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EDU 80010 Notes W2

Critical thinking and problem solving

July 14, 2015

Solution Fluency Vid

Solution fluency (Global Digital Citizen Foundation, 2014)

Process~as such can be imporoved, modified and so on.

Six Ds~

1. Define- state problem and refine until definition of proby is clear.

2. Discover- find the origin of the problem qs- What caused it? How could it
have been avoided? Have others solved it or similar, if so, how?

This stage contextualises the probe.

3. Dream- Look at possibilities. Imagine that problem is solved then think

how it was solved.

4. Design- plan how the problem will be solved. Work backward from the
dream where the problem was solved and identify key steps to implementing
solution. Then consider the smaller steps between key stages- this
constitutes a plan for a solution.

5. Deliver- Produce the solution and then present it. Eg. record the song and
then play it to the audience.

6. Debrief- Look at the product and the process and evaluate for


Critical Thinking
The four c

Number 1.- Critical thinking

Eective communication



Reading 1. Defining critical thinking (The Critical Thinking Community, 2013)

What is Critical Thinking?

A way of conceptualising, applying, analysing, synthesising, and evaluating information

either collected or deriving from observation, experience, refection, reasoning or
communication. It guides belief and action and good critical thinking reflects universal
intellectual values that apply to all disciplines; clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency,
relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth and fairness.

Critical thinking also examines reasoning by evaluating; purpose, problem or question at

issue, assumptions, concepts and empirical grounding; reasoning leading to conclusion,
implications and consequences, objections from alternate views and frame of reference.

Critical thinking is part of scientific, mathematical, historical, anthropological, economic,

moral and philosophical thinking.

2 components of Critical thinking

1. Skills that generate belief and information processing.

2. being intellectually committed to using the skills in 1 to govern action.

Motivation underpinning critical thinking is important.

Selfish- will result in actions promoting self-interests.

Fair- results in higher order thinking (but often labeled idealism by the selfish).

Why Critical thinking

Often our thinking is biased or uninformed. Everything we do depends on the grade of

our thinking. Poor quality thought=poor life, products ect. High quality thought= high
quality life and products.

A good critical thinker;

asks good questions

sources and evaluates pertanant information.

uses info to come to well thought out solutions

tests solutions against sound criteria.

is open minded

uses various modes of thought

is self directed, disciplined, monitored and corrective.

Reading 2. From and old world view to a new.


Our Childrens world

Our World

Higher life expectancy (over 80)

Shorter life

Multicultural, faith, national community

Starting to see this

Economy controlled by business networks

and regional trade centres

Central banks exercising more muscle


AsiaPacific focus

Au starting to realise this

Asia will become more aggressive.

Territory disputes between, china, Japan,

Korea, Taiwon, Singapore ext.
Tension between US and China
Problems in India and Pakistan.

Nationality will not so important

Nationalism rampant

Internationalised work places

Already started

Environment degradation will be a huge

concern even in secondary school

Cars and first world pollution changing

other peoples weather.

Oil production will decline

Already talking about this

action to limit population

population greww in 100 ys from 1.6 to 6


Food production a huge issue

aprox 1.6 bil live in poverty

Super cities will be unlovable and the homes of the

They will be dangerous
If no action- 90% of the worlds population will live
in big cities by 2020.

only two megalopolises in the 1950s

London and New York- Grown steadily
Big cities producing dysfunctional
They pig out on resources

Welfare system will have to be established world

wide. Covering Health care, healthcare, clean water,
sanitation, immunisation, family planning literacy,
eradication of malnutrition, reduce maternal
Kids will pay for this

190mil under fed children in world 1/2 in

SE asia

South Africa and South America will become

important in world trade
Environmental problems will cause war and
disaster for sub saharan africa.

Already problems here.


Peace Keeping forces will predominate

International justice courts to enforce global laws

Global Military spending 1 trill US per


Tourism and travel will employ the largest number

of ppl.

Tourism and travel becoming the largest


Will unlikely hold one job for life.

Will have ups and downs of employment

Casualisation of work place.


Our Childrens world

Our World

Will have to learn about Islam

Islam population Huge

Will learn about confucianism

LArge asian economies are confucian

Compters imact education hugely

Access is possible to other countries governments,
libraries ext

Technology slowly being implemented in


Knowlege is a web of connections

Knowlege largly sequenced into a path

Subjects grades and classes may become obsolete

Graded, classed and boxes checked.

International curriculum
shakespeare+ Buhdist texts+SK Novels+Chinese
and South african history ext

Curriculum- national.

Performanced regularly measured no final test

High pressure testing

Fewer teachers- better paid, more highly qualified


Produces global citizens


World Views and Belief systems.

Groups of ppl with similar beliefs re the world create culture. Some views are universally
held others limited by region and even time

EG The mindset of the industrial revolution gave way to post-industrial thinking in the
70s. These mindsets form the agenda for education.

The above mindset generated- the national curriculum, competency driven learning,
school league tables, focus on tests- all of which make schools focus on utilitarian

But good schooling- provides great teaching, fosters a love of learning, engenders
responsibility and ownership for education, the world and cosmos.


Learning involves developing an enabling set of beliefs

As stated beliefs develop into culture thus they eect the world

Therefore learning to make good judgements, use discretion and accurately assess
information is a necessary skill. Therefore good schooling aids children to and teaches
the skills to form beliefs.


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