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Hereunder is the outline of topics to be discussed in the casual interview:

1. Introduction of the researcher:

The researchers background
Brief presentation of the study
About recording the interview
2. Introduction of the interviewee:
What is your name and your position in CPA?
When did you join CPA? Why? Where did you work before you started in CPA?
3. Outline of topics related to the study to be addressed:
Site selection
Port facilities
-What are the existing facilities in the existing CIP?
- Will the new CIP hold the same facilities as the existing CIP?
Port Capacity
Existing CIP
- Berthing capacity
-Container Handling capacity
-Anticipated berthing capacity
-Anticipated container handling capacity
Current situation of the Cebu international port.
Existing CIP port design

Hereunder is the outline of topics to be discussed in the casual interview:

1. Introduction of the researcher:

The researchers background
Brief presentation of the study
About recording the interview
2. Introduction of the interviewee:
What is your name and your position in CPA?
When did you join CPA? Why? Where did you work before you started in CPA?
3. Outline of topics related to the study to be addressed:
Port activities
Cargo volume
-Cargo traffic
-Shipping traffic
Port services

Hereunder is the outline of topics to be discussed in the casual interview:

1. Introduction of the researcher:

The researchers background
Brief presentation of the study
About recording the interview
2. Introduction of the interviewee:
What is your name and your position in CPA?
When did you join CPA? Why? Where did you work before you started in CPA?
3. Outline of topics related to the study to be addressed:
Port security routine
-Port regulations
-How is security in transportation of cargos in the port dealt with?
Cargo handling methods and productivity
Environmental management systems
-Waste disposal and recycling scheme

Hereunder is the outline of topics to be discussed in the casual interview:

1. Introduction of the researcher:

The researchers background
Brief presentation of the study
About recording the interview
2. Introduction of the interviewee:
What is your name and your position in CPA?
When did you join CPA? Why? Where did you work before you started in CPA?
3. Outline of topics related to the study to be addressed:
Overall port operations of CIP
Insights for the development of new CIP

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