Week Two Discussion Board Critical Thinking

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Chad Bartlett

RE: Activity 1: Critical Thinking

Perhaps creative students can be shown the benefits of critical thinking through creative
processess. Artistic endevour contains elements of problem solving that may be used to encourage
critical thinking. In other words have the learners work on a a creative project that has to be
researched and thought out before producing a final product. This could also be linked to other
curriculum areas. An example of a suitable project might be to design and produce a short video on
the hazards of smoking. Learners would have to research the adverse effect of smoking on health,
linking the project to science and HPE. They would then have to engage in critical thinking to
organise their data and how it will be presented. A script would need to be produced as well as a
story board referencing the English and art curriculum. The teacher would have to carefully
scaffold the project to aid the learners in the processes of critical thinking.
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1 month ago Lucy Trewin

RE: Activity 1: Critical Thinking
Hi All,
I believe that critical thinking is important because it teaches you not what to learn, but how to
learn. In this way, teaching students to critically think encourages them to not simply accept the
information that is being delivered to them, but to take it, analyse it, question it and return the
information with constructive criticism and with relevant connections to daily life. In doing this,
student also retain their own educated opinion which can be moulded when they receive more
information to contribute to their understanding of a concept.
This is beneficial to students because it develops their foundations to critically observe and
respond to the world around them. Critical thinking fosters innovation, and provides the gateway to
more improved and sustainable living. In this way, students will learn not to just accept the status
quo and consent to the way the world is currently functioning, but will be able to dissect the way
the world is running, analyse why it is running that way and restructure a world that better suits the
needs of developing critical thinkers.
Given the capacity for student to access resources, students need to be able to critically think to
decide what information is beneficial in contributing to their development of concepts, and what is
information is unsupported. With the mass information students are exposed to through
technology, students needs to be able to differentiate the value between a Wikipedia page, or a
blog versus a research paper or substantiated study.
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1 month ago Sibel Bennett

RE: Activity 1: Critical Thinking
Hi All
Critical thinking is very important especially in the modern day digital age as without the thinking
skills,one can not analyze,assess, and evaluate situations that are required in the classroom.As a

teacher and eduactor i feel it is impeartive that teachers are equiped with great critical thining skills
in order to empart the skills on to students.
Given that we live in an age where rsources are of abundance,it is important that studnets and
teachers can put on their critical thinming caps to filter out which resources they need to acess that
will most befit them and their situtaion and the environmnet they are in.

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1 month ago Chad Bartlett

RE: Activity 1: Critical Thinking
I think you are right about teaching how to think, Lucy. It is hard to predic with absolute certainty
what children will need to know in the future, but if we can teach them to think, they stand a better
chance of figuring out the future for themselves.
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