1st Grade Weekly News! Memory Treasure

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1st Grade Weekly News!

Week of March 8, 2010

Memory Treasure
Spelling Words
Wednesday– Psalm 56:11 #134
The that with
Friday-NONE such fish long
four were

Field Trips Notes and Such!

• Remember the new hot lunch program is now in
• March 26 will be to the newly remodeled San effect. All ordering is done online, you can order
Jose Library on Santa Teresa Blvd. Our tour from now until the end of the year, or you can
will last about an hour. We will be back to order week by week. Check out the website off
school in time to participate in hot lunch. the school website www.apostlessj.org/school
• April 16 we will be going downtown San Jose
via light rail to the San Jose Repertoire Thea- • Class Singing! The special season of the church
ter for a back stage tour. We will be eating year offers many opportunities for the students of
lunch in Ceaser Chavez Park and then to the the school to sing in church. This last week
IMAX Theater to see a movie on oceans. proved just that on Wednesday for the class and
Sunday for Children’s Choir. As the director, I
There will be a fee for this field trip. However,
always hear many compliments regarding the
riding the light rail will be complementary. way the children sing. Their singing is giving
• April 30 will be to Fujitsu Planetarium at glory to God, but also edifying the worship of all
DeAnza College. There are a limited number present at the worship service. Thank you for
of chaperone tickets available. making sure your child is present to sing!

There will be more to follow. • Midweek Lenten Services have begun. Each
Wednesday we have a mid-week service. The
service occurs at 5 and 7 with a soup supper
between. The purpose for these services is to
focus our hearts on the great depths of Jesus’
love for us.

Important Dates to Remember!!!!!

Wed, March 10: Mid-Week Lenten Services at Apostles 5 and 7PM

Saturday, March 13: Quiz Bowl in Redding–
Delia and Casey are representing for the 1st grade class!
Friday, March 19: Dismiss at Noon– Teacher Collaboration
Friday, March 19: End of the 3rd Quarter
Friday, March 19: Arbor Day!
Sunday, March 21: Grades 1-2 Sing at 8:45
Friday, March 26: Field Trip to San Jose Library leaving at 9:15
Sunday, March 28: Palm Sunday
Friday, April 2: Good Friday Grades K-8 sing at 2PM service

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