many useful suggestions and
tips for getting admission, especially students in chemical engineering major.
ORKO: What are the qualities you look for in students to recruit them in your research group?
Dr. Janna: I look for several things. The two things I think are most important are that someone is curious and teachable. Curious means that
you naturally have a lot of questions or you can learn to ask questions, because research is all about asking questions and figuring out the
answers. And, teachable means that you want to improve as a researcher and as a person and that you are open to hear suggestions about
how to make your performance or your work better.
ORKO: When you receive an application what is the first thing that you check?
Dr. Janna: The way we see the application, its online and before we open it at all you can see all of the numerical information and things
like what universities someone went to, country of citizenship, test scores and CGPA. So when I open the file I am really looking for the
Letters (LoR) and statement of purpose (SOP).
She has provided us some useful tips about the different contents of the application package which clarified many misconceptions among us, especially
about lower CGPA. We summarized the information below CGPA
Does not play the mail role at all.
Class rank is more useful and that should be mentioned by a professor in the letter.
Lower CGPA can be addressed somwehere in the LoR or SOP.
Quantitative score is more useful for chemical engineers and score shoudl not be far below average score i.e. 750 in old
scale. High quantitative score may help in case of lower GPA.
Analytical writing score shows someone's writing skill.
Verbal score should not be really low but usually it has low impact in admission.
TOEFL is preferred for US schools as 99% of the applicants have TOEFL and therefore it is easier to interpret / compare
Speaking section has a minimum score requirement, otherwise each module is not usally ecamined individually.
Each country has its own average score. For example a 90 in India is a bad score while for China it is a pretty good score.
Statement of purpose (SOP)
Write about yourself. Your writing skill and the way you express yourself will be evaluated.
Don't repeat numerical informaiton mentioned in other parts of application
Write why you want to go graduate school and how that is related to your research skills and career goals
Write about research experience, if you do not have much opportunity for doing research in your country mention that
Letter of Recommendation (LoR)
Class rank shoul be confirmed by your professors in the LoR.
If you have mentioned any research experience in your SOP or CV , LoR must verify it.
If you can't send online LoR for some reason, mail them. They must be sent within deadline. Applications missing letters
are not evaluated.
Academic CV
It shows how detail oriented a person is and how careful someone is which is very import for research.
Look professional, although there is no strict format.
Write about your research experience if you have any!

ORKO: If two persons have similar qualification how do you select one from them?
Dr. Janna: The numbers might be similar, but the letters of one person might be stronger or might emphasize the things that are really
important in research as opposed to be only a good classroom student, which is you need but not everything you need for graduate school.
SOP can often be used to differentiate between students with similar numerical qualification.
ORKO: Say, someone could not send their GRE or TOEFL score within deadline. Do you still consider those applications?
Dr. Janna: Yeah it does sometime happen and I will tell people not to worry about that. When I look at applications if I find one that person
I am considering admitting and something is missing I will contact them and you can explain your situation. I read application missing test
scores but not missing letters. Those are really important.
ORKO: Sometimes we wait for a long for getting the admission decisions from the universities. And its very usual we apply to different universities.
Sometimes people get offer from other universities and they are still waiting to hear from their most favorite one. So what do you suggest people in that
Dr. Janna: I cant speak what happens at other universities. At Penn State all admission decisions are done by the end of February. Usually, if
you are going to be admitted you hear by then end of February. I also start with waiting list and inform everyone whos on the waiting list
that they are on it. Other universities may not do that. If you are waiting past, lets say middle of March, it is probably a good indicator that
you are not in the first round of offers. I certainly dont think its wrong to contact the person who is in charge of doing admissions and
asking about the status of their application. I get lots of emails like that. It all has to do with how you write that email. If you write it,
accusing the person of not having responded to your application, demanding to know what the status is, thats not going to be received
well. But if you write an email thats professional and explain why you need to know, how many other offers that you have to respond to, 9
out of 10 people are going to take that just fine.

Certainly, Dr. Janna provided us much insight about the admission procedure in this interview. She has been working in this for a long time and she enjoys
reading the applications, working with the graduate students and thinking about the graduate program how it can be improved. ORKO team thanks her for
her great contribution in helping our aspirants.
[The representative of Orko in this interview is Syeda Sabrina, a graduate research student at Penn State University]

A simple message for future researchers

Md. Mahmudur Rahman
Postgraduate researcher (PhD), QUT,
Brisbane, Australia.

According to Carl Sagan (1934-1996), a renowned American astronomer of recent times, science is
a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. Considering the great quote of the
great scientist, according to my current understanding, academic result cannot certify that any
particular person would be a pioneer in science; instead only the passionate mind for knowledge can
do incredible discoveries with time. When I was in South Korea as a MS research student, I found
my supervisor, who was excessively crazy for research, helped me to understand the meaning of
research. I came to

know from my previous lab. members that standing on a very ordinary position, my supervisor came
to that position due to his incredible hard work and passion for science, which made him one of the
top scientist in S. Korea. So, there is only one short-cut to be successful in science (or research) is to
set a goal, work for that goal by your motivated mind, and try to believe yourself that you can do it!
Best wishes to all of young upcoming scientist.

Consultant, OSS & Internet Broadband
Huawei Technologies, UAE


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The City I study in: Pullman

Amrina Ferdous Rafi
Now-a-days I am living in Pullman in the USA. Pullman is a very quiet city located in Washington State, not in
Washington DC. I mention this because when I say Washington State, people often think its Washington DC. Actually
its situated in the north-west part of the USA.
People like to visit many interesting places in Pullman. A famous university named Washington State University is
located in the middle of the town. Beautiful places such as Kamiak Butte, Palouse Science Centre, University Campus,
Grissly Bears, Sunny Side Park, Boyer Park, Reaney Park, Aquatic Centre, Snake River and Palouse Falls welcome all
The roads and highways are nicely cleaned, and well organized. Although most of them are in hilly areas, America has
managed to alter the hills, so everyone can drive very smoothly. There are no traffic jams like in Bangladesh, and
everybody follows the traffic rules strictly because the police are very much active in Washington State. One simple
mistake, and you will be fined.
Furthermore, some shopping places such as Walmart, Safeway, Shopko, Dissmores, Bookies and Pullman professional
mall are available in Pullman. Most of them are open 24/7 for the customers. Thats why it is very easy to do shopping
whenever you want. The farmers market for fresh vegetables is also available in summer. Pullman city has many
restaurants from different countries except Bangladesh, or India. If you wish to have Bangladeshi food, you have to cook.
Moreover, Pullman is colder than Bangladesh. In winter, it becomes a white city. The grasses, trees, houses, fields, even
cars become white . I found that this is the time when Americans put on clothes and cover themselves. Otherwise, they
dont like to wear so many clothes :P.

Living in Pullman has its challenges, however, the city embraces people from all over the world.

ABH Nature Products, INC

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