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EDU 80010 Notes W1

Teaching in the digital age

July 11, 2015


Industrial Age~mass production, broadcasting, nation states, electricity,

modern medicine, running water, longer life expectancy, control of resources
held by limited few people.

Information Age~economy based on information, knowledge based society,

high tech global economy influences production, advances in computer
technology, Internet, readily available digital devices.

The four c

Critical thinking

Eective communication



Information fluency vid

5 A s of I.F

Ask-ask good questions. Relevant and meaningful

Access and acquire- find information using high tech,low tech or no tech

Analyze- information gleaned can be raw or inaccurate so think about it and

arrange, authenticate it. Find the gaps.


Apply within context.

Assess what waslearned how. What sources were reliable?

21st century education vid

Characturistic- education being redefined globally

Information Age- 2000websites created every hour.

Kids today- Teenagers average 1000 Facebook friends. They are global
citizens more so than past generations.

The world of tomorrow today hyper connected. More ppl. Fewer

resources. Competitive. Uncertain. Mobile workforce. Careers span multiple
jobs and skill sets some of which are presently unknown.

Education changes21st century skills, technology, personalizing learning

to creatively involve learners.

South Korean example oered online study counted as school hours.

Internships in au. Self scheduling in U.S. Standards for principles and

The 21st century learner vid

Characturistic- parallel drawn between good learners and gamers and

workers of the future "they want to be measured". "Bottom line orientated".
Want to see improvement.

Kids need to be inspired to learn skills and tools to be creator or producers.

Home and peer environment acknowledged.

Skills for 21st century are often reduced to skills for the work place (Henry
Jenkins). Need to focus on complete range of skills needed by kids for
future- social, creative, ...

Formal learning needs to be coordinated with other learning experiences.


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