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Printzlau and Andersen, 2004).

The prevalence of PRS is the

same in both sexes (Printzlau and Andersen, 2004).
Some factors point to a genetic etiology of PRS. Patients
with PRS often have other family members with cleft lip or
palate (13.0%27.7%) (Bixler and Christian, 1971; Williams
et al., 1981; Marques et al., 1998; Holder-Espinasse et al.,
2001), and PRS is often present in other syndromes such as
Stickler syndrome, Velocardiofacial syndrome, Marshall syndrome,
Treacher Collins syndrome, Catel-Mancke syndrome,
Kabuki syndrome, Nager syndrome, teratogene syndromes,
and many more (Sheffield et al., 1987; Shprintzen, 1988;
Marques et al., 1998; Cohen, 1999; Holder-Espinasse et al.,
2001). The most common (12.0%16.3%) underlying syndrome
is Stickler syndrome (Sheffield et al., 1987; Marques et
al., 1998; Printzlau and Andersen, 2004). When PRS is not
associated with other malformations, it is referred to as nonsyndromic
To be able to identify candidate genes for PRS, a search of
Medline, the Mendelian Cytogenetics Network database
(MCNdb), and two reviews of the Human Cytogenetics Database
(HCDB) (Brewer et al., 1998, 1999) was performed.
Examining CL/P subgroups may provide us with knowledge
that can be extended to the general CL/P population. An example
is Zucchero et al. (2004), who found the IRF6 gene
causing Van der Woude syndrome. Subsequently, they tested
for linkage and transmission disequilibrium in a total of 1968
CL/P families and found that a polymorphism in IRF6 is responsible
for 12% of the genetic contribution in CL/P.
Searching Medline (http://www4.ncbi

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